OK, let's see where this might go.
I want to be sure I understand you. You're saying that there is no process conjectured. That is, no one has any hypothesis for any part of abiogenesis?
If there "is no process conjectured," how can it be pure conjecture?
What does "valid hypothesis" mean? What distinguishes a valid hypothesis from an invalid one?
On the first point.
"nobody has any hypothesis"
As a scientist, I can state without fear of contradiction , that science relies on accurate definitions. The entire scientific model interrelates them.
I can say nothing about "electric field density" or " wave function collapse" or "particle wave duality" without a lot of precise definitions.
I cannot relate them or have hypotheses or theories for them, without precise definitions for them.
So the definition of abiogenesis is the step from "non living to living". OOL researchersdefine life as "self sustatining, capable of darwinian evolution" (and similar...)
No chemical process from "non living to non living" is therefore abiogenesis.
No process from "living to living" is abiogenesis.
Life is defined by such as Harvard as "self sustaining , capable of darwinian evolution".
So the precursors to abiogenesis by definition were non living, either not capable of darwinian evolution , or not cabable of self sustaining.
So you say "any part of abiogenesis" if you mean the non living steps before, (eg self catalyzing polymers or enzymes) then whether or not they are valid hypotheses they are not part of abiogenesis
Nor was how the first living thing becoming the second a hypothesis for part of abiogenesis, PROVIDED only that the first living thing can do so, which is needed for evidence of darwinian evolution.
So the idea of "part of abiogenesis" is a misleading phrase.
There is only one step that matters. The structure of the first living thing. And how it assembled from non living precursors.
That step is the part that is abiogenesis. And only hypotheses for that are hypotheses for "part of abiogenesis"
(That step has serious problems with irreducible complexity but let that pass)
On the second point.
Since nobody knows when where or how it happened, there is no process defined or speculated it does not repeat, it is therefore pure conjecture whether it did happen AT ALL.
By way of comparison - If I said to you a miracle happened, I cannot tell you when where or how it happened, or even what happened. Your first statement to me would be to question whether it happened at all. Rightlty so. And so it is with abiogenesis (in the form materialist atheists assume)
On the third point
Since here is no structure for it, no evidence of when where or how it happened, nobody can repeat it, it does not repeat naturally. No process even speculated. Without those - none of the entry points for a scientific hypothesis exist. Hypotheses rely on the ability to test. With no first cell structure defined, nor evidence of what , how or where it happend, and no abililty to repeat it, there is nothing to test.
So by defintion of abiogenesis there can be no hypothesis for it since there is nothing to test starting non living ending living.
And without a hypothesis tested nor can you have a theory.
Let me ask you a question. What was the structure of the first living thing? What genome did it have? ( which is clearly needed for the definition of life as "capable of darwinian evolution". Nobody can answer. What you can say for certain it was not RNA since RNA does not exist naturally and in any event is far too complex to appear by accident from non living chemicals. If abiogenesis happened at all, the first cell structure had to be far simpler than our present cells.
Since nobody can say what the first living thing was made of, nobody can describe the precursors, so without that nobody can talk about the "building blocks of life" either. They do not know what they were.
A pile of bricks is not evidence of self designing, self building houses! Much as Miller Urey and seemingly every OOL researcher since would have us believe it. It is remarkable they still have to mention miller urey. That so little has been achieved in the last half century they refer to an experiment way back then!
Abiogenesis is pure faith. Whether, how what or when it happened!
Let me be clear here.
If anyone comes up with a plausible structure and can confirm how it could have happened, I might start to believe it to.
But I dont, because there is no evidence or process for it. It is pure speculation.