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Questions about the Bible

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Low hanging Fruit ~ by ReverendRV * July 3

Proverbs 11:30 KJ
V; The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.

When we think of the Tree of Life, we think of the Garden of Eden. In the Bible we are told about the Creation of the world. He created the entire world in six days, and on the sixth day he created Mankind. He placed Adam and Eve as Caretakers in the Garden of Eden, where God had planted two special trees there; the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and the Tree of Life. Adam was told by God not to eat fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil; but he ate it anyway. God punished him by throwing them out of his garden before they could eat from the Tree of Life. ~ The Tree of Knowing the difference between Good and Evil, represents the Law of God; the Ten Commandments. The Law was never meant to Save us, it was only meant to show us what Sin is. Have you ever told a Lie? That’s an easy one; a low hanging fruit that we all have plucked; even as toddlers. Have you ever committed Adultery? Some will say yes and some will say no. You say, “I had to learn to stand, before I could reach that high”; but Jesus said Lust is Adultery in our Hearts. Have you Murdered? You say, “No, that fruit is at the top of the tree, and I would need a ladder to reach it”. Wait, not so fast! Jesus said Hatred is Murder; all the fruit hangs low. These were a few of the Ten Commandments; what if God Judged you by them all? Would you be innocent or guilty? Would you go to Heaven or to Hell??

God removed the people from the Garden before they could eat of the Tree of Life and live forever. But a time came that they did eat of the Proverbial Fruit of the Tree of Life, the Proto Evangelium; IE the “First Gospel”. Just as the fruit from the Tree of Life was not for them while they were in the Garden of Eden and unrepentant, the Gospel is for Sinners who know they're guilty before a Holy God. If this is you, then it’s time for you to eat fruit from the Tree of Life. But you say “How can I reach it when I’m slain?” The fruit of the Tree of Life is always low hanging fruit. Its fruit is always ripe and has even dropped and is within our reach. ~ This is the Fruit of the Tree of Life; God sent his only Son to become a Man and live a Righteous Life like no one else could; he kept the Ten Commandments. Jesus Christ is the Son of God and he Willingly went to the Cross to be a Sacrifice for our Sins, making a blood Atonement to appease the Wrath of God. Jesus was buried but rose from the grave as a testament that he is the way, the Truth and the LIFE. No one goes to Heaven but by God’s Grace through Faith in Jesus Christ as their Risen Lord and Savior. Repent of your Sin, Confess Jesus Christ as your Lord God; join a Church that Loves the Lost…

When we examine a Biblical Proverb we often see that it comes in two parts, a point and counterpoint; the converse complements or contrasts the point. “He who wins Souls is wise”; thus the fruit of the Righteous is the Gospel message. When you trust in Jesus, you should share the good news that Saved you. Bloom and bear the fruit of the Righteous; feed and heal the Nations. There is only one way for a Christian to reproduce; we can only make Disciples by preaching the Gospel. Let’s go to all the Nations…

Proverbs 13:12 NIV; Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.

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Lurkers ~ by ReverendRV * July 4

Matthew 26:58 NASB; But Peter was following Him at a distance as far as the courtyard of the high priest, and entered in, and sat down with the officers to see the outcome.

Often I get ideas for a Gospel Tract from participating within Internet chatrooms, and this is an example of one. ~ A Lurker is defined as a person who follows an Internet Message Board but doesn’t Post. I have learned a long time ago that when I respond to the regular Members, I am really talking to the Lurkers. One reason is because a Chatroom Member told me that he used to be a Lurker and decided which side of the Theological debate he wanted to support because of my Posts. He said this out of encouragement because I was wanting to quit due to a seeming lack of progress; no one ever changed their Minds! One day I finally got a Member to change their Mind; but only for a little while. ~ A Lurker won’t participate because they don’t know what to say, but are trying to learn; these kind of people are most receptive. In this sense, Lurkers are thought of as positive. Ask questions and you will receive, seek and you will find…

Lurking has a history of negative connotations; and you would be surprised just how much of a Lurker you are. ~ Have you ever told a Lie? What do you call people who tell Lies? Have you ever hung around somewhere for something and Lied about why you were there? Have you ever stolen anything? What do you call people that steal? Have you waited for the right moment to take something? Wouldn’t this make you a Lurking, Lying Thief at heart?? How about this one; have you hung around a friend’s house because you really were after their Spouse? These are three of the Ten Commandments, do we need more? If God judged you by his standard, would you be innocent or guilty? Would you go to Heaven or to Hell? Doesn’t this bother you?? Hell is eternal nightfall full of all kinds of evil, Lurking in the dark…

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting Life. Jesus Christ is this Son and in him is life, and this life is the light of all mankind. His light shines in the darkness, which gives light to everyone. Because of his Righteousness, when we receive him by believing on his Name, he gives us power to become children of God; not by our heritage, or by our father’s Will or our Will, but by the Will of God. Jesus paid for our Sin by shedding his blood and dying on the Cross; and by rising from the dead. We’re Saved by Grace through Faith in the Resurrected Savior Jesus Christ, without trying to merit his Righteousness by working for it. Repent of your Sins, confess Jesus Christ as your Lord God and seek out a Church that teaches the Bible. ~ Jesus was taken and tried for crimes he didn’t commit. His Disciples fled; but Peter Lurked in the background. He wanted to know the truth about Jesus but didn’t want the other Lurkers to know the truth about him; he didn’t want to be identified as a follower. Come out of the Dark and into the Light of the world…

John 8:12 NIV; When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."
Making a Sound ~ by ReverendRV * July 5

Genesis 3:7 ESV
; Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked. And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loincloths.

Do you know the answer to this question? If a tree falls in the woods and there isn’t anyone around, does it make a Sound? Many answer ‘yes’ but the correct answer is ‘no’, because of the Caveat; there’s no one around. In order to make a Sound you will need a transmitter and a receiver; if no one is around, there is no ear to receive it. ~ Do you know the answer to this; if Adam and Eve Fell into Sin in the Garden of Eden, and there wasn’t anyone around; did it really even happen? This is one of the objections a Christian gets from unbelievers; “How can we know that they ever lived, lest even know that they Fell?” When someone tells us a tree fell in the woods but we didn’t hear the tree fall, this doesn’t mean it didn’t Fall at all; we can go look and see. But you object, “A tree as old as Adam and Eve would surely have turned to dust by now! How could we ever go and see for ourselves?”

We have other Senses. The Bible tells us to ‘Taste and See’ that the LORD is good. God has given the World the Bible, and if you will give it a chance; you just might be surprised how significant it is. There is good argumentation which supports the Veracity of the Bible, but that is a Gospel Tract for another day; don’t wait on me, look for yourself. ~ The Bible teaches that when we read it, it’s like eating bread which is sweet in the mouth but sour to the stomach. Since we save dessert for last, I will tell you about the bitter. Have you ever told a Lie? What do you call someone who Lies? Have you ever Stolen anything? What do you call someone who Steals? These are just two of the Ten Commandments; believe me, they get worse. If God judged you by the Ten Commandments, would you be innocent or guilty? Jesus said that Hatred is Murder, have you ever hated anyone? God exercises Capital Punishment and sends Sinners to Hell for eternity. ~ Does this bother you?

But the Good News of the Bible is sweet, sweet, sweet! No one has to go to Hell. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son so that whoever believes on him will not perish but have everlasting Life. Jesus came down from Heaven as its Prince and lived the life we spiritual Paupers should’ve lived; he pleased God his Father. Jesus died on the Cross and shed his blood as a sacrifice to Atone for Sin. He rose from the dead and was seen alive for 40 days, before he ascended to Heaven. He is the Judge of the living and the dead. You can settle out of Court with him while you are still alive; so how could you possibly lose on Judgment Day? Put your Faith in Jesus Christ and make a Confession that he is your Lord God and Risen Savior. Repent of your Sin and find a Bible believing Church that will help you ‘taste and see’. ~ Come to your Senses and use them to see and believe. Echoes are real and speak the truth of what was said. Find out why the Bible is the voice of God, and help someone else see the Light. You are no longer spiritually naked; amen…

Job 42:5 NKJV; “I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, But now my eye sees You.
Making mountains out of molehills ~ by ReverendRV * July 6

Isaiah 40:4 NIV
; Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain.

In one way, our verse is like “Making a Mountain out of a mole hill”. This is an Idiom that describes how we feel when issues are too big for us to handle, though they may seem minor to others. These days this Idiom is turned around and used optimistically; ‘Turn your Mountains into mole hills’. When the world gives you lemons, make Lemonade! This Idiom helps us put things in a newer and brighter perspective, which makes things easier for us to swallow. There are other Idioms though; like when an Ostrich sticks his head in the sand to hide, even though it just makes him a sitting duck. Are we hiding from the truth when we blind ourselves to the reality of our situation? What if we can get real help by turning our mole hills back into mountains? The Bible calls the Law of God the spiritual Mount Sinai; that’s no mole hill…

For instance, we think of what it takes to be Right with God as nothing more than a mole hill. ~ Have you ever Murdered before? You say “No; that’s an easy one”. Wait; before you step over that mole hill, have you ever Hated someone? Jesus said that Hatred is ‘Murder One’ committed in your heart. In this light, you now need a Jeep to cross it. Have you ever committed Adultery? You say, “I haven’t”. Wait before you climb out of the Jeep! Jesus said that if you’ve Lusted for anyone you’ve committed Adultery with them in your Heart; without their permission. In this light you’ve stranded your Jeep on the steep side of Stone Mountain. You say, “But Stone Mountain is not a real Mountain!” Have you ever told a Lie? How big is the mole hill now?? ~ Those were only three of the Ten Commandments. If God judged you by his standard, would you be innocent or guilty? Would you go to Heaven or Hell? ~ You need to be rescued…

Starting at the age of thirteen, Elias Nour rescued people from the side of Stone Mountain; he was their only Hope. ~ For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting Life! At the age of thirteen, Jesus was teaching wise men in the Temple; and went on to Save all who are stranded on the spiritual slopes of Mount Saini. He’s the only one to ever scale that Mountain, and will rescue all who cry for help. Jesus paid the price for Sin by dying on the Cross. He was buried three days and arose from the Grave; a feat greater than ascending Mount Everest. We’re Saved by Grace through Faith in the Resurrected Savior Jesus Christ, without counting on our climbing prowess. Repent of your Sins, Confess Jesus as your Lord God and join a Biblical Church. ~ If you believe in the most Liberal Grace that makes a real difference in your Salvation, then you must also believe in Total Inability. If you can't even get over a mole hill without Grace making ‘a real difference’, that's Total Inability. Our inability without God’s Grace is due to the Original Sin of Adam in the Garden…

Jeremiah 13:23 NIV; Can an Ethiopian change his skin or a leopard its spots? Neither can you do good who are accustomed to doing evil.
Making Peace ~ by ReverendRV * July 7

Matthew 5:9 KJV
; Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

If you are like me, you love Peace. When a War is over, there’s always a great celebration because Peace has been won; even for the Losing side. Two examples come to Mind; VE Day and VJ Day. These events were part of World War 2 and brought a Peace between Nations which still stands to this day. ~ Some people are the opposite though, they love Drama. They don’t seem happy unless they are instigating trouble; if they’re not happy no one is happy. You say that you Love Peace, but do you? Have you ever been jealous and Lied about a Rival for the affections of someone you’re attracted to? What would you call a person who wrongly denigrated you by slandering or vilifying you? Liars do not know the way of Peace. Have you ever cussed someone out with Gods Name? The mouths of Blasphemers are full of cursing and bitterness. If a Peacemaker is blessed, wouldn’t a Preacebreaker be cursed? These are just two of the Ten Commandments, if God judged you by them would you be innocent or guilty? You say, “Maybe if I broke them all I would be guilty.” ~ The Bible says that if you break one you are guilty of them all. Does this bother you? God sends guilty Sinners to Hell and the Lake of Fire for all Eternity…

What you need is a Peacemaker. As the ‘GodMan’, Jesus Christ is the only Mediator between God and Mankind. He is the Son of God who came from Heaven to be born in a Manger as a Human. He grew in stature and in Wisdom, living a perfect Life in the sight of God. He achieved the perfect standard of Righteousness by keeping the Ten Commandments, and this is what we need in order to be forgiven by God. He is able to transfer his Merit to our accounts because he appeased the Wrath of God by shedding his blood, dying on the Cross and by rising from the Grave. We receive this Righteousness by the Grace of God through Faith in the resurrected Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, without contributing any Merit from ourselves. Repent of your Sins, Confess Jesus Christ as Lord God; and join a Bible believing Church…

“Blessed are the Peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.” A Born Again Christian has made Peace with God, becoming a child of God. The person who witnessed to you is a Peacemaker, and by Faith you’re made a King and a Priest. There is only one way for a Christian to reproduce and that’s by leading Lost Sinners to the Lord. We are Peacemakers by guiding Souls to ‘the’ Peacemaker, Jesus Christ. Our Peacemaker is our Peacekeeper. ~ A Missionary went to the jungle and tried for a long time to get all the Tribes to come to Christ. Many times the Missionary avoided assassination and Cannibalism. He could not figure out how to witness to these people until he watched two Tribes make Peace one night. Both Tribes gave their baby to the other Tribe to raise, and as long as both children were alive there was Peace. The Missionary used this example of ‘making Peace’ to spread the Gospel, and this lead that part of the world eventually get Saved. ~ For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son…

1st Chronicles 16:24 KJV; Declare his glory among the heathen; his marvellous works among all nations.
Man of two Covenants ~ by ReverendRV * July 8

Jeremiah 31:31 NLT
; "The day is coming," says the LORD, "when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and Judah.

Before the days of Jeremiah, the last Covenant God made with Israel was the Davidic Covenant. I researched a Jewish Rabbi and he says the promised New Covenant hasn’t come yet; this means they are still waiting for a New Covenant to appear. ~ The Old Testament has a ‘Typology’; symbolism which is explained to us in the New Testament of the Bible. During the Last Supper, Jesus led his Disciples through a Jewish ritual called a Seder. He went on to teach that the Wine of the Seder symbolizes the New Covenant established by his blood; we see that Jesus believed God’s New Covenant was ratified during his lifetime. The Seder ritual was reflective of a bloody Covenant that God had previously made with Israel; the Mosaic Covenant. The Jewish Passover involved the Sacrifices of innocent lambs; and on every door that a lamb’s blood was seen, those who took refuge inside were saved from God’s Wrath…

Jesus was born under the Law of Moses; just like the rest of us. You object, “That Covenant was made with the Jews and I am not a Jew.” The Bible says that those who do the things of the Law, show that the Law is written on their hearts; this includes everybody. Have you almost stole before? You didn’t steal it but thought about it; good job! Wait a minute; thou shall not Covet anything that belongs to someone else! Coveting is stealing in your heart! If God judged you by his standard, would you be innocent or guilty? Would you then go to Heaven or to Hell? The New Covenant is for people who do not want to go to an eternal fiery Hell. ~ Jesus was a man of Two Covenants, the old English word for Covenant is ‘Testament’; the Old Testament and the New Testament. Jesus kept the Old Covenant and since no one else has ever kept that Righteous Requirement, he shares his achievement with all who put their Faith in him as the risen Lord God and Savior. By Grace, you now have met the Righteous standard God requires in order to be pleasing in his sight! But the sad news is that Jesus had to suffer the penalty for our Sins; an honest trade, since God detests dishonest scales. Because Jesus was now responsible for your Sin, he was nailed to a Cross and shed his blood like an innocent lamb. The Good News is that Jesus rose from the dead conquering Death and Hell for you! Read your Bible, find a Gospel Church; and praise the Lord!

Many things that Jesus said applied to keeping the Old Covenant, but other things he said applied to the New Covenant. The Gospels could easily be the last four books of the Old Testament because of Christ’s keeping the Law of Moses, and because he refined the Law in ways that show us it’s easier to break than we think. ~ This overlapping is like a handshake; the Old fingers reach across the new hand and the New fingers reach across the Old hand. To understand the Gospels, read the Book of Galatians and the rest of the New Testament Epistles; this will help you know when Jesus is speaking about Law or about Grace…

Hebrews 8:13 NET; When he speaks of a new covenant, he makes the first obsolete. Now what is growing obsolete and aging is about to disappear.
Mary had a little Lamb ~ by ReverendRV * July 9

Matthew 1:16 NASB
; Jacob was the father of Joseph the husband of Mary, by whom Jesus was born, who is called the Messiah.

Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow, and everywhere that Mary went the lamb was sure to go. He followed her to school one day which was against the rules, it made the children laugh and play to see a lamb at school. And so the teacher turned it out but still it lingered near, he waited patiently about till Mary did appear. "Why does the lamb love Mary so?" the eager children cried. "Why, Mary loves the lamb you know" the teacher did reply. ~ This is one of the most beloved Nursery Rhymes in history; it’s believed to be based on a true story. The Bible is based on a true story too; there are ways to confirm this. ~ Paternal Traducianism teaches us that the Original Sin of Adam is passed down from generation to generation through our fathers, just as our Gender is passed to us by our father. But Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit in the Virgin womb of Mary, so Original Sin ‘Passed over’ her baby...

Sheep are Types of things that are very white. If you were a lamb, how white would you be? By contrast, sheep are not all that white when they’re in the snow. ~ Have you told a Lie? Haven’t we all? What do you call people that tell Lies? The snow is falling and your fleece is looking dingy. Have you ever Stolen anything? Haven’t we all? What do you call people that Steal? Snow is accumulating on the ground, and your fleece is quite dirty. These are just two of the Ten Commandments, go online and search for images of sheep in the snow and see if we need to go over any more of his Commandments; such as using the Lord’s name as a cuss word. If God judged you by this standard, would you be innocent or Guilty? God sends guilty Sinners to an eternal Hell where the fires will never be quenched and the Barber Pole Worm doesn’t die. ~ What we all need is a fleece as white as snow; a wool cloak shorn from Mary’s little lamb…

For God so loved the world that he gave us his only Son, so that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting Life! Jesus was born Sinless, and on top of that he remained Sinless all of his life. He qualified to be the Lamb of God which takes away the Sin of the world, and the way he did this was by shedding his blood and dying on the Cross to satisfy the Law of God against Sin. He was buried for three days and after this, he arose from the dead; his fleece was whiter than snow! We are Saved by God’s Grace through Faith in the Resurrected Savior Jesus Christ, without Works lest we should boast. Repent of your Sins, Confess Jesus Christ as Lord God and join your local Evangelical Church. ~ There was a time that whenever Israel went somewhere, God was sure to go with them. A time came when Israel did not mix Faith with Law, and the Lamb of God went to the Gentiles. There’s coming a Day Israel will come out from under their Schoolmaster, and Mary’s little Lamb will be waiting for them; because he is Faithful…

Zechariah 12:10 NIV; "And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication. They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn son.
Master of the Universe ~ by ReverendRV * July 10

Job 9:8-10 (NASB); Who alone stretches out the heavens And tramples down the waves of the sea; Who makes the Bear, Orion and the Pleiades, And the chambers of the south; Who does great things, unfathomable, And wondrous works without number.

The LORD is the God of everything, he lives in the Eternity, Time is nothing to him. God is God in the molecular level; He created it. He is God at the cellular level; He created it! He is God at our level; He created us in his image!! He is God at the Galactic level; He created it!!! ~ "Have you entered into the springs of the sea Or walked in the recesses of the deep?” Imagine as if this were like the way it is on your phone, how you can pinch to zoom on a picture. You can zoom it all the way out to see the whole picture too (Imagine this would be a view of the Universe), and you could zoom it in to see a single pixel (This would be a view of the molecules). God zoomed in to the cellular level at the perfect right time with the perfect right person. Sinse he lives in the eternity, God is the LORD of everything including life. He zoomed into that cellular level and fertilized Mary’s egg, making him the Father of Jesus, and thus making Jesus literally the Son of God!

Jesus was there with God in the beginning. Jesus’s Presence can be seen all throughout the Old Testament. Jesus was born on this Earth during the perfect time; and from the right Virgin to fulfill all prophesy. Jesus lived a perfect life, because only he could; being all God and being all Man. Jesus was tempted in every way just like we are, but he is the only one that could overcome. Jesus’s death on the Cross was the only sacrifice that was acceptable to Atone for the whole worlds Sins. ~ Jesus is returning someday. "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.” Jesus came the first time to Save, and to provide a way that we can be with him in Heaven; but the next time he comes, it will be to judge us. “His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many diadems; and He has a name written on Him which no one knows except Himself. He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. And the armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, were following Him on white horses. From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty. And on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, "KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS."

Are you ready for when Jesus returns the next time for judgement? All Sin deserves death; big or small, all Sin is the same. God gave us some rules to help us along the way, these were the Ten Commandments. Have you ever told a little white Lie? It was harmless, no one was hurt, right? Have we ever stolen anything? It was just a piece of gum, no one will ever miss it, right? We’re blessed that Jesus died to pay the penalty for our Sins. All we have to do is accept the Risen Jesus as our Lord and Savior, and Repent of our Wicked ways. We’re Saved by the Unmerited Favor of god, through Faith in his Son; without trying to merit his Favor by being Good. ~ Jesus loves us, all he wants is for us to Love him back. Read your Bible and start going to Church…

Ezekiel 34:5,11,23-24: "They were scattered for lack of a shepherd, and they became food for every beast of the field and were scattered. For thus says the Lord GOD, "Behold, I Myself will search for My sheep and seek them out. "Then I will set over them one shepherd, My servant David, and he will feed them; he will feed them himself and be their shepherd. "And I, the LORD, will be their God, and My servant David will be prince among them; I the LORD have spoken.
I have a Dream ~ by ReverendRV * May 21

Titus 1:12,13 NIV
; One of Crete's own prophets has said it: "Cretans are always liars, evil brutes, lazy gluttons." This saying is true. Therefore rebuke them sharply, so that they will be sound in the faith.

Martin Luther King Jr had a dream that one day people of all colors would be equal, but he lived in a time that was filled with racial prejudices. Doctor King was a Baptist Minister who God used to bring an end to the injustices of that day. Ultimately, he forfeited his life for the sake of his cause; but due to his efforts, America is a much better place. ~ Prejudice means to pre judge a Case before it has gone to Court; much like how the media reports a Case, and tries someone in ‘the Court of Public Opinion’. Our Verse shows how a false prophet could control your thinking about a People. Lying, Laziness and Gluttony ARE Sins; what do you call someone who tells Lies? Have you ever Lied? Even if you don’t always Lie, in God’s eyes you always bear the stigma of a Liar. This is just one of the Ten Commandments; care to continue? You say, “No! Now you show your prejudice by saying I’m always a Liar.” ~ God is a Judge who is qualified to pre judge you; he is Holy and knows everything. The Bible says we are Condemned for Sin already…

MLK Jr’s namesake is the Protestant Reformer, Martin Luther; and he had a dream too; here’s the jist of it. One night he a dream; or was it a nightmare or a vision? He never was sure. He found a dark figure at the foot of his bed; Satan himself. The Devil unrolled a long scroll filled with the Sins Luther committed. While they were being read off to him, he was terrified to the point he could feel his Salvation slipping away. Can you imagine being told by the Devil that he has a record of your most depraved, secret Sins? Since God knows everything, we are condemned already, ~ God sends the Evangelist to unroll the scroll of God’s Law in order to bring you to the knowledge of Sin, this is what the Ten Commandments are for. Sinners go to a Devil’s Hell for all eternity. Does this bother you? Wake up and hear the Good News!

God Loves the world so much that he gave his only begotten Son, and whoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting Life. Jesus is the only person who never Sinned, thus he is a pure Being. His blood was clean enough to remit Sin forever and ever. Jesus died on a Cross to be the Sacrifice for the Sin of the world. He was buried three days, but was Resurrected by the Holy Spirit; conquering death and the grave. Jesus imparts eternal Life to all whom he Forgives; we are Saved by God’s good Graces through Faith in the Risen Savior Jesus Christ, without our trying to earn it with our good Works. Repent of your Sinful ways, Confess Jesus Christ as your Lord God; and find a Bible believing Church who will help you follow your dreams. ~ Before his dream was over, God spoke to Martin Luther and told him to have Satan unroll the scroll all the way. The Devil refused but Luther told him ‘In the name of Jesus Christ, unroll the scroll!” Satan did so and at the bottom were these words written in scarlet; ‘The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from all Sin, Martin Luther’s account paid in full with the blood of Jesus Christ!’.

Romans 8:1 NASB; Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,
Can a man be saved without a priest?