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Questions about the Bible

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Jeconiah ~ by ReverendRV * June 6

Matthew 1:1 KJV

The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.

In the Bible there are two genealogies of Jesus; one in Matthew chapter 1 and another in Luke chapter 3. Since I can't draw a diagram here, let’s say the genealogy in Matthew is one column and the genealogy in Luke is another column. For the purpose of making this plain, let’s start both columns at the top with King David and move down to Jesus; though Luke’s is reversed and ends with Adam. The genealogy in Matthew is of Joseph the husband of Mary; and the genealogy in Luke is that of Mary the mother of Jesus…

Solomon, the son of King David is in Joseph’s line and this is the Royal line of the Kings of Israel; so Joseph would have been an heir to the throne of Israel if the line of Kings had not been interrupted. Nathan, the son of King David, is in the line of Mary. This line was not the royal line; but Mary’s line is also the bloodline of David. ~ Long story short, King Solomon’s line was cursed by God because of the wicked King Jeconiah. God said that none of Jeconiah’s bloodline could ever be King; all of this can be studied. If Joseph was related to Jeconiah by blood, he could not be a King. But Jesus was a Son of David through Mary, and because his mother Married Joseph (who was supposed his father), Jesus was adopted into the Royal line of Solomon; thus bypassing the Curse of Jeconiah...

The Moral of the Story is that since God ended the Royal heritage of Jeconiah by Cursing that bloodline, it’s a Miracle there is even a Christ in the first place. God made it entirely impossible for anyone else to be the Christ except Jesus! When someone tells you that they’re the Messiah today (as Louis Farrakhan, Reverend Moon or David Koresh claimed to be), we can tell them with full confidence that, "No, you are not. God cursed the line of the Jeconiah thousands of years ago." By God cursing the royal bloodline, it’s as if God put his personal stamp of approval on Jesus, because it is impossible for anyone else to have been the Christ; the King of the Jews. ~ There are many reasons to believe…

Only God can get around his own curse and still accomplish his Will! This is proof that there is a God! The Bible says Jesus is the beloved Son of God, and that we must hear him. Jesus said that if we have Lusted for someone, we have committed Adultery with them in our Heart. He also said that if we have hated someone, we have murdered them in our heart; do you hear him? These were only two of the Commandments, so you can see how they so easily condemn us of Sin. Sinners will be cast into the Lake of Fire as punishment, but we don’t have to go there! Jesus said he is the way, the truth and the life; and that no one goes to God his Father but through him. Trust in the Resurrected LORD Jesus as your Savior and you will be cleansed from your Sins. Repent and Confess Jesus Christ as Lord. Find a Bible believing Church which will help you be his disciple…

Matthew 27:11 NASB; Now Jesus stood before the governor, and the governor questioned Him, saying, "Are You the King of the Jews?" And Jesus said to him, "It is as you say." @makesends
INRI ~ by ReverendRV * June 2

Colossians 2:13-14 NIV
; He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross.

Saint Paul wrote this Epistle, a Letter, to the Church at Colossae. I’ve heard that this Epistle is a shorter version of the Book of Romans. I really like the Epistle to Rome because it is so deep; but my nature is to prefer things short and sweet. After the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Church expanded so quickly; why wouldn’t it? Saints Peter, James and John taught the Church at Israel; but Saint Paul was sent to the Gentiles. As a Missionary, Paul was always building Churches, so of course he taught much about being Saved. There has been NO greater a Theologian than him, and volumes can be written about the things he taught the Church; but there came a day he determined to know only Jesus Christ and him Crucified…

He taught us about how we are Legally indebted to God for breaking his Heavenly Commandments, because his Kingdom includes all the World. When we break worldly Laws, there is a Fine to pay; and this is a Debt. ~ Are you indebted to God? Have you told a Lie? What do you call people who Lie? Thou shalt not Lie. God Charges you for the Crime of Lying. You say “Then he’s got to Charge everyone if he’s going to Charge me!”. Have you ever Stolen? What do you call people that Steal? God could probably Charge everyone with this too. The Bible says if you have broken one Commandment, you are Guilty of breaking all of them; Paul says the Charges against us, have already Condemned us. Being Condemned, you will go to Hell; does this bother you? ~ What we need is to have all of our Charges taken away…

Do you want to know what Charge was nailed to the Cross of Christ? Jesus was tried by Rome, yet Pilate couldn’t find anything wrong with him. But to appease the Sanhedrin, he had Jesus Crucified anyway. Rome always nailed a plank to their Crosses, with the Criminal’s Accusation written on it. At the top of Jesus’ Cross was written in Latin “Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews”. If you’ve seen paintings of Jesus on the Cross with a sign that reads “INRI”, this is shorthand for the accusation written on his plank. ~ For God so Loved the world he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal Life. Jesus Kept God’s Law all of his life; this is why Caesar could only nail a TRUE accusation to his Cross. As a Substitute, he will Accept your Charges and take the Punishment you deserve; by bleeding to death on the Cross. He was buried but arose from the grave, ascending to the right hand of God his Father. We’re Saved by Grace through Faith without Works, lest we should boast. Repent of your Sins, Confess Jesus Christ as your Lord God; then join an Evangelical Church. ~ Praise God he allows me to nail MY Charges to HIS Cross; please don’t read them while you’re there. What might you nail to his Cross if you could get rid of it? Nail it to the Cross, so Jesus can be Charged with it instead of you…

1st Peter 2:24 NIV; “He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.”
Irresistible Grace ~ by ReverendRV * June 3

Ephesians 2:8 AV
; For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

“Grace, Grace, Gods Grace; Grace that will pardon and cleanse within”. This is part of the refrain from a Hymn titled “Grace greater than all our Sin”. Christians debate amongst themselves just how great the Grace of God is, but they all agree that it is greater than the greatest evil out there. The Bible says that because of Sin, our heart is deceitful above all things (including the devil) and desperately wicked; who can know it? Grace is even greater than this! Grace is most often taught as “Prevenient Grace” or as “Irresistible Grace”. Prevenient Grace is said to come to all people and work in their lives to free them from Total Depravity or Partial Depravity. Irresistible Grace is said to come to many people and work in our lives to free us from Total Depravity. Arminians and Semi-Pelagians believe in Prevenient Grace, and Calvinists believe in Irresistible Grace. ~ For by Grace you are Saved, and that is not of yourselves…

There is a discussion among Christians about which type of Grace should be preferred, this is due to the title “Irresistible” being applied to Grace. If you are a Semi-Pelagian, you can present your rebuttal; but if you’re an Arminian you shouldn’t say that Grace is resistible. ~ When you read this, I could almost hear the uproar, ‘How can you say that?’ The reason is because Classical Arminians believe in Total Depravity. They teach that Prevenient Grace thwarts Total Depravity; Irresistibly it thwarts it! After this change, a person is free to accept or deny the Gospel. Prevenient Grace is the same as “Irresistible Grace”, because Irresistible Grace also changes a person so we can accept or deny the Gospel; but denying it will never happen because we freely stop resisting, without being overpowered by God’s Grace which goes before him. If Arminian Prevenient Grace came to anyone who is now in Hell, it was not Grace at all; because we’re Saved by Grace!

Just how powerful is Grace? Have you Lied or Stolen anything? What do you call these kinds of People? What is the worst thing that you’ve ever done to somebody? I promise that it just entered your Mind; how Wicked are you? How Wicked can you be if you had to be? If God Judges you by his Commandments, would you be guilty of not Loving your Neighbor as yourself? The Wicked are Condemned to Hell for ever, does this bother you? ~ But you don’t have to go because the Grace of God is greater than all Sin! For God so Loves the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have Everlasting Life. Jesus Christ shed his blood and died on a Cross, but after three days he arose from the dead. He ascended to Heaven to Rule and to Reign, leaving his Holy Spirit behind to help us along the way. Repent of your Sins, Confess Jesus Christ as Lord; and find a Bible believing Church. ~ If you believe Faith is of yourself, then Grace isn’t the gift of God; the gift Saves you! Semi-Pelagians, you shouldn’t prefer Prevenient Grace! It couldn’t Save those who went to Hell; because it is a Counterfeit…

John 1:12-13 NLT; But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. Who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.
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Irresistible Grace ~ by ReverendRV * June 3

Ephesians 2:8 AV
; For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

“Grace, Grace, Gods Grace; Grace that will pardon and cleanse within”. This is part of the refrain from a Hymn titled “Grace greater than all our Sin”. Christians debate amongst themselves just how great the Grace of God is, but they all agree that it is greater than the greatest evil out there. The Bible says that because of Sin, our heart is deceitful above all things (including the devil) and desperately wicked; who can know it? Grace is even greater than this! Grace is most often taught as “Prevenient Grace” or as “Irresistible Grace”. Prevenient Grace is said to come to all people and work in their lives to free them from Total Depravity or Partial Depravity. Irresistible Grace is said to come to many people and work in our lives to free us from Total Depravity. Arminians and Semi-Pelagians believe in Prevenient Grace, and Calvinists believe in Irresistible Grace. ~ For by Grace you are Saved, and that is not of yourselves…

There is a discussion among Christians about which type of Grace should be preferred, this is due to the title “Irresistible” being applied to Grace. If you are a Semi-Pelagian, you can present your rebuttal; but if you’re an Arminian you shouldn’t say that Grace is resistible. ~ When you read this, I could almost hear the uproar, ‘How can you say that?’ The reason is because Classical Arminians believe in Total Depravity. They teach that Prevenient Grace thwarts Total Depravity; Irresistibly it thwarts it! After this change, a person is free to accept or deny the Gospel. Prevenient Grace is the same as “Irresistible Grace”, because Irresistible Grace also changes a person so we can accept or deny the Gospel; but denying it will never happen because we freely stop resisting, without being overpowered by God’s Grace which goes before him. If Arminian Prevenient Grace came to anyone who is now in Hell, it was not Grace at all; because we’re Saved by Grace!

Just how powerful is Grace? Have you Lied or Stolen anything? What do you call these kinds of People? What is the worst thing that you’ve ever done to somebody? I promise that it just entered your Mind; how Wicked are you? How Wicked can you be if you had to be? If God Judges you by his Commandments, would you be guilty of not Loving your Neighbor as yourself? The Wicked are Condemned to Hell for ever, does this bother you? ~ But you don’t have to go because the Grace of God is greater than all Sin! For God so Loves the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have Everlasting Life. Jesus Christ shed his blood and died on a Cross, but after three days he arose from the dead. He ascended to Heaven to Rule and to Reign, leaving his Holy Spirit behind to help us along the way. Repent of your Sins, Confess Jesus Christ as Lord; and find a Bible believing Church. ~ If you believe Faith is of yourself, then Grace isn’t the gift of God; the gift Saves you! Semi-Pelagians, you shouldn’t prefer Prevenient Grace! It couldn’t Save those who went to Hell; because it is a Counterfeit…

John 1:12-13 NLT; But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. Who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.
I'm guessing this is not one of your evangelistic tracts.
I'm guessing this is not one of your evangelistic tracts.
I have about ten or so Gospel Tracts about Calvinism. You will notice them when you see them. My Gospel Tract book will be titled Questions about the Bible. My Tracts preach Guiltiness and the Gospel; along with answering questions...
One of my favorite Gospel Tracts...

It is what it is ~ by ReverendRV * June 4

Matthew 24:24 KJV
; For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

Have you heard the saying “It is what it is”? It’s the first Law of Logic known as ‘the Law of Identity’; and these Laws are Transcendent. ~ One of my favorite shows is a popular magic, hidden camera, TV show. I like to watch it with my daughter, and I tell her that the Magician is trying to get the people to believe a Lie; by 'controlling their thinking'. The reason the Show works is because of the Laws of Logic; which are True to us all. The Magician abuses the Law of Identity by showing us a Contradiction, which results after he magically swaps something else for the first thing; but it’s presented to us as if it were the first thing. This is when the Law of Identity begins to wrestle with ‘the Law of Non Contradiction’; and then people say, "Wait; how did you do that??". The reason Prestidigitation works so well is because the Magician gets inside your head; and all of the sudden “It is what it is” and “it ain't what it is” both seem true at the same time. Now the Law of Identity and the Law of Non Contradiction are butting heads, similar to how an Irresistible Force versus an Unmovable Object would butt heads if they ever met; a clash of Titans…

Have you ever had another god other than the Logical and Transcendent God of the Bible? These days there are less Christians than there used to be. Have you ever said something like, “To me, god would never lead anyone into Temptation”. Then you are an Idolater; the Bible says that the Holy Ghost led Jesus into the desert to be tempted. Have you ever taken the name of the Lord in Vain? That’s called Blasphemy, and these are only three of the Ten Commandments. If God judged you by his Standard, would you be innocent or guilty? Would you go to Heaven or to Hell? Hating God will do you no good; Jesus said that Hatred is Murder and he’s your Judge. ~ There is Proof the Bible is true; so do a Study…

But God so Loved the world he gave us his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting Life! Jesus Christ never Sinned and was our second chance when he became the Second Adam; a new Representative. He became the Sacrifice for Sin by spilling his blood and dying on the Cross, and he becomes the Son of Righteousness by rising from the grave like the morning Sun. We’re Saved and Forgiven by the Grace of God through Faith in the Resurrected Savior Jesus Christ, not by Works lest we should boast. Repent of your Sins, Confess Jesus Christ as your Lord God and look for a good Church that’s like the woman described in Proverbs 31. ~ Miracles may have felt as confusing to people at the time of Christ, as magic feels to us in our day and time; but a Magician’s effect won’t grow limbs on people. That's when the Third Law of Logic, ‘the Excluded Middle’, makes a case for Christ…

John 10:37-38 NLT; Don't believe me unless I carry out my Father's work. But if I do his work, believe in the evidence of the miraculous works I have done, even if you don't believe me. Then you will know and understand that the Father is in me, and I am in the Father."
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It’s not Fair!! ~ by ReverendRV * June 5

Romans 9:20 KJV

Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?

The Epistle to the Romans is chock full of deep Theology; and it’s good for your Soul. Saint Paul taught a Hard-Saying in the Book of Romans, and like any Good Teacher he answered an Objection to his Doctrine; ‘Why have you made me this way God? It’s not Fair!!’. ~ The Bible teaches that All Humanity is made from the same Lump of Clay; IE we All come from the first Man Adam. God made Mankind Good, but guess what? Adam is the One who made us Sinful; God didn't do it. Adam and Eve Fell into Sin while in the Garden of Eden. From then on, God didn’t Create us; but Adam Procreated a Fallen Humanity. Children are quick to blame their parents for their upbringing; but now we have to stop blaming Father God. ~ You still say it’s not Fair; you never asked to be made from the same Lump of Fallen Clay…

Since you never asked to be born, let’s see if you would have done better than Adam did. ~ Have you ever Coveted something? I really shouldn’t have to ask this; we’ve all been enamored with ‘that’ girl. All of God’s Ten Commandments are rooted in Covetousness; Jesus said that Adultery can be committed in our Hearts when we Lust. How many of us have Coveted something without taking it? BUT, how many of us have taken what we Coveted? Adam Coveted a proverbial Apple; and that’s all it took. ~ These were only three of the Ten Commandments; if God judged you by his Standard, will you be innocent or Guilty? Will you be sent to Heaven or to Hell? Since God is a Good Judge, the first thing we notice is his Justice…

The second thing we notice is the Mercy of God; IE, not getting what we deserve. But there can be no Mercy without Justice, so somebody has to pay for what you did; and that’s not Fair. ~ For God so Loved the world he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish forever in Hell but Live forever in Heaven! Jesus Christ is the Son of God who lived a Sinless Life, and earned his way to Heaven; but he took the Punishment for our Sin on the Cross instead. He bled to death, and was buried in a borrowed Tomb. ~ Now it’s Time to notice the Grace of God; it’s getting what we DO NOT deserve, IE the Forgiveness of your Sins! Jesus arose from the Dead to prove God accepted him as a Scapegoat for the Sins of his People; he carries them away never to be seen by God again. We’re Saved by His Grace, through Faith in the Resurrected Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; apart from our trying to take Away our own Sins. Repent of your Wicked Ways, Confess Jesus Christ as your Lord God. Learn as much as you can about him in the Bible and from a Good Church. ~ You DO NOT want God to be Fair to you; he will send you to Hell. What you want is for God to be Fair to himself; stay out of it if you can. Glory to God Alone…

Exodus 9:16 KJV; And in very deed for this cause have I raised thee up, for to shew in thee my power; and that my name may be declared throughout all the earth.
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Jesus is LORD ~ by ReverendRV * June 7

Jeremiah 23:5+6 NIV
; "The days are coming," declares the LORD, "when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch, a King who will reign wisely and do what is just and right in the land. In his days Judah will be saved and Israel will live in safety. This is the name by which he will be called: The LORD Our Righteous Savior.

During the Trial of Jesus, Pontius Pilate asked of him, “Are you the King of the Jews?” Jesus answered by saying, “My Kingdom isn’t of this world” At this point, Pilate had him where he wanted him; “So you are a King?” Jesus was sentenced to execution for Sedition against Rome; even though his Kingdom was not of this world. Pilate wrote the charge against Jesus on his Cross; Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews. But you ask, “How can he be the King of Israel if his Kingdom was not of this world?” As a blood relative of King David through his mother Mary, and through her marriage to Joseph; he is the only person at that time who had a right to be the King of Israel. The crowds had Coronated him upon his Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem; but they would soon overthrow him. Though he was the Heir to the throne, it wasn’t his time yet. You laugh, “It wasn’t his time?? His time is up! How are you going to get out of this one?”

There is only one way for Jesus to become the last King of Israel and it’s due to his other Kingdom which is not of this world! The Prophet Jeremiah tells us that this Righteous Branch of David will be called The LORD our Righteous Savior! Jesus Christ is called ALL of these! He is called the Son of David, the King of Israel, the Righteous One, the Savior of the world; and the LORD. The word LORD means “Jehovah”; this is the name of the God of Israel, used in the Old Testament. The Church calls Jesus God because the Bible calls him LORD. God said, “You shall not have another God before me”. If Jesus Christ is not your God then you’ve broken the first Commandment. If God were to judge you by all Ten of his Commandments, would you be innocent or guilty? Don’t say you’re innocent, because Jesus Christ is the Judge! You have not lived long enough to say that you KNOW for sure there isn’t a God; what if you died today and Jesus returned as the King of Israel tomorrow? “Oh if I had only lived one more day I would have known!” ~ Jeremiah knew Jesus was coming, now you know today instead of knowing tomorrow; don’t go to Hell…

The LORD is a Righteous Savior; Jesus was with the LORD and is the LORD. The Prince of Heaven left his Kingdom to become a Man and do what is right in the Land. He never Sinned and this pleased Jehovah his Father, proving he is a Righteous Branch from the tree of King David. The Royal Law of Heaven is to Love your neighbor. The LORD loves the world so much that he gave us the LORD his Son, to shed his blood and die on a Cross in the place of his human neighbors. We’re Saved by the LORD’s Grace through Faith in the LORD Jesus Christ, without our good deeds. ~ Jesus rose from the dead and went back to Heaven. When he returns to us, his servants will fight for him and he will be established as the King of Israel; and of the World. If you don’t want to fight against him, fight for him. The battle is already won…

Matthew 12:30 NIV; "Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.
Jesus is LORD ~ by ReverendRV * June 7

Jeremiah 23:5+6 NIV
; "The days are coming," declares the LORD, "when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch, a King who will reign wisely and do what is just and right in the land. In his days Judah will be saved and Israel will live in safety. This is the name by which he will be called: The LORD Our Righteous Savior.

During the Trial of Jesus, Pontius Pilate asked of him, “Are you the King of the Jews?” Jesus answered by saying, “My Kingdom isn’t of this world” At this point, Pilate had him where he wanted him; “So you are a King?” Jesus was sentenced to execution for Sedition against Rome; even though his Kingdom was not of this world. Pilate wrote the charge against Jesus on his Cross; Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews. But you ask, “How can he be the King of Israel if his Kingdom was not of this world?” As a blood relative of King David through his mother Mary, and through her marriage to Joseph; he is the only person at that time who had a right to be the King of Israel. The crowds had Coronated him upon his Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem; but they would soon overthrow him. Though he was the Heir to the throne, it wasn’t his time yet. You laugh, “It wasn’t his time?? His time is up! How are you going to get out of this one?”

There is only one way for Jesus to become the last King of Israel and it’s due to his other Kingdom which is not of this world! The Prophet Jeremiah tells us that this Righteous Branch of David will be called The LORD our Righteous Savior! Jesus Christ is called ALL of these! He is called the Son of David, the King of Israel, the Righteous One, the Savior of the world; and the LORD. The word LORD means “Jehovah”; this is the name of the God of Israel, used in the Old Testament. The Church calls Jesus God because the Bible calls him LORD. God said, “You shall not have another God before me”. If Jesus Christ is not your God then you’ve broken the first Commandment. If God were to judge you by all Ten of his Commandments, would you be innocent or guilty? Don’t say you’re innocent, because Jesus Christ is the Judge! You have not lived long enough to say that you KNOW for sure there isn’t a God; what if you died today and Jesus returned as the King of Israel tomorrow? “Oh if I had only lived one more day I would have known!” ~ Jeremiah knew Jesus was coming, now you know today instead of knowing tomorrow; don’t go to Hell…

The LORD is a Righteous Savior; Jesus was with the LORD and is the LORD. The Prince of Heaven left his Kingdom to become a Man and do what is right in the Land. He never Sinned and this pleased Jehovah his Father, proving he is a Righteous Branch from the tree of King David. The Royal Law of Heaven is to Love your neighbor. The LORD loves the world so much that he gave us the LORD his Son, to shed his blood and die on a Cross in the place of his human neighbors. We’re Saved by the LORD’s Grace through Faith in the LORD Jesus Christ, without our good deeds. ~ Jesus rose from the dead and went back to Heaven. When he returns to us, his servants will fight for him and he will be established as the King of Israel; and of the World. If you don’t want to fight against him, fight for him. The battle is already won…

Matthew 12:30 NIV; "Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.
I like reading a Gospel Tract I've written years ago; one that I've forgotten about. It's like me reading my book as a first time reader...
Jezebel ~ by ReverendRV * June 8

Revelation 2:20 BSB
; But I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess. By her teaching she misleads My servants to be sexually immoral and to eat food sacrificed to idols.

While in the Garden of Eden and in the presence of her husband Adam, Eve took over a situation that he should have handled; she dealt with the Devil and was deceived. She gave Adam a bite of the forbidden fruit and he ate it; causing the Fall of Mankind. ~ Jezebel was the Queen of Israel, the wife of King Ahab. There was very little question though which one of them ruled the roost; she was Eve on Steroids. She mixed Idolatry with the Jewish Faith, so God saw that she paid the price for it; what harmony does Christ have with Belial? Her name would go down in Infamy, who names their child Jezebel; or Adolph? But our Verse speaks of another Jezebel, one in character only. The Church at Thyatira allowed her to teach as a Prophetess, opposing God’s instruction from Saint Paul. Are we any better than Jezebel was? Let’s see…

Have you ever told a Lie? What do we call people that Lie? Jezebel Lied to gain a Vineyard. Have you ever stolen anything? What do we call those who steal stuff? Jezebel stole that Vineyard from its God given owner. Have you Murdered somebody? Jesus said that Hatred is Murder committed in your heart, have you ever wished someone would die already? Jezebel wanted the Vineyard’s owner dead, so she could give it to her Covetous husband who wanted it from the start. ~ These are just four of God’s Ten Commandments, if he judged you by his standard would you be innocent or guilty? Would you go to Heaven or to Hell? Does this bother you?? You know that you’ve Trespassed against God and Man! We all have boundaries which we shouldn’t cross; but when we realize that we’ve taken forbidden fruit, we know we’re Guilty; even if we did it to please a loved one who Coveted the thing in the first place…

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting Life! Jesus Christ is this Son of God and he lived his life as an innocent Man for the purpose of keeping the Ten Commandments, and to gain a human Righteousness for himself. But he will share this Right Standing with all who believe he died on the Cross to pay for their Sins with his own precious blood; and that he arose from the dead, conquering the Grave. We are Saved by God’s Grace through Faith in the risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, without trying to earn our own standing with God. Confess Jesus Christ as LORD; Repent of your wicked ways, and join a Church that teaches the Bible. ~ The Church teaches Premillenialism; IE, Futurism. This means that Jesus is speaking about a woman during Saint John’s era, and about women in the future; the Church believes their future is now. Are you a Prophetess? Do you teach in a position at your Church that God gave to someone else? How is it that you can believe the Book of Revelation is for now, and continue to be a Prophetess; since Jesus holds it against the Church?? Will you remember Jesus holds it against you the next time you Preach?

Revelation 2:20 NIV; I have given her time to repent of her immorality, but she is unwilling.

@CrazyCalvinistUncle Eschatology or Preterism?
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John Mark ~ by ReverendRV * June 9

Acts 13:13 GNT
; Paul and his men took a ship from Paphos and arrived in Perga, a city in Pamphylia. John Mark deserted them there and went back to Jerusalem.

Talk about an unlucky verse, it has two 13’s! This must have been how both Paul and John Mark felt at this time; Paul being deserted and John Mark, being the Deserter. ~ John Mark was the helper to Paul and Barnabas on a Missionary trip. John Mark Quit in Pamphylia and some speculate that it was because of the hard time they had in Cyprus. They only had one conversion there and faced strong opposition from Elymus the Sorcerer. John Mark being young, was most likely very disturbed by those events, tucking his tail and returning home. ~ Very few of my Gospel Tracts are written mainly to the Christian, but due to circumstances in my life I have been feeling like a John Mark; maybe you have too? Have you gone through a season where it seems that the whole world and the devil himself has been out to get you; and they’ve succeeded? I’ve gotten to a point where I feel I’ve almost disqualified myself from the service of the Lord. It’s not easy to pick yourself back up when the Paul’s of the world are mad at you…

Paul and Barnabas wanted to revisit the cities from their first Mission trip and see how the Churches were doing. Barnabas wanted to bring John Mark again, but Paul didn’t want to have anything to do with a quitter. This caused a rift between Paul and Barnabas; Paul left with Silas to the Church plants, but Barnabas left with John Mark and returned to Cyprus; the place where this all started. ~ I bet that you’ve had a Paul in your life, now what you need is a Barnabas in your life! It may be painful to go back to the places in your life that hurt you, but when you go with the right person, you can make it through. Link up with a Christian that goes everywhere, ‘with the Lord by their side’. Seek Godly Counselors for direction; and seek peace with your Lord God Jesus Christ, who is quick to forgive and cleanse us from all Sin…

Maybe you’re reading this and you wonder if you’re a Christian at all? ~ The Wages of Sin is Death. Have you ever told a Lie? What would Paul call you for Lying to him? Did you ever quit while you were ahead? Jesus judges you with the Ten Commandments and sends all Lawbreakers to Hell; does this bother you? You need to be Forgiven, because Hell is eternal; and so are you. Jesus Forgives the Faithful, who Confess their Sins upon his head as their Scapgoat. He suffered their Punishment by shedding his blood and dying on the Cross. He arose from the dead, and even restored Peter; who had disowned him three times! Trust in Jesus as your Lord God and Savior, Repent of your Sins and you will be Saved. Join a Bible believing Church; and serve the Lord. ~ Christians need to remember that we’re Sinners Saved by Grace; we’re all potentially a Paul or a John Mark. Later in life, Paul would endorse John Mark and even request his services. John Mark would eventually write the Gospel of Mark. ~ What potential is there within you?

2nd Timothy 4:11 NIV; Only Luke is with me. Get Mark and bring him with you, because he is helpful to me in my ministry.
Johnny Gospel Seed ~ by ReverendRV * June 10

Luke 8:11 NIV
; "This is the meaning of the parable: The seed is the word of God.

Many have heard the Legend of Johnny Appleseed. He was a Pioneer who had a dream to plant so many apple trees, that no one would ever have to go hungry. As he moved West, he was able to keep ahead of the Settlers, all the while planting apple trees. Johnny is said to have had a leather bag which he kept apple seeds in, that he got for free from Cider makers. He is credited for the spreading of grove after grove across Middle America. Though his Legend pictures him as sowing apple seeds wherever he went, the truth about John Chapman is a little different from the Legend. He preferred to plant trees that were grafts, instead of planting seed. ~ Another side of Johnny Appleseed is that along his journey he became a Christian, and this may be why the Legend becomes that he was a sower of Seed; because he preached the Gospel wherever he went…

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for Righteousness, for they shall be filled. In your walk through Life, might you be hungry for Righteousness but don’t feel the hunger pains? The opposite of Righteousness is Sin, let me whet your appetite for something Golden and Delicious. ~ Have you ever told a Lie? What do you call someone who tells Lies? It’s Lunchtime but you find yourself on a trail thru groves of crab apples. Have you ever Stolen anything? What do you call someone who Steals? Now Supper’s over and the apple stand is closed; but there’s a Bin around back where they throw out the rotten and wormy ones. ~ These are only two of the Ten Commandments, do you want to continue down this path; or are you hungering and thirsting for Righteousness yet? God sends Lawless Sinners to Hell for all eternity, where the worm does not die and you beg for a drop of water to drip on your tongue. Hunger and thirst for Righteousness now; while you still can...

The Gospel is like a Tree of Life that bears its fruit in its season; now is the time to be Saved. This is the Gospel Seed. ~ For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting Life! This is possible because Jesus Christ never Sinned, and is not rotten to the core; not even one blemish. He trades his Righteousness with you for your Sin, and you become the Righteousness of God! But so that Justice would be served, he became Sin on our behalf. He was Crucified and shed his blood on the Cross to pay the death penalty for Sinners. He died but rose from the grave, and now he lives in Heaven, always interceding for us. He will return one day at harvest time, and we will be with him forever. Repent of your Sins and find a Bible believing Church that ALWAYS preaches this Good News. ~ Preaching the Gospel is like feeding the pigeons bread from the park bench; scattering the Bread of Life will cause them to gather round. But consider this; Jesus said that whoever does not gather, scatters! There is a kind of scattering that is not good; a shooing away. Recently I’ve listened to some Sermons and they didn’t preach the Gospel. They DID smatter in some good things, like the fact that God wants to heal and provide for us. This was a ‘Glorious Smattering’; but without the Gospel; it scatters. The birds cannot eat silver and gold! Preach the Gospel to EVERY creature; do the work of an Evangelist by Sowing the Gospel like Seed…

Matthew 12:30 NIV; "Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. @Alive
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Josiah ~ by ReverendRV * June 11

2nd Chronicles 34:19 NIV
; When the king heard the words of the Law, he tore his robes.

Josiah is my favorite Old Testament King. There are Kings more famous; like King Solomon and King David; but there’s just something special about a boy who would be King. He became the King of Judah at eight years old! In the eighth year of his reign, while he was a teenager, he began to seek God. Josiah became zealous for God, and because of this he would change his Nation. Previous generations had allowed Idolatry to infiltrate and crowd out the God of Israel. Four years later as a young adult, he began to purge Judah and Jerusalem of high places, Asherah poles and idols. This was just the beginning of the changes he was able to make, you can read the chapter to see just how much of a difference he made…

There came a time that King Josiah sent Hilkiah to repair the Temple of God. During this time an amazing thing happened, they found a missing book; the Law of Moses, IE the Bible. It’s hard to fathom that they would lose God’s Divine Decree; but it shows just how far they’d gotten away from God. ~ Is there dust on your Bible? Have you only seen the leather on its cover? You’ve heard of the Ten Commandments but have never read them like King Josiah did. They say you shall have no other gods before the Most High God, nor take his name in Vain; and you shall make no carved images to worship them. Josiah had heard of these Commandments by the hearing of the ear, but now he saw them with his own eyes. King Josiah tore his clothes, had the Bible read to the people, removed every idol from the land; and renewed the Covenant God made with Israel. ~ Have you taken the lord’s name in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that takes his name in vain? It was vain for Josiah to take down ‘most’ of the idols and leave a remnant; what do you hold dear to your heart that’s an abomination to God? You just had something come to Mind, and that’s a good thing; you know you’re guilty. God sends guilty Sinners to Hell forever…

After renewing his Covenant with God, King Josiah finally celebrated the Jewish Festival of Passover at the age of twenty six. Though he had known about the Passover by the hearing of a young ear, he began to worship in Spirit and in Truth. The Passover celebrates the freedom of the Jews and the passing over of God’s judgment for breaking the Ten Commandments. When death came to Egypt, the Jews were protected by the blood of a lamb which was painted on their doors. This is symbolic of the Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, shedding his blood on a wooden Cross. If you’ve Lied, Stolen or committed Adultery, then he can be your Passover Lamb. Jesus is the spotless Lamb that takes away the Sins of the world. Jesus lived a Sinless life that pleased God his Father, and voluntarily died on the Cross as punishment for Sin; the Just dying for the Unjust. But even this sacrifice was not enough without his Resurrection from the dead. He’s our Judge; will not the Judge of all the earth do right?? Have Faith in Jesus and you will be Forgiven; your guilty verdict will pass over you and onto the Lamb of God. There is more symbolism of Jesus in the Passover Festival; find a Church that will help you see the Passover by the Light of the Lord...

Proverbs 21:1 BSB; The king’s heart is a waterway in the hand of the LORD; He directs it where He pleases.
Jubilee ~ by ReverendRV * June 12

Luke 4:19 KJV
; To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.

The Year of Jubilee occurred once every fifty years. It was a year that Israel longed for, because of its many benefits. This is the year that the Jews would receive back all of their sold property, be released from slavery when they had sold themselves as Bondservants to other Jews; a year not to sow seed in the ground, to let the land rest. It was celebrated as a time of Liberty and their deliverance. ~ Jesus was in a Synagogue and had a chance to read from the Scroll of Isaiah. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the Gospel to the poor. He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, and to proclaim Liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind. To set at Free those that are broken; to proclaim the Acceptable year of the Lord.” Jesus closed the Scroll and said that this was now fulfilled in their sight! A Jubilee Year could only be proclaimed on the Feast of Atonement when the Shofar was blown at the end of the Feast. Thus began the last year of the life of Jesus Christ; before his Crucifixion…

Years can be acceptable to God, so people can be Acceptable in God’s sight; just how acceptable are you? ~ Have you ever had a God other than the God of the Bible? Agnosticism means that a person is not so sure that there is a God at all. Wouldn’t this obviously mean that you may have a god that’s not the God of the Bible? Have you ever said, “To me, god couldn’t send anyone to Hell forever and ever”? Then you are an Idolater; you’ve described a god which suits yourself. An Idol is a representation of a person’s viewpoint of God! These are only two of God’s Ten Commandments; you are not acceptable! Wouldn’t it be true that taking God’s Name in vain is also Idolatry because it misrepresents God, no less Blasphemes him? If God judged you by his standard, would you be innocent or guilty? Can you accept it?

What you need is the Acceptable Year of the Lord! ~ For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal Life. Jesus is the Sinless Lamb of God that takes away the Sin of the world; it’s no accident the Year of Jubilee began on the Day of Atonement. The day was observed with two goats, a blood sacrifice and a scapegoat; Jesus represents both. He was Crucified and bled to death, buried but arose from the dead and presented alive to God. We’re Saved by Grace through Faith in the risen Savior Jesus Christ, without Working to be Acceptable. Repent of your Sins, Confess Jesus as your Lord God and Join an Evangelical Church. ~ After Jesus closed the Scroll, he said some things that upset the establishment. They took him to the top of a hill to throw him down; but he slipped through their midst. If a Scapegoat returned to the people from the Dessert, it carried their Sins back to them. No one wants that, so they would lead it to a cliff and throw it over the edge to its death. Jesus was taken to a cliff on the Day of Atonement! The Bible is full of many proofs…

Luke 4:29 KJV; And rose up, and thrust him out of the city, and led him unto the brow of the hill whereon their city was built, that they might cast him down headlong.
Judaizers ~ by ReverendRV * June 13

Acts 15:5 NIV
; Then some of the believers who belonged to the party of the Pharisees stood up and said, “The Gentiles must be circumcised and required to keep the law of Moses.”

The Law of Moses is near the heart of the Christian Faith. John Gill said the Torah is the Law; the first five books in the Old Testament. Reading it was accomplished by dividing those books into portions, which in turn, were read through the year; otherwise it would take all day Saturday to read the whole Law. The Ten Commandments are found in these books; and they also give hundreds of other Ordinances, which are also called the Law. One of these Ordinances was that of Circumcision. ~ Some of the members of the newborn Church came from a sect of Jews who were infamous for believing that the Law of Moses had to be kept, in order for anyone to be a Christian. History would go on to call these types of people Judaizers; those who believe you’re not a child of God if you do not keep God’s Laws. ~ This is known as a Works Righteousness…

Saint Paul was sent from the Church in Jerusalem, to the Gentiles. He believed exactly the same as the Church’s leaders; the Law of God was important to him too. Paul taught the Gentiles that the Law says we are not to make carved images of what we think God is like. This was making a God to suit ourselves; it is Idolatry. This also breaks the first Commandment, which is to have no other gods before the LORD; how could Idolatry not break it? The Christian Pharisees worshiped a god that suited themselves; one who expects God’s children to keep the Law of Moses. They believed this before they joined the Church, and after they joined; both perspectives are Sinful. The Bible says that the Law was meant to show us we are Sinners. If a Law could Save, no other way would have been sought; God's Laws are called killing letters. Have you Idolized anyone? Jesus said that in the Bible, men are called gods; you are Idolizing a god and the letter of this Law of Moses has killed you! The wages of Sin is death; an eternal death in the Lake of Fire…

The Judaizers had to be found out; their influence was the cause of the first convening in history of a Church Council; the Council of Jerusalem. Saint Peter advised those who were gathered, of the Council’s conclusion. “Brothers, you know God made a choice among you that the Gentiles might hear from me the message of the Gospel and believe. God, who knows the heart, showed that he accepted them by giving them the Holy Spirit, just as he did to us. He didn’t discriminate between us and them, for he purified their hearts by faith. Why do you test God by putting on the necks of Gentiles, a yoke that neither we nor our ancestors have been able to bear? No! We believe it is through the Grace of our Lord Jesus that we are Saved, just as they are.” ~ Peter says that if you will put your Faith in the risen LORD and Savior Jesus Christ, you will be Saved from Sin and Hell by Grace; just as he was! If you ever try to Work your way into Heaven, or if you are a ‘Judaizing Pharisee’ in the Church; you are testing God! Repent of your Sins; follow Jesus Christ…

Matthew 4:7 NIV; Jesus answered him, "It is also written: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'"
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Judgment Day Preppers ~ by ReverendRV * June 14

Proverbs 21:20 NIV
; The wise store up choice food and olive oil, but fools gulp theirs down.

The Covid-19 Pandemic caught us unprepared; and empty stores were the proof of that. Because of this, I’ve started storing extra provisions; even FEMA recommends having a three day supply on hand in case of emergencies. ~ I used to like watching ‘Doomsday Preppers’ when it aired on a regular basis. They took Preparedness seriously even to the point of being ready for some very unlikely emergencies; and often were looked upon as extremists. This Pandemic has shown us we need more than a three day supply of Provisions; and being prepared is Biblical. The Bible says ‘Look to the Ant and be wise because it stores Provisions for winter’, and ‘Whoever fails to provide for their family is worse than an unbeliever’. The Bible gives us good advice here; and when it tells us to Prepare ourselves to face God on Judgment Day…

You object; “Preparing for Judgment Day is as extreme as a Doomsday Prepper getting ready for a Polar Shift”. It’s not that strange; everyone knows there is a God but suppress this truth in unrighteousness, and the proof is that the Law of God is written on everyone’s heart. ~ Have you ever had a god besides the God of the Bible? If you’ve ever said anything like ‘I believe no matter which religion you hold to, you worship the same God’; then your opinion of who God ‘should be’ is Idolatrous and you’ve believed in another god, even if only for a moment. ~ These are just two of the Ten Commandments, if God were to judge you by his Righteous standard, would you be innocent or guilty? Being guilty, would you go to Heaven or to Hell? God hates uneven Scales, you will go to Hell; unless you prepare for Judgment Day…

This is how you prepare to meet God on Judgment Day. ~ For God so loved the world he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting Life! The Son of God condescended to become a Man, the ‘Second Adam’; a last chance for someone to live a Sinless life and please God. Jesus Christ is this Man and he kept the Ten Commandments all his life, and then sacrificed himself to suffer for your Sin by shedding his blood on the Cross of Calvary; dying in the place of all who believe. We’re Saved by the Grace of God through Faith in the risen Savior Jesus Christ, apart from anything good we do in this life. Repent of your Sin, Confess Jesus Christ as your Lord God; start reading your Bible and get to Church as soon as you’re able. ~ Preppers like to ask other Preppers “If you can only have one Prep, what would it be?” Some say a fire starter, others say a water filter, etc. When it comes to your Salvation there is only one thing you need, and nothing else will do; IE your Faith Alone. You can live three days without water, three minutes without air; but you can’t live at all without Faith...

Romans 1:17 KJV; For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.
Judgment Days ~ by ReverendRV * June 15

Romans 2:5 ESV
; But because of your hard and impenitent heart you are storing up wrath for yourself on the day of wrath when God's righteous judgment will be revealed.

Theology sometimes presents us with a System to explain difficulties in the Bible. I often say that if you cannot find an answer for a possible mistake in the Bible, and no one is able to give you the answer; it doesn’t mean there’s nobody out there who can give an answer. There is a Principle in Theology known as ‘Dual Fulfilment’. Isaiah 7:14 is a dual fulfillment; a Promised son was born in the Old Testament; and in the New Testament. Jesus read from the Book of Isaiah; but stopped at a certain point, saying that in this day the reading was fulfilled in their hearing. The Reason Jesus stopped was because the next Verse he could have read, will be fulfilled on Judgment Day. ~ Another Verse also has a Double fulfillment; ‘The Sun will darken and the Moon turn blood red, before the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord comes’. In Ellicott’s Commentary, He says the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord is the Day Jesus Christ died. Saint Peter teaches us it was Christ’s Judgment Day. Saint Paul teaches this Judgment Day is coming again…

Why is there a Judgment Day? It is due to the Sin of the World. ~ What do you call people who Lie? Have you ever Lied? Then you belong in their Category. Do you not believe in God? Now you broke the First Commandment to believe in God. Have you ever thought of God as anything other than what the Bible says he is? Then you broke the Second Commandment not to make a god to suit yourself. Have you ever Hated someone? Jesus said this means you’ve Murdered them in your Heart. He also said, ‘Unbelievers, Murderers, Idolaters, and all Liars deserve to go to Hell’. Will you be innocent or guilty? Would you go to Heaven or Hell? ~ What you need is an Alternative Judgment Day where God’s Wrath can be revealed…

For God so Loved the world he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting Life! Jesus Christ was born of a Virgin, that he could be Sinless. He lived a life of maintaining his Sinlessness, and this is why God his Father was well pleased with him. He earned his way to Heaven by being Good, but volunteered to pay the Penalty for the Sins of every new Believer; by being a Substitute for them, on a Substitute Day of Judgment and Wrath. Jesus Christ died on the Cross by bleeding to death, was buried; but arose from the Grave Alive! He was seen by five Hundred people before he Ascended to Heaven. We’re Saved by the Grace of God through Faith in the Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, without Works lest we boast. Repent of your Sins, Confess Jesus Christ as your lord God; and learn from him at a Gospel Church. ~ Are you not convinced that the Day of Christ’s Crucifixion is the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord’s Judgment? How could that Day be Great at all?? As Christians we celebrate the day every year; after all, why in the world do we call that Terrible day, ‘Good Friday’?

Isaiah 53:5 ESV; But he was wounded for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his stripes we are healed.
Kardashev 5? ~ by ReverendRV * June 16

Revelation 21:1 NIV
; Then I saw "a new heaven and a new earth," for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.

When Cosmologists speculate about the existence of Extraterrestrials, they tend to categorize potential civilizations by using the Kardashev Scale; proposed by the Astronomer Nicolai Kardashev long ago in the 60’s. This Scale has three categories based on the use of available energy; Planetary, Stellar and Galactic. Because of the advancement in Quantum Theory, proposals have been made to add a fourth and fifth category to the Scale; Universal and Multiversal Power! Inherent in this proposal is the contingency for the existence of Life which Transcends the Universe; right? Scientist suggest that it’s possible for several kinds of Universes to exist outside of Space and Time; so a ‘Steady State’ Universe could exist. This type of Universe would be Eternal, populated by Eternal people with Multiversal Power. And being Eternal, this demands that it be the ‘Parent Universe’ of all Universes. ~ In a way, Science catches up with the Bible without even knowing it; after all, Heaven, Earth, and Hell would qualify to be a Multiverse; right?

If Kardashev 5 Aliens came to Earth and demanded we keep their law, would you do it? I suppose you wouldn’t have a choice; they have the Might, and Right, as the obvious Creators of the Multiverse. Since a ‘Steady State’ Universe cannot evolve into new Universes, we are their Creation. Such an advanced civilization should be highly ethical, so their Laws would be similar to fundamental Laws we’re already under. ~ Have you ever Stolen ANYTHING? What would someone from a Kardashev 5 society call you for Stealing? “They wouldn’t call me anything, because I took it from MY job”. But remember, you’re under their Law; and they own the World and everything in it, anything you’ve Stolen you’ve stolen from them. ~ Stealing is only one of God’s Ten Commandments; if he judged you by his standard, will you be guilty? The Bible says breaking one Law breaks all of them; even Murder. Would you go to Heaven or to Hell?

God is highly ethical, so he has to love Justice; but he’s just as Merciful. ~ For God so loved the world he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him shall not be cast into the Universe of Hell but be received with open arms in the Universe of Heaven. The Logos of God came down from above to be Incarnated in the person of Jesus Christ, to keep the Law of Heaven for Mankind. Though he was not a Lawbreaker, his Cross bore a sign charging him for being the King they didn’t want. He will freely trade you his sign for the sign from the Cross next to his, a sign now charging him with Thievery. He shed his blood and died on the Cross as a Thief, the Just dying for the Unjust. He was buried, but arose from the dead; showing he was alive to five hundred people. We’re Saved by Grace through Faith, apart from meritorious Works lest we boast in ourselves. Repent of your Sin, Confess Jesus Christ as your Lord God; go to Church and ask them for a Bible. ~ I always say Science will eventually prove the Bible is true…

Ec 1:9 NLT; History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new.
INRI ~ by ReverendRV * June 2

Colossians 2:13-14 NIV
; He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross.

Saint Paul wrote this Epistle, a Letter, to the Church at Colossae. I’ve heard that this Epistle is a shorter version of the Book of Romans. I really like the Epistle to Rome because it is so deep; but my nature is to prefer things short and sweet. After the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Church expanded so quickly; why wouldn’t it? Saints Peter, James and John taught the Church at Israel; but Saint Paul was sent to the Gentiles. As a Missionary, Paul was always building Churches, so of course he taught much about being Saved. There has been NO greater a Theologian than him, and volumes can be written about the things he taught the Church; but there came a day he determined to know only Jesus Christ and him Crucified…

He taught us about how we are Legally indebted to God for breaking his Heavenly Commandments, because his Kingdom includes all the World. When we break worldly Laws, there is a Fine to pay; and this is a Debt. ~ Are you indebted to God? Have you told a Lie? What do you call people who Lie? Thou shalt not Lie. God Charges you for the Crime of Lying. You say “Then he’s got to Charge everyone if he’s going to Charge me!”. Have you ever Stolen? What do you call people that Steal? God could probably Charge everyone with this too. The Bible says if you have broken one Commandment, you are Guilty of breaking all of them; Paul says the Charges against us, have already Condemned us. Being Condemned, you will go to Hell; does this bother you? ~ What we need is to have all of our Charges taken away…

Do you want to know what Charge was nailed to the Cross of Christ? Jesus was tried by Rome, yet Pilate couldn’t find anything wrong with him. But to appease the Sanhedrin, he had Jesus Crucified anyway. Rome always nailed a plank to their Crosses, with the Criminal’s Accusation written on it. At the top of Jesus’ Cross was written in Latin “Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews”. If you’ve seen paintings of Jesus on the Cross with a sign that reads “INRI”, this is shorthand for the accusation written on his plank. ~ For God so Loved the world he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal Life. Jesus Kept God’s Law all of his life; this is why Caesar could only nail a TRUE accusation to his Cross. As a Substitute, he will Accept your Charges and take the Punishment you deserve; by bleeding to death on the Cross. He was buried but arose from the grave, ascending to the right hand of God his Father. We’re Saved by Grace through Faith without Works, lest we should boast. Repent of your Sins, Confess Jesus Christ as your Lord God; then join an Evangelical Church. ~ Praise God he allows me to nail MY Charges to HIS Cross; please don’t read them while you’re there. What might you nail to his Cross if you could get rid of it? Nail it to the Cross, so Jesus can be Charged with it instead of you…

1st Peter 2:24 NIV; “He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.”
There is nothing that anyone can nail to Jesus' cross. It has been accomplished!