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Scripture is the only authority?

It doesn't claim any kind of authority. It appointed itself as nothing. Do you know what that word means? It is merely the tenets of the Presbyterian church. It never says you have to be a Presbyterian to be saved,and specifically states that Scripture is a matter of private interpretation (which does not mean any ole interpretation is true, but that each person can decide for themselves, not the Presbyterian church or the Catholic, or any other.) It does not set itself up as the one true church of Christ, impose interpretations of the church that is made up of all believers, on anyone. It never lauds itself as the only authorized interpreter of Scripture. The things it doesn't do are exactly the things the Catholic church does do, and why they protested against the brutal, domineering, dictatorship of the RCC. It is exactly why the US has separation of powers between church and state.

He was given authority to lay the foundation (teachings, doctrine) of Christ's church by Christ Himself, who appeared to Him after the resurrection, which also qualified him as an apostle along with the other eleven, (Acts 10:39-40) He wrote the majority of the NT scriptures but he is no scripture.

That does not say solas and it does not mean solas. You yourself made the argument that there was no such thing in the NT (though there was for everything in the NT reveals what was not fully revealed in the OT concerning redemption. It is the Catholic church that has made shipwreck of faith. They say faith plus the Catholic religious institution. IMV is blasphemy against Christ.
Are really supporting the USA?
A godless republic founed by the Freemasons the enemies of Jesus Christ and His holy church.

How can the state be just if it is separated from the virtuous influence of Christ and his church, the light of the world? Jn 8:12 / Matt 5:14

And the bill of rights (sins)
Freedom of speach even for atheists

Freedom of the press to publish any sinful garbage that hell flushes to the earth, porn, etc.

Scripture alone is never despite scripture itself. It is never in opposition to it. Maybe you don't know what scripture is?
What church with authority from Christ under the approval of the successor of Peter decided the canon of the New Testament?
The RCC is self proclaimed, not God proclaimed, as His only church. WHy do you put your faith and hope if myths and fables and traditions of men? "Sola" isn't a novelty. If means only and has always been around.
You mean like dogma’s?
First address the scriptures I quoted and the point I made about them, and then I will tell you. DOn't just quote me and then say whatever unrelated thing you want to say. Is that so you have something to do with your day that may stockpile indulgences and rewards?
They refer to the church!
There is only one church

One: Jn 10:16

Holy: Eph 2:19-22

Catholic: Lk 1:10-11 Jn 1:29 Jn 3:16

Apostolic: Matt 16:18-19 Matt 18:18 Matt 28:19 Jn 20:21 eph 2:20

Only Christ has authority to found the one true church Matt 16:18-19 all others are heretical the tradition of men!

Four marks (characteristics) of the one true church founded by Jesus Christ to teach and sanctify all men unto eternal salvation!

One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church!

It’s not unrelated!

How do you put on Christ?
Address what I said.
Christ and His church are one! Acts 9:4 eph 5:32

Only Christ has authority to establish the church! Matt 16:18-19
One church! Jn 10:16 All others are sects “full of errors” “the tradition of men”! The new covenant Church is the eternal city of God! Household of faith! The pillar and ground of TRUTH! 1 Tim 3:15 Founded by Christ alone! Matt 16:18 on Peter and the apostles! Eph 2:20 Lk 22:29

The 30,000 sects (the tradition of men) having no authority at all! And holding and teaching contrary and new doctrines that oppose the Christian faith that was revealed by Christ and taught by holy mother church! Matt 28:19 acts 16:17
Your Westminster confession does not say this but contradicts it

“The whole counsel of God, concerning all things necessary for his own glory, man’s salvation, faith, and life, is either expressly set down in scripture, or by good and necessary consequence may be deduced from scripture: unto which nothing at any time is to be added, whether by new revelations of the Spirit, or traditions of men.” —Westminster Confession of Faith
I noticed you accept “reformed theology” can you explain it and say how truth can be reformed?

And are you aware that Luther and Calvin defended the dogma’s of Mary?


Martin Luther

It is an article of faith that Mary is Mother of the Lord and still a virgin. … Christ, we believe, came forth from a womb left perfectly intact. (Weimer’s The Works of Luther, English translation by Pelikan, Concordia, St. Louis, v. 11, pp. 319-320; v. 6. p. 510.)

Note: an article of faith is required for salvation.

John Calvin

(On the Heretic Helvidius) Helvidius displayed excessive ignorance in concluding that Mary must have had many sons, because Christ’s “brothers” are sometimes mentioned. (Harmony of Matthew, Mark and Luke, sec. 39 [Geneva, 1562], vol. 2 / From Calvin’s Commentaries, translated by William Pringle, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans, 1949, p.215; on Matthew 13:55)

[On Matt 1:25:] The inference he [Helvidius] drew from it was, that Mary remained a virgin no longer than till her first birth, and that afterwards she had other children by her husband . . . No just and well-grounded inference can be drawn from these words . . . as to what took place after the birth of Christ. He is called “first-born”; but it is for the sole purpose of informing us that he was born of a virgin . . . What took place afterwards the historian does not inform us . . . No man will obstinately keep up the argument, except from an extreme fondness for disputation. (Pringle, ibid., vol. I, p. 107)

Under the word “brethren” the Hebrews include all cousins and other relations, whatever may be the degree of affinity. (Pringle, ibid., vol. I, p. 283 / Commentary on John, [7:3])

John Wesley

‘I believe that He [Jesus] was made man, joining the human nature with the divine in one person; being conceived by the singular operation of the Holy Ghost, and born of the blessed Virgin Mary, who, as well after as before she brought Him forth, continued a pure and unspotted virgin’ (‘Letter to a Roman Catholic’, The Works of Rev. John Wesley, vol 10, p. 81).
I noticed you accept “reformed theology” can you explain it and say how truth can be reformed?
Truth is not reformed it is revealed as it is writen (sola scriptura)

Restoring the gospel of Christ . the work of the 1st. century reformation a carbon copy of the 15th just different fathers same law of " I heard it through the dying fathers grape vine"
Truth is not reformed it is revealed as it is writen (sola scriptura)

Restoring the gospel of Christ . the work of the 1st. century reformation a carbon copy of the 15th just different fathers same law of " I heard it through the dying fathers grape vine"
How did they preach the word 30 plus years before it was written, and 300 plus years before the apostolic authority of dying mankind decided the cannon of the New Testament???
Protestantism does not mean alone!
Does not believe alone then you cannot say alone or Protestantism runs the Rick of being a fraud and the truth is not in it and a Violation of the 8th commandment
How did they preach the word 30 plus years before it was written, and 300 plus years before the apostolic authority of dying mankind decided the cannon of the New Testament???

Apostle (sent one) Abel preached.. the first martyr

No such thing as sent messenger (apostle) as a authority . Its what their beautiful feet deliver as mailmen . . . the final authority (sola scriptural )

Three times the fatter of lies through his lying signs in a vision showed the kingdoms of the world without moving one inch.

Christ moved him after. . . . . It is writen (sola scriptura) again and again it is writen then the devil the king of lying signs to wonder after fled the scene

Wondering marveling is not believing. Why wonder today?
We must believe and obey both Christ and the church He founded on the apostles (Matt 16:18-19) to teach and sanctify all men unto eternal salvation! (Matt 28:19)

(Not scripture alone)
Sacred Scripture according to the churches cannon and interpretation? Yes!
Scripture alone? No!

Heb 1:1 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,

2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things by, by whom also he made the worlds;

“Not by scripture alone”!

That’s the nail in the coffin of “Sola scriptura” it is dead and buried, “false doctrine” the doctrine of demons like all the sola’s!

For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. Jn 1:17

Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life! Jn 14:6

And this extends to His apostolic church, Christ and His church are one and inseparable! Acts 9:4 Jn 15:5 eph 5:32 acts 2:42

One shepherd and one fold! Jn 10:16

The truth of the Christian faith and the church are of divine origin and cannot be reformed!

Jesus Christ is the Light of the world! Jn 8:12
Apostolic church the light of the world! Matt 5:14

Must Hear Jesus Christ! Matt 17:5
Acts 3:23
Must Hear the apostolic church! Matt 18:17 1 Jn 4:6

Authority of Jesus Christ! Matt 28:17
Authority of the apostles! Jn 20:21

Jesus Christ has Reconciliation!
2 cor 5:19
Apostles have ministry of Reconciliation! 2 cor 5:18

Jesus Christ have power to forgive mens sins! Lk 5:20 Jn
Apostles have power to forgive mens sins! Jn 20:23

Jesus Christ is the truth! Jn 14:6
The apostolic church is the pillar of truth! 1 Tim 3:16

For the apostolic authority in Holy church decided and decreed (bound on earth / bound in heaven) the canon of Scripture, and is the only authentic interpreter of scripture!

The Christian faith is revealed by Christ!

Jesus Christ before ascending to heaven gave His apostles the fullness of truth, the apostolic church our mother and teacher is commanded by Him to teach and to sanctify with her sacraments (the promise of the spirit) all men unto eternal salvation! We are commanded to believe and obey! Matt 28:19

How can the Protestant concept: “sacred scripture is the only infallible source of truth” be true? There must be some infallible source that must tell us what is the canon of scripture & has authority to interpret scripture!

It is impossible to reject the church or her teaching without rejecting Christ who founded the church and revealed her teaching!

You cannot reject the kingdom established by the king and say I obey and submit to the king!

Jesus Christ founded the new covenant church to teach and sanctify (baptize) all men unto eternal salvation! (Matt 28:19)

Christ and His church are one!
((Inseparable unity))
Acts 9:4 Lk 10:16 eph 5:32 Isa 53:5 Jn 15:5 eph 5:24

Only Christ has authority to establish the church! Matt 16:18-19
One church! Jn 10:16 All others are sects “full of errors” “the tradition of men”! The new covenant Church is the eternal city of God! Household of faith! The pillar and ground of TRUTH! 1 Tim 3:15 Founded by Christ alone! Matt 16:18 on Peter and the apostles! Eph 2:20 Lk 22:29

The 30,000 sects (the tradition of men) having no authority at all! And holding and teaching contrary and new doctrines that oppose the Christian faith that was revealed by Christ and taught by holy mother church! Matt 28:19 acts 16:17

The church was founded and existed and exercised authority in teaching, governance, and sanctifying souls before the New Testament was written!

The church does not require the scriptures to know the truth!

The church wrote the scripture!

The church was taught by Christ in person for three years!

And commanded by Christ to teach and sanctify all men unto eternal salvation! Matt 28:19

For 30 plus years before the apostles wrote scripture
By the inspiration of the Holy Ghost they taught and preached and settle matters of doctrine!

Acts 8:12 & 25 & 35
Acts 13:5
1 pet 1:25
We must believe and obey both Christ and the church He founded on the apostles (Matt 16:18-19) to teach and sanctify all men unto eternal salvation! (Matt 28:19)
Will you define the word apostle and show how is used in sola scriptura? Or does Gods living abiding word have the wrong meaning and we must trust the Pope as it is written in the (CCC)? The Catechism of the Catholic Church No man can serve two good teaching masters as one eternal lord . Which one today? Peter learned he memorized that verse every time the Holy Spirit would bring it to Peters mind etched in his memory passing it on to us as it is written

Is that how it works? Turn things upside down .Peter our brother in the Lord learned the hard way but a great lesson as a loving warning to Christians Peter was forgiven again for blaspheming the Son of man, Jesus. Blasphemy against the unseen head. Christ no fogiveess, cutting off any hope in a new spirit that will never die. Enter through the Fathers Holy Spirit gate or . . . . . do not enter.

Mathew 16:22:23 Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, saying, Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee. But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men

What do you think the lesson was ?
Cannot believe scripture without believing the apostolic councils!
only the apostolic councils decree’s what is sacred scripture and what is not!

Rule of faith is not scripture alone but Christ and the apostles in holy church. Acts 2:42
Cannot believe scripture without believing the apostolic councils!
only the apostolic councils decree’s what is sacred scripture and what is not!

Rule of faith is not scripture alone but Christ and the apostles in holy church. Acts 2:42
Rule of faith do not add new meaning to one word it can change all the commandments making them into commandment of dying mankind Rightly divide (interpret) the word apostle sent messenger not puffed up ones Hollier than the non venerable show time watchers they violate the law below. . used to protect the integrity one author Christ

Deuteronomy 4:2 Ye shall not add unto the word (singular ) which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it(singular) , that ye may keep the commandments (plural the whole) of the Lord your God which I command you.

Deuteronomy 12:32 What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it. (sola scriptura)