A scientific theory is valid if it fits the available evidence, and remains valid until it can be disproved. Science is an ever changing displine and the word "fact" should be held a little loosely. Newtownian physics was "fact" (and for the most part is still valid within the macroscopic universe) however, when quantum physics came along, it revolutionised physics.
Some, however, have turned it into Science (with a captial "S"), a religion of its own that they think can solve all the questions of life, the universe and everything. It can't of course.
Just a side point, "science" is from a Latin word scire which means "to know". The Greek word in the 1 Tim 6:20 verse is gno'-sis, which I think is more accurately translated as "knowledge", but sadly I am not a Greek scholar so will leave that to others.
But lets clarify what science does.
I speak as someone who did math modelling of complex physical systems in military and other contexts.
I am an electronic physicist/mathematician by training who also was involved in big astrophysics projects too.
We fit patterns to observations limited to our data set limited to those things which do repeat or can be repeated.
Thats a big limitation. Science cannot study everything.
We are modelling observations, not the so called real world. Which is a big philosoophical difference.
Ask such as Kant the philosopher
Our perception of the universe is via observation and therefore is limited to our senses.
If our senses do not sense it, it is not the same as it does not exist. Ask a blind cave fish whether jupiter exists!
Or take a TV. It perceives a 3d world as 2d representation. We cannot know how many dimensions are there we cannot percieve.
We know what things "are" only in terms of how they radiate in our senses, how they respond to radiation, or how they are observed to respond to each other. We do not know what they "are" or why they "are" in any philosophical sense.
So as philosophers such as Kant have said, the we only know the phenomena, not the underlying thing - the noumenna that produces the behaviour. Like aristotle said, we observe a world of shadows of reality, not the reality.
You cannot answer the question what "is" gravity, or why "is" gravity. You can only describe what it does.
Does it do it everywhere? You cannot say. What you can say is the name "dark matter" is a name given to an error, where the pattern we model for gravity doesnt work on the shape of galaxies very well.
It surprises most people that ohms law is not the equation that lives by that name. That is just a definition of resistance. Ohms law is far more limited. It says for a range of materials, and operating conditions resistance is ROUGHLY constant. Many materials do not obey ohms law at all.
Those are the empirical laws which like boyles - charles law etc calibrate the model.
Like a suit of clothes fitting a body, the model fits the universe reasonably well. Mostly. But the suit of clothes, is does not describe the body except in a narrow context and aspect. It is not the body . It does not underpin it.
So the idea that "the laws of science underpin the universe " is a fundamental misunderstanding of science..
It does not explain it, it observes by codifying patterns.
But the model also breaks down. For scientific model to work we need causality. We need determinism. That is the state of the universe progresses by the action of the laws. So even though weather is too complex and chaotic, in principle it needs to be deterministic to model it.
But we already know in the land of the small those rules do not work at all.
When bohr won the argument against einstein since confirmed by bell experiments the very fabric of those assumptions breaks down.
The so called two slit experiments show that something does not even exist till observed. Where was it before then? Everywhere. Nowhere.
Arguably it did not exist. It is not we do not know where it is. It did not exist anywhere except as a likelihood of existing.
So we have a paradox of existence.
Einstein hated the idea that the moon did not exist till he looked at it, but that is the logical conclusion. Also that my world and your world are different. As experiments have also born out. By observing an observer.
Actually no, we dont have a paradox.
The scientific model is just a model.
It has no idea what is actually there.
If the model does not work, or give absurd answers. It is because it is just a model.
And like the supposed "singularity" at the heart of black holes. It doesnt work everywhere. It never could.
So it is not that the "room for God " has shrunk because of science.
Nothing has actually changed. We can only sit in awe and wonder at creation.
As for the things that do not repeat.
So called veridical near death experiences show that our consciiousness is not confined to the brain.
There is an increasing voice of neuroscientists now accepting that.
And that alone destroys the evolutionist view of life.
There is a spirit world too. Dimensions we do not normally percieve. That is why we cannot model them.