It's not replacement theology, it's fulfillment theology.
And it's not anti-semitism, it's the destiny of Israel to be grafted back into the one olive tree of God's people going all the way back to Abraham (Heb 11:16), the church, of both OT and NT saints (Heb 11:40, 12:22-23), IF they do not persist in unbelief (Ro 11:23) as they have for 2,000 years now.
Sez you. Your experience may vary as does the stream your church is in. Mine verges on replacement theology. Spiritual Israel and Spiritual Jew my left buttock.
And there is no "if". God keeps all His promises to those whom He gives them. Completely. Perfectly. Otherwise neither you nor I nor Israel has a snowballs chance in the lake of fire of surviving. There are no substitutes or "higher meanings".