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Scripture is the only authority?

No problem with any authority recorded in Scripture, particularly when God speaks to them audibly.
Did they give teaching which they did not receive from God?

Men preach the gospel. . .the Holy Spirit gives the gift of faith (Php 1:29, Ac 13:48, 18:27, 2 Pe 1:1, Ro 12:3) therein.

The assembly ministers to the needs of the brethren.

Were those baptized by the apostles saved by a priest, or where they baptized because they were saved by belief in the gospel (Jn 3:18)?

"Sola" means "only," not "ultimate."

"Ultimate" is not my word.
"Sola" is my word.
Ok then why doesn’t scripture says scripture alone or “scripture is the only authority”?

Ok then why doesn’t scripture says scripture alone or “scripture is the only authority”?

The NT canon did not exist during the time of the apostles when the NT was penned.

To whom would you give equal authority with the apostles and penman of the word of God?

Why would we need another authority for divine truth when we have the word of God written (2 Tim 3:16)?
The NT canon did not exist during the time of the apostles when the NT was penned.

To whom would you give equal authority with the apostles and penman of the word of God?

Why would we need another authority for divine truth when we have the word of God written (2 Tim 3:16)?
Cos Christ founded a church to teach and sanctify all men unto eternal salvation! Matt 16:18-19 with his authority to bind and loose
Matt 28:18-20
Cos Christ founded a church to teach and sanctify all men unto eternal salvation! Matt 16:18-19 with his authority to bind and loose
Matt 28:18-20
His authority to bind and loose according to the word of God; e.g. Jn 3:18.
What do you call the “word of God”?
Scripture is the only authority?

Truth of divine revelation is communicated in many ways!

By the heavens: Ps 19:1
By the Father: Matt 16:17
By Christ in person: Matt 5:2 Mk 1:21-22 Lk 5:3 Jn 3:16
By the Holy Spirit: 1 Tim 4:1
By the call of God: Gen 12:1
By the burning bush: Ex 3:2
By Sacred Scripture: Lk 24:32
By Sacred Tradition: 2 thes 2:15
Refers to Christian doctrine. Paul uses the word here to refer to what he preached, Christian doctrine in general.
By the apostles preaching the word:
Acts 8:4 Acts 8:35
By the apostolic churches teaching:
Matt 28:19
By the Angels: Ex 3:2 Matt 1:20
Lk 1:28 Acts 8:26
By dreams: Matt 1:20
By visions: Acts 19:17
By unknown means: Lk 3:2
God's message came to John as it came to the OT prophets (see Jer 1:2, Eze 1:3, Hos 1:1, Joel 1:11).
By preaching of John the Baptist: Lk 3:3-5

Not by “Scripture alone”!
And the divine authoritative meaning of all the above available to us now only in the Scriptures.
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Refers to Christian doctrine. Paul uses the word here to refer to what he preached, Christian doctrine in general.

God's message came to John as it came to the OT prophets (see Jer 1:2, Eze 1:3, Hos 1:1, Joel 1:11).

And the divine authoritative meaning of all the above available to us now only in the Scriptures.
Where does scripture say so?

It says what the church of the apostles teaches! Acts 2:42

Matt 5:14 light (truth) of the world
1 Tim 3:15 Pillar of truth
Hear the church Matt 18:16
Men not scripture alone teach and administer salvation acts 8:30-38 acts 16:17
The NT canon did not exist during the time of the apostles when the NT was penned.

To whom would you give equal authority with the apostles and penman of the word of God?

Why would we need another authority for divine truth when we have the word of God written (2 Tim 3:16)?
There is a big difference between “he left his word” and “I am with you always even to the end of the world”! Matt 28:20
The canonical texts, which are God-breathed, theopnuestos (2 Tim 3:16).
You mean you’re limited 66 p. Books?

The apostles are also God breathed! Jn 20:21-23

Bind and loose example:

They do not invent new doctrine
The Christian faith is “revealed” by Christ to his apostolic church before his ascension eph 4:5 Jude 1:3

(But they clarify an already revealed truth by decree binding the conscience of every Christian to believe)


Lk 1:43 mother of God

Apostolic Council Of Ephesus – 431 A.D. with authority from Christ to bind and loose the faith of all Christians. Matt 16:19 & 18:18

If anyone does not confess that Emmanuel is God in truth, and therefore that the holy virgin is the mother of God (for she bore in a fleshly way the Word of God become flesh) let him be anathema.

Refers to Christian doctrine. Paul uses the word here to refer to what he preached, Christian doctrine in general.

God's message came to John as it came to the OT prophets (see Jer 1:2, Eze 1:3, Hos 1:1, Joel 1:11).

And the divine authoritative meaning of all the above available to us now only in the Scriptures.
Not what scripture says:

1 John 1:4
And these things write (scripture) we unto you, that your joy may be full.

2 John 1:12
Having many things to write unto you, I would not write with paper and ink: but I trust to come unto you, andspeak face to face, that our joy may be full.

(Joy full from both scripture and the apostles)

Acts 2:42 doctrine of the apostles not “scripture alone”

1 John 4:6
We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.
Refers to Christian doctrine. Paul uses the word here to refer to what he preached, Christian doctrine in general.

God's message came to John as it came to the OT prophets (see Jer 1:2, Eze 1:3, Hos 1:1, Joel 1:11).

And the divine authoritative meaning of all the above available to us now only in the Scriptures.
Only scriptures and not tradition?

1 cor 11:23 For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, “this is tradition” and was handed down by Paul in person years before ho wrote in scripture!

What about these “TRADITIONS”?

2 thes 2:15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.

Notice: “epistle” scripture itself is tradition

Prove it. Cite one and quote him/her.

While you're at it, define sola scriptura as you understand it.
I don’t understand it either simply refute it!

Novelties (all five solas) of those outside the church, so called reformers)

So I take it as it says “sola scriptura” scripture alone or scripture is the only authority

And refute it with scripture
Numbers 3, 18, 20
You're dodging the question. I did not ask for a definition as scripture sees it. I asked for a definition as you see it. Can you post a definition of sola scriptura in your own words? Will you do so without further delay, digression or obfuscation?

You have also contradicted yourself operationally because you've used scripture and scripture alone as an authority. Your own posts demonstrate sola scriptura (albeit a misguided version).
I don’t understand it either simply refute it!
Illogical sentence. Repost it so it makes sense.
Novelties (all five solas) of those outside the church, so called reformers). So I take it as it says “sola scriptura” scripture alone or scripture is the only authority. And refute it with scripture
ROTFLMBO! 😀😃😄😆😅😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

No, what you do is misrepresent the doctrine and then argue against the misrepresentation. So far the entire thread is a straw man and NOTHING more.

And I am trying to help you. I'm trying to help you see some of the mistakes you've made, beginning with your understanding you've misunderstood the definition of sola scriptura. So, will you please post a definition - using your own words - defining what you understand sola scriptura to assert?
I don’t understand it either simply refute it!
How can you successfully refute something you do not understand.?It makes everything you say on the subject of sola scriptura a straw man fallacy.