On a philosophical point - no science makes “direct observation.”Sure but the evidence can be direct or indirect. Not every field of science has be ability to make direct observations.
I agree.
If the evidence shows that a scientific hypothesis/theory/model is incorrect, then obviously it needs to be modified or discarded.
As I said, I am not here to prove or disprove evolution, but I am keen to hear the ideas of others.
As I said earlier, I think as Christians, we need to make sure we are reading the Bible correctly as well as science.
Making unsubstantiated claims does not honour God and makes Christianity look foolish.
I completely agree.
Do you think science can prove creation?
All our perception of anything else is not of the thing “ itself” but of what it radiates , what it reflects, or what it obscures, or how things React to it. We classify it by what it is observed to “do“ not what it “is“ All our experience is indirect, as numerous philosophers have pointed out. Kants noumena. Aristotles shadow world. We do not know what anything “ is”, or what is there that does not normally interact. Also In the world of the small it is now demonstrated that the universe is not even objective - your world and mine are different.
Also One of the points I also tried to make is that evidence can be verified that either runs counter to the scientific model , or simply cannot repeat or does not repeat Science has nothing to say. In those cases all we have is evidence.
The lack of hypothesis or theory ( and therefore model) does not render the evidence invalid. The evidence is the core reality, the scientific model is just that a limited model.
In essence all Our observation of the world or even of equipment is by conscious experience .
Unless it repeats or can be repeated science cannot analyse it. let me give an example.
In a veridical near death experience a victim of a road accident was brought to a hospital facility.
He had a cardiac arrest. On becoming fully conscious he describes the content of the room above the ressucitation room which was a training facility and so unusual he cannot have guessed or made it up. It was off.I it’s and unknown to all but emergency staff.
so that experience was validated by the description of something he cannot have observed if consciousness was confined to the brain.
Materealists then jump in with scientism stating that unless it can be repeated with hypothesis for how it was done it is ergo not scientific, and therefore discountable. But the lack of theory on how is irrelevant. There is a huge mass of verified evidence as recorded conscious experience that is not repeatable. Evidencr is the key. The model is secondary.
As for creation, Like ” abiogenesis “ proof relies on a precise definition. It is not as simple as it sounds.
What is “ creation” . Sorry to be so arcane.
Do you mean “ created by God”.
If the scientific model contains an apple and pear, then science can conclude which an object is.
if only an apple is in the model science cannot prove a pear.
Since God is not in the scientific model because, the model is manmade , and man has not put him in, then no
Science cannot conclude God.
If you mean “ created “ in the sense of produced by intelligent design of an intelligent agency , yes .
Take gallium arsenide does not exist naturally, but crystals now exist man made them.
But if you mean created as a substance appeared in defiance of the existence of constituent parts.
yes, that too.
In Eucharistic miracles cardiac tissue appeared with no precursors.
It points at or becAuze only in the bible does bread become flesh.
but it cannot prove the agency of God , only the existence of cardiac tissue by no natural means.