Do you hold to a common ancestor?
Yes, although I vaguely recall seeing some new research that suggests there might have been more than one. I don't have a link.
If you do, then macroevolution must be a word contained within the theory of evolution.
Macro-evolution is word and a concept that is used by those who reject evolution; it's not used (generally) by those who accept evolution.
Speciation does not allow for one kind of species to evolve into another kind of species.
The very definition of speciation means that some species, through genetic mutation and natural selection, and often involving physical isolation, become incapable of producing fertile offspring with the rest of the species it is (often) isolated from, thereby producing a new species. That may happen within one genus, but, when that happens multiple times over millions of years, the resulting species can be significantly different from each other.
You can breed dogs and come up with different breeds, but never a cat will come from breeding dogs.
Evolution doesn't say a cat will come from a dog, but it does say that cats and dogs came from an ancestor species around 50 million years ago.
I think that scientists who hold to the theory of evolution are being dis-honest with themselves
You can't get inside the mind of scientists, especially not the thousands and thousands of scientists since Darwin who accept evolution. You're not a mind-reader. It's fine to disagree with them (in a certain sense), but you don't have to impugn their motives to disagree.
and have left logic behind.
I'm going to believe the thousands and thousands of biologists who accept evolution over someone who makes the beginner's mistake of implying that evolution says that cats could come from dogs.
The universe like any other created thing i.e., buildings, paintings, automobiles etc. point to a creator.
Only if you assume it was created.
Order does not come from chaos without intervention.
Of course it does.
Flip a fair penny millions of times and you'll get long, long strings of heads or tails in a row. No one intervenes to deliberately choose head or tails.
Shake a jar of water with sand and pebbles, etc., of different sizes, and the finer particles will separate themselves out to the bottom with the larger particles forming layers as you go up, creating quite a nice order from merely shaking the jar (not as if someone deliberately sorted all the particles).
After an explosion, you are left with chaos, this will never become order.
Correct, but that some processes don't create order doesn't mean that none do.
The law of entropy alone will prevent this.
Entropy only increase in an isolated system. But we're continually getting energy from the sun.
Sadly scientists are deceiving themselves and the greater populace with fairytale thinking and not with real science.
See above.