You're only digging your hole deeper because now you have to show that it is true that government funding favors (unfairly, or in a biased manner) support for evolution.
You don't understand how science works, yet I'll bet you understand how successful it is. Science is designed to weed out its own biased mindsets. How is religion try to handle its own biases?
Since I cannot find direct proof right now as they were forward about it back then in the media in how they had favor giving grants to evolution research; let us look to the spirit behind such funding and for the evolution theory being taught in schools.
Note how the Department of Education is pushing critical race theory in schools and even talks about how much to teach in history?
Critical Race Theory and the Fight Over History Standards: 6 Things to Know
Note how one state took Covid 19 funding for schools to apply it to promoting Critical Race Theory instead?
Blue States Diverted Billions of COVID Relief Dollars to Teach CRT in Public Schools - Report
Before that came transgenderism to be taught to little kids.
Before that they were introducing same sex parents booklets to little kids in schools for accepting children with same sex "parents".
Before that; the evolution theory to be taught originally as another theory but now being taught as a fact in schools. Do not expect bullying to go away any time soon as that weeding out the weak & the vulnerable and distancing God in creation from them as some random chance by nature; and you wonder why there is so many dog eat dog going on out there along with king of the hill mentality in the work place and even at home?
I also remember that the American psychiatric Association in the Southwest had stated in national news that homosexuality was a mental illness of a sort. I could not recall right now the exact word like maybe it was sexual aberration or whatever that the homosexual community took offense to, because that day they had announced it, they had phone called that work place in giving threats and then they found out who worked there & where they had lives to call them at their homes, and on top of that, one of them bothered to drive to one of the residence to throw a brick in the window before that place recanted in National news the next day. I cannot find it anywhere on the internet. I can see why they would want to bury to though given the woke controlled media and the search algorithm may steer such a search away unless otherwise deleted from the internet.
I had come across such articles in the newspaper about government funding evolution science research and some scientists attest, even one dishonestly, to aligning their finding pf a meteorite fossil from Mars in favoring the evolution theory in getting that funding.
I had a hard time finding that latter one as I had to reword that a couple of times in that search engine to find a link at the bottom of the page from all that fossils found on Mars when I was looking for that meteorite one with supposed evidence of life as if coming from Mars.
Case Study: Fossil Microbes on Mars?
Later I read an article where in reality, it had been sitting on a shelf for a long time before it was "rediscovered", and when it got its research grant in time, before it was debunked but not media wise, and put back on the shelf. Can't find that one; not with all of that one about fossils found on Mars gumming up the search results.
I cannot prove it to you. Maybe some day The Lord will have you will come across it without the woke control media keeping you from it.
All I can do is point to why they would fund it as it is being used today for the radical left for abortion, need for climate control, and all the radical Left agenda
as if they are the people behind the Georgia Guidestones.
I just believe the evil people behind the coming New World Order are here now but they will not come into power until after God comes at the rapture event to judge His House first and the world when He sends that fire to burn a third of the earth which I discern it to be the western hemisphere for why USA is fallen Babylon in Revelation 18th chapter as occurring in Revelation 14:8 after the pre great tribulation rapture event.
So I cannot open your eyes to all of this deception and how the evolution theory is being used to deny God's judgment on the world in the past by that Biblical global flood, when Jesus referred to it as a warning to believers to be ready or else in Luke 17:26-37 & Peter did too in 2 Peter 3:3-15, but the Lord can open your eyes if He is so willing.
Luke 17:26-37 & 2 Peter 3:3-15