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The Bible vs Toxic Males


Well Known Member
Jun 28, 2023
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Christian men have an uneven path to navigate. On the one hand they have to be
strong without being bullies, and on the other hand they have to be tender without
being sissies; for example:

1Pet 3:7a . . Give honor unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel.

NOTE: Although husbands are senior in the Christian marriage relationship, their
position doesn't grant them carte blanch to mistreat their wives any more than
Jesus has carte blanch to mistreat his church. (cf. Eph 5:28-30)

The Greek word for "honor" basically means: a value.

The word for "weaker" basically means: having no strength, i.e. fragile.

And the word for "vessel" basically indicates anything from a soup bowl to a
cardboard box; in other words: a container.

Peter isn't saying women are physically weaker than men; he's saying Christian
husbands should exercise the same care with their wives as they would a fragile
antique worth thousands of dollars like, say, a Ming vase. Nobody in their right
mind handles a Ming vase like a farmer handles a 5-gallon bucket. Not that some
women couldn't take that kind of handling; it's just that its unbecoming for a
Christian man to lack sensitivity.

This particular assessed value isn't an intrinsic value, nor is it a deserved value
either; but rather, it's a gratuitous value. In other words: Christ commands
Christian husbands to categorize their wives up there with Dresden china even if
she's as tough as a female cop and/or a UFC mixed martial artist the likes of
Rhonda Rousey-- and this is not a choice; no, it isn't optional; it's required.

Christian husbands who treat their Skil saws and their tomato plants with more
care and concern than they treat their wives can just forget about associating with
God on any meaningful level.

1Pet 3:7b . . as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not

Note the word "together" which is quite the opposite of autonomy and/or

Couples sometimes assert themselves with words like "What I do is between me
and The Lord." No; marriage changes everything between one's self and The Lord
because people become one flesh in marriage: no longer two sovereign individuals.
(Gen 2:22-24)
1Tim 5:1a . . When speaking to an older man, appeal to him respectfully as
though he were your own father.

Those instructions weren't given to a child, rather, to a grown Christian man in
charge of managing a whole church. So I gather that if a man in Timothy's position
is required to associate with seniors as his betters, then ordinary Christian men
would also be required.

This goes way back to the law that Moses' people agreed upon with God in the Old

"Rise in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your
God. I am The Lord." (Lev 19:32)

* I was in a Sunday school class one morning where a young fellow substituted for
the regular teacher. After practically every sentence during his lecture, the fellow
would pause, tighten his lips, turn down the corners of his mouth, squint his eyes
into narrow slits, and look around the room with a fierce scowl on his face. I don't
know about the rest of the group, but as a man easily twice his age; I deeply
resented the looks that youngster was giving us.
1Tim 5:1b . .Speak to the younger men as you would to your own kindred.

In this case, the kindred would be sort of like a man's kid brothers. Young boys look
up to their big brothers; who by all rights should be setting the example as role
models that a growing boy can be proud of. Older brothers ought to be available
too, and not treat their younger siblings as excess baggage and/or uncool nerds
and morons beneath their dignity to be seen with.

"Don't be elitist, but willing to associate with people below you." (Rom 12:16b)

* Men who grew up in dysfunctional homes, where human relationships were an
ongoing cold war, are going to find that 1Tim 5:1b is very difficult to practice in a
manner that cultivates peace, love, and understanding. But were they to speak to
the younger men in church the very same way that they're accustomed to speaking
to their own families; it would likely result in disastrous ramifications.
1Tim 5:2a . . Speak to the older women as mothers,

Honoring one's mother means giving her the respect that her age and her maternal
position deserve. It means watching your language, and it means keeping a civil
tongue in your head. It means speaking to her as a grown-up instead of a child. It
means treating her as one's better instead of lesser. It means deferring to her
wishes instead of demanding your own.

NOTE: In some cultures, elders have to earn respect, i.e. they have to deserve it;
whereas in Christianity their respect is taken for granted; they don't have to earn it.
For example: according to Lev 19:32 the younger generation is expected to honor
the older; not because they deserve it, but because God requires it. Why? Because
He too is an elder, viz: disrespect for an elder on earth is felt by the elder on the
throne in Heaven.

* In extreme cases-- e.g. serial killer Ed Kemper --common sense dictates that
mothers like his should not be respected at all; in point of fact, they should be
hanged for severe child abuse. Nevertheless, were Ed to take up Christianity, he'd
have to begin regarding his mom with a very different attitude than he does now.
(Ed murdered his mom back in 1973. He is currently 75, in poor health, and
contained in a medical facility.)
Ed Kemper committed a number of unspeakable crimes against women, but
nevertheless guys in his situation are not beyond redemption.

John 3:16-17 . . For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son,
that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not
send His son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through

The Greek word translated "loved" in that verse rarely has anything to do with
fondness. It mostly pertains to benevolence, e.g. kindness, courtesy, lenience,
tolerance, generosity, charity, sympathy, compassion, etc. In point of fact no doubt
many of us disgust the supreme being and bear little, if any, resemblance to the
kind of folks with whom He prefers to associate.

Nevertheless, God was thinking of everybody, including Ed Kemper, when Jesus
went to the cross.

Isa 53:6 . .We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own
way; and The Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.

So if he had a mind to, Ed could take advantage of Jesus' crucifixion to protect
himself from retribution. But he'd still be the same old Ed Kemper, and in that
state, Ed has some very serious issues with women that are humanly impossible to

Well; I've no doubt that Ed would be the first to tell you that women in Heaven
would be in very grave danger with him there if not for a way to relieve Ed of his
issues with women. Well, as a matter of fact, God is in the wings for guys in Ed's
condition and He's well able to peel Ed's negative issues off him like a dead skin so
he can depart this life a different man.

Col 2:11-12 . . In him you were also circumcised, in the putting off of the sinful
nature-- not with a circumcision done by the hands of men but with the
circumcision done by Christ.

Judaism has its circumcision, but Christianity has one that's much better because it
has the power to liberate people from human nature's rather disagreeable
inclinations, viz: whereas Judaism's circumcision is merely a ritual, Christianity's is
the hand of God.
1Tim 5:2b . . Speak to the younger women as sisters, in all purity.

Men should especially avoid speaking to the young women in church as if they've
met in a beer joint or a bowling alley. There are some forms of language, and
figures of speech, that no sensible man would ever use around his real sister, so we
want to keep that in mind when around girls who aren't.
Eph 6:4 . . Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in
the training and instruction of The Lord.

Too often the first half of that verse is omitted and the focus swung entirely upon
the second. Well; let's break ranks and include the first half for a change because a
daddy's parenting style has far more effect upon a growing child than the daddy's

To begin with: despotism, tyranny, totalitarianism, and injustice are not The Lord's
way of raising kids; but rather; His way is the manner of a shepherd; and good
shepherds aren't cruel to their flocks.

Maybe you don't burn your kids with cigarettes, pour Tabasco sauce in their eyes,
or lock them in a hall closet without food and water for two days; but do you ignore
their opinions, demean them with denigrating labels, ridicule them, threaten their
lives, work them as slaves without compensation, deny them things just so you
won't appear to indulge them, and/or say "no" to their requests for no good reason
than that you don't want to seem weak and under their control?

Do you routinely abuse their human rights, and/or relegate them to the level of
livestock rather than bona fides human beings with feelings and a mind of their
own? Do you nurture within them a feeling of importance, of belonging in your
home, or do you make them feel like an invasive species and/or an uninvited
guest? Kids pick up on things like that.
1Cor 16:13a . . Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith, be men of courage; be

The Greek word for "men of courage" basically means to act manly; defined by
Webster's as: (1) having qualities generally associated with a man; viz: strength
and virility, and (2) appropriate in character to a man.

These days; progressive politics (a.k.a. woke) would have us to believe that things
like manliness, strength, and virility are toxic, viz: threats to public health and
safety. Well; all I can say to Christian men is: DO NOT permit progressive politics to
define your manhood or you'll just end up a sissy boy and thus useless for standing
firm in the faith; instead your stance will become flexible, i.e. influenced by
evolving social customs.
Col 3:21 . . Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become

The Greek word translated "discouraged" has to do with breaking the spirit. Really
bad cases of emotional abuse can cause a child to lose the will to excel; sometimes
even the will to live, i.e. suicidal.
Matt 5:31-32 . . It has been said: Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a
certificate of divorce. But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for
marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become an adulteress, and anyone who
marries the divorced woman commits adultery.

For a while here @ home in the USA, youngster's were getting married on an
experimental basis via so-called starter marriages with the expectation that their
first marriages will probably fail but at least they'll be the wiser for it.

Christian men cannot be doing that! If there is any doubt, any doubt at all that the
girl on your horizon may not be right for you, then it's best to reckon she isn't
rather than rolling the dice and risk coming up with snake eyes instead of a 7 or 11
because the supreme being will not approve your returning that girl like you would
the free trials offered by product manufacturers.

Matt 19:4-6 . . He who created them from the beginning made them male and
female. For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to
his wife; and the two shall become one flesh. Consequently they are no longer two,
but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.
1Cor 11:14-15 . . Does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has
long hair, it is a disgrace to him, but that if a woman has long hair, it is her glory?

"the very nature of things" can't be trusted to reflect the laws of God because the
nature of things in 1st century Corinth was very different than the nature of things
across the ocean in the Americas.

In other words: the nature of things pertains to humanistic attitudes in matters
relative to propriety-- in particular one's own culture. For example: in the Roman
world of Paul's day; long hair on a man was nothing to be proud of, whereas in the
world of North America's indigenous people, long hair on men is strong and virile.

* If a man makes his hair a fashion statement by styling it with patterns particular
to women, then I'd have to say he has a problem that's much worse than hair
length. All I'm saying is: to be on the safe side; a man should be sure to keep his
long hair looking like a guy's long hair rather than a woman's long hair.
In Cooksons novel set in rural England in the 1880s , Dinner Of Herbs, the mother has a sharp reaction to her adult daughter’s new pant suit for horse riding in a man’s saddle. If accurate, there is also quite a surprise among the village men that she does so. Notice how close this is to the push by Rockefeller to have women in the workforce—so that there would be more taxpayers, and less home taught kids.

In a more modern setting, the old cowboy in CITY SLICKERS, relates realizing for the first time that women have legs bc of some incident that happened in his travels. It was apparently the only sexual experience he ever had. He was rather undone by it.
1Cor 11:14-15 . . Does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has
long hair, it is a disgrace to him, but that if a woman has long hair, it is her glory?

"the very nature of things" can't be trusted to reflect the laws of God because the
nature of things in 1st century Corinth was very different than the nature of things
across the ocean in the Americas.

In other words: the nature of things pertains to humanistic attitudes in matters
relative to propriety-- in particular one's own culture. For example: in the Roman
world of Paul's day; long hair on a man was nothing to be proud of, whereas in the
world of North America's indigenous people, long hair on men is strong and virile.

* If a man makes his hair a fashion statement by styling it with patterns particular
to women, then I'd have to say he has a problem that's much worse than hair
length. All I'm saying is: to be on the safe side; a man should be sure to keep his
long hair looking like a guy's long hair rather than a woman's long hair.
I would think as living growing hair represent the glory of God just as growing nails two beauty treatments A Nazarene tradition as a cerimonil vow A parable of Christ and the church or wife

Deuteronomy 21:11-13King James Version1 And seest among the captives a beautiful woman, (the church) and hast a desire unto her, that thou wouldest have her to thy wife; Then thou shalt bring her home to thine house, and she shall shave her head, and pare her nails; (strip of glory )And she shall put the raiment of her captivity from off her, and shall remain in thine house, and bewail her father and her mother a full month: and after that thou shalt go in unto her, and be her husband, and she shall be thy wife.

A parable of Christ signified by the uncovered head of hair of men to represent the glory of God , with woman to represent the glory of men, Woman not left without a representative glory of her own she must cover her hai.r Again woman represent the whole church both man and woman, the bride. .

The Nazarene vow .Identified as the first sect or denomination on this side of the cross, Acts 24:5 Paul himself taking the vow finished. . below

Acts 18:18
And Paul after this tarried there yet a good while, and then took his leave of the brethren, and sailed thence into Syria, and with him Priscilla and Aquila; having shorn his head in Cenchrea: for he had a vow

Same same vow Absalom falsely took and became the end hung himself .

2 Samuel 18:9 And Absalom met the servants of David. And Absalom rode upon a mule, and the mule went under the thick boughs of a great oak, and his head caught hold of the oak, and he was taken up between the heaven and the earth; and the mule that was under him went away. And a certain man saw it, and told Joab, and said, Behold, I saw Absalom hanged in an oak.

The detailed emphasize hair a vow false for Absalom .

2 Samuel 14:25-27King James Version25 But in all Israel there was none to be so much praised as Absalom for his beauty: from the sole of his foot even to the crown of his head there was no blemish in him And when he polled his head, (for it was at every year's end that he polled it: because the hair was heavy on him, therefore he polled it:) he weighed the hair of his head at two hundred shekels after the king's weight.

In Revelation 9. Satan coming against Christ with full combat attire scorpions tail . hair of woman face as a man just like Absalom a false vow

Revelation 9:7-10 And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men. And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions. And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle. And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months.

Christ glory represented by hair the new testament ceremonial law as a sign or shadow to the world of his bride .

A vow as a ceremony that seems to be disappearing
Luke 22:35-37 . . Then Jesus asked them: When I sent you without purse, bag or
sandals, did you lack anything? Nothing: they answered. He said to them: But now
if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your
cloak and buy one.

I can recall neither the details nor the source, but I read somewhere that
Communist China is reluctant to invade the USA because too many citizens over
here have firearms.

When Fidel Castro took the reins in Cuba, his first order of business was to disarm
the people, even those who assisted his revolution, because he knew only too well
that if an armed citizenry could succeed in deposing Batista, they could be just as
successful deposing himself.

The second element of the Bill Of Rights has been construed by the US Supreme
Court to include personal self defense. But its original intent was that every
American possess weapons suitable for war in the event it becomes necessary to
muster a citizen army to help repel foreign invasion. In point of fact, had it not
been for Minutemen during the war of 1812, the colonists very likely would've been

Personally, I do not fear the usual kind of foreign invasion conducted by military
forces. No, my fear of invasion is relative to the multiple thousands of illegal aliens
that the USA's current administration has been aiding and abetting to pour into my
land and allowed to go pretty much wherever they want and to do practically
anything they please, including criminal mischief. And God help us should someone
mobilize the 4.4 million Muslims residing here to begin killing Christians on sight.

Plus: should it ever happen that the grid becomes critically disabled, thereby
shutting down banking and merchandising, and rendering debit cards, credit cards,
and ATM machines virtually useless; we're going to see Mad Max chaos in this
country like never before.

Luke 11:21-22 . . When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his
possessions are safe. But when someone stronger attacks and overpowers him, he
takes away the armor in which the man trusted and divides up the spoils.

Point being: warfare has always been incumbent upon the guys within the ranks of
God's people.
Titus 2:2 . . Older men are to be temperate, dignified, sensible, sound in faith, in
love, in perseverance.

I used to get my watches serviced by an aging repairman at a local mall until the
day finally came when I could no longer tolerate his manners. He was around
seventy-five years old, cantankerous as can be, and perpetually cross. I often felt
like asking him if he ever gave any thought to his future. You know; Heaven is a
place of peace. A hateful man like that repairman would not only never fit in there,
but it wouldn't be fair to the others to permit him in their world.

"Cantankerous" can be defined as: habitually ill-humored, irritable, disagreeable,
bearish, cankered, cranky, cross-grained, dour, morose, sour; crabby, cross,
crusty, huffy, petulant, prickly, snappish; dyspeptic, ill-conditioned, thin-skinned,
complaining, and ill-natured.

A Christian man in old age really ought to be a sweet, mellow guy: a pal and a big
brother for the younger ones rather than somebody they'd prefer do the world a
favor by stepping in front of a bus.
Toxic men? What is that?
How about The Bible vs Milquetoast Men?

1 Corinthians 16:13 KJV
Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.
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