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Salvation and sanctification is now complete in Christ: Consecration then follows

What I am saying is that my works before or even after conversion do not justify me before God.​
I believe you. No sinner with unrepented sinning is justified with Christ.

Your confession of not being justified with God is true and accepted.

But, if you repent of your dead works for Jesus' sake, then you too can do those things justified before God.

I am justified in the person and works of Christ Alone!​
Not Jesus Christ. The true Christ justifies no enemy of the Father transgressing His word.

If you disagree with this, then please tell me what could I possible add to what Christ already finished?​
See above about repentance from your works of enmity against God.

And then you can reread the Scripture already given to you about adding Jesus' virtue, godliness, and charity to your new pure faith in Jesus Christ.

I can see like others, that you're only beginning to repeat yourself, without acknowledging responses. I'll only be responding to new things you may have. I don't do emply endless go arounds.
They only take pride in being prechosen lambs along with the Lamb at the beginning, not prechosen sinful lambs.

Only the god of this world chooses unrepentant sinners for his very own, and elects them into his kingdom.
The pride is in "I am saved because I chose Christ." That puts the effectiveness of Christs sacrifice squarely in the hands of a sinner. It also has sinners coming before God and God accepting them. So both our arguments fall flat.

It also presumes and accuses according to the presumption, that those who believe that they are only saved because God saved them, and that they had nothing to do with it, are prideful of that fact. Which would be a contradiction in terms.

So, you accuse me of being a sinner. Yes, I am.​
You accuse yourself of being a sinner, others take you at your word, and they become your accusers?

It's common with sinners justifying themselves by their own faith alone. They can call themselves and one another sinners, but no one esle can.

I believe it's some sinners' club rule, that only allows sinners calling themselves sinners, to call fellow member sinners too.

But Christ came to save sinners like me.​
Christ only comes to save sinners from their sinning, that repent for His sake.

Christ can't save any sinners like the world that repents not, but only judge them by their works as unrighteous and unjustified.

Especially the ones who know their works are unjustified before God, and rather than repent for Jesus' sake, they justify themselves by their own faith alone.

As Paul himself once exclaim, "I am the Chief of sinners!"​
O boy. That other Paul of another Christ. The one bragging about being the worst of sinners, and calling on sinners to be as bad as him for their Christ's sake.

Mark 13:22
For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.

2 Cor 11:13
For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.

15 This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief.

This is why I recanted a long time ago of what you believe today.​
I thought you may have sought God's repentance and turned back. Unforunately you have sealed off any possibiblity of godly repentance by justifying it in your own doctrine.

And worst of all by falsley accusing the righteous apostles of Christ, as being worse sinners than yourself.

Heb 10:38
Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him.

but the ungodly like me!​
Hip hip hurraw! Hip hip hurraw!

Keep it up, and I'll be you overtake that Paul of yours as the worst of the ungodly.

Psa 94:4
How long shall they utter and speak hard things? and all the workers of iniquity boast themselves?
Christ only comes to save sinners from their sinning, that repent for His sake.

Christ can't save any sinners like the world that repents not, but only judge them by their works as unrighteous and unjustified.

Especially the ones who know their works are unjustified before God, and rather than repent for Jesus' sake, they justify themselves by their own faith alone.
Why is it that you presume people who believe in salvation through faith alone, in Christ alone, are unrepentant sinners? YOu don't even know those you are accusing, or anything about them. A person who is saved by Christ through faith is repentant. They were turned away from Him, and now are turned towards Him. That is the definition of faith. And the one in whom they have faith, is the one who their heart desires to please and obey. We still live in our fallen flesh with our fallen nature. We will sometimes sin. We are convicted of it, and we repent of it.

Your whole argument is an army of straw men.
Oh boy. An OSAS Calvin predestinator too. The only new twist here, is that commonly they don't call themselves sinners chosen before the world.
Another false allegation, talk about being like the Pharisee. Please, by all means provide the post where I said I hold to OSAS? I think this is the problem, you go to third party Anti-Calvinism sites and think you have it all figured out.​
They only take pride in being prechosen lambs along with the Lamb at the beginning, not prechosen sinful lambs.
So, you keep arguing with Paul, you should read Ephesians 1 and try to explain those verses. Conjecture and speculation is blinding.
Only the god of this world chooses unrepentant sinners for his very own, and elects them into his kingdom.
This again shows you need to do your homework. Again you disagree with Paul, here I will quote the passages.

Ephesians 2:1 And you were dead in the trespasses and sins 2 in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience— 3 among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind.

Notice that Paul doesn't exclude any fallen sinner in Adam in these passages? Or unless you are not fallen like the rest of us, and don't even need a Savior?​
See, you only mention repentance
God not only mentions it, but commands it.

, nothing of the Free Gift that the Gospel Promise gives freely and is received through Faith Alone.
No, nothing about such liberty to sin in the Bible. Other than such faith alone is dead, and such liberty is corruption.

The free gift of Jesus' faith is only to do God's righteous and good will. And He's only given to them that repent of doing unrighteousness against His will.

James 2 is all about the difference between having one's own faith alone with transgressions, vs having Jesus' faith only to do His good works.

The former is self-justifying delusion, the latter is the promise of justification and resurrection unto life.
You look to the believer for assurance
I don't look to any sinful believer for assurance. People with faith alone, have it all to themselves alone.

This is where I find my assurance and hope, not in what I do
Neither would I.

, but in what has already been done for me.

If Jesus Christ hasn't delivered someone from their own works of iniquity, then He's done nothing for them, but only judge them as workers of iniquity.

So far, His death, burial, and resurrection have no effect upon them to repent. Neither does His longsuffering mercy to repent today. Tomorrow's not promised.

That's when another Christ may came running to their aid with his own gospel of being justified by their own faith alone, instead of by Jesus Christ.

1Th 5:3
For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

Pro 1:24
Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded;
But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof: I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;

When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you. Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me:

For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the LORD: They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof. Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices.

And not only this, but some hardened unrepentant sinners add the insult of accusing the Lord's prophets and apostles of being the worst of the ungodly on earth...

Psa 105:14
He suffered no man to do them wrong: yea, he reproved kings for their sakes; Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.

But must ask you this, why would even one repent if they relationship with God is not restored? If someone does't believe or trust God in the first place why would they follow him?

And how does a sinner come to the Father?
As I said, I don't keep repeating myself more than once or twice.
Mar 12:13
And they send unto him certain of the Pharisees and of the Herodians, to catch him in his words.


No sinner is justified with Christ.
Finally, thank you for answering the question. So, you believe in a Legalistic Salvation which is a delusion and a fools errand. Where sinners "by doing good works or by obeying the law, a person earns and merits salvation." This is not Gospel but Law, and placing people back under the Law to redeem themselves. This was one of the major debates of the Reformation. My advice you can get it or leave it. Read up on why this debate happened, and learn both sides of the debate. Leave your bias glasses out of it. The Gospel is an announcement of what God has already accomplished in his Son for his people. The Son has already defeated Sin, Death, Satan and has redeemed us with his blood and finished works. What was the last words of Jesus on the Cross?

What did he finish?

No one only repenting of dead works is justified by Christ. Having faith alone justifies no man.

Only repented saints doing God's will are justified with Christ.

Are you a justified sinner with unrepented sin? Only with one's own Christ, not ever with Jesus Christ.
I believe you. No sinner with unrepented sinning is justified with Christ.

Your confession of not being justified with God is true and accepted.

But, if you repent of your dead works for Jesus' sake, then you too can do those things justified before God.
Well, as I said before, even our repenting of sins does not justify a sinner. Only the Blood and finished works of Christ Alone can justify a sinner.

I rely solely on the person of Christ and his finished works. You rely on what you do to find assurance and try to merit salvation. Didn't Paul when he was Saul thought this way as well? Wasn't Saul one of the greatest Pharisees, and having a legalistic Salvation which is no Gospel, but Law. And no sinner who is under the curse of the Law can be justified though the Law.

But it's ironic that when Saul was converted by Christ, he preached the very thing he was prosecuting Christians for; he killed, tortured them. Now he preaches the Gospel as a free gift promise apart from works of the Law.

The mistake I see you doing is you are conflating Justification & Sanctification into one, which then turns Gospel into Law and putting people back under the curse of the Law. Justification & Sanctification are distinct from each other.​
Like Paul, I am the chief of sinners. But praise be to God who justifies the ungodly!
Again you do refuse to answer the question. Why would any people want to repent, if they do not believe and trust God? Doesn't the relationship need to be restore first? How can a sinner be justified before a Holy God? And your ONLY answer is that they need to repent, not believe and have Faith in what Christ has done, but repent and place your trust in what you do, not in what Christ has done.​
Why is it that you presume people who believe in salvation through faith alone, in Christ alone, are unrepentant sinners?
Because they say so? If someone tells me plainly without any hint of retraction, that they are a sinner that surely shall sin again, who am I to argue with them? Should I call them liars? I take people's own confession of themselves at face value.

YOu don't even know those you are accusing, or anything about them.
You're right. I don't know them personally, nor do I want to. I don't personally care to know their unrepented sinful pleasures. Unrepented sinners that know they will trespass the Lord, will certainly do so. No matter what the specifics.

Jas 2:10
For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.

We will sometimes sin.
See what I mean? Am I not to believe your own faith to sin again? Do I need to know what unrepented transgression it is, that you know you will do again?

If people declare themselves openly to be sinners, that will commit an unrepented sin again, then why am I called an accuser for calling them unrepented sinners? Are they not accusing themselves? Do I not only agree with their unwavering confession of sin?

Is it some sort of sinners' club, where only the accepted members can call themselves and each other unrepented sinners?

We are convicted of it, and we repent of it.
Not if we know we will do it again.

I don't argue against people's faith to sin again, nor their commitment to do so. That's their own judgment with God.

Matth 12:37

For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned...for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.

I only argue against anyone justifying their sinning before God through 'doctrinal' means. Sinners can believe that are always justified by their own faith alone, and can even name Christ as their justifier in their sinning. But that doesn't mean anyone else has to agree with it, or can't rebuke and reject it by Scripture.

You don't want to be known as a sinner that will certainly sin again unto death, then stop publicly broadcasting it.

You can start by teaching Scripture, about if we sin, rather than your own faith alone about when you certainly will sin.

Otherwise, if you only want kindly regards about your Faith Alone to Sin Some More, then don't throw it up in my face. And most of all don't tell me it's the faith of Jesus Christ, that makes you do it some more and some more and some more.

2 Tim
{2:15} Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. {2:16} But shun profane [and] vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.

P.s. that sin nature in your fallen flesh stuff, is just your old lust of heart untaken away by the circumcision of Christ. So stop blaming your body for your sinful living, and just repent with your whole heart for Jesus' sake.

Ezek 18:31
Cast away from you all your transgressions, whereby ye have transgressed; and make you a new heart and a new spirit: for why will ye die, O house of Israel?

Deu 10:16
Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart, and be no more stiffnecked. For the LORD your God is God of gods, and Lord of lords, a great God, a mighty, and a terrible, which regardeth not persons, nor taketh reward:
Like Paul, I am the chief of sinners. But praise be to God who justifies the ungodly!
I think some people just make vain boasts about how wicked they are. Their deeds don't really back it up.

However, there are some that say they're righteous by their own words of faith alone, so I suppose they can also be as ungodly as they want to say they are.

But I do wonder what the truly wicked would think of them. Afterall, even they don't have patience for vain boasting. The righteous say put up or shut up. But the ungodly wicked make us put up, or shut us up.

Afterall, even Jesus would rather spit out the lukewarm doer, than listen to any boasting about how good or evil they are.
Because they say so? If someone tells me plainly without any hint of retraction, that they are a sinner that surely shall sin again, who am I to argue with them? Should I call them liars? I take people's own confession of themselves at face value.
That does not mean they are unrepentant. It means they are honest with themselves and God. The liar, according to the Bible is the one who says they don't sin.
You're right. I don't know them personally, nor do I want to. I don't personally care to know their unrepented sinful pleasures. Unrepented sinners that know they will trespass the Lord, will certainly do so. No matter what the specifics.
Even Paul wrestled with his human nature. And you sin when you treat others as the dregs of humanity, consider yourself superior to them, as you do in that statement. You break the spirit of commandments five through ten, and since you are breaking them, you break one through four. You preach legalism not the religion of God. And you do not show a glimmer of repentance and I don't expect you will. That is the case 100% of the time with self righteous legalists.
See what I mean? Am I not to believe your own faith to sin again? Do I need to know what unrepented transgression it is, that you know you will do again?
A person who thinks they never sin is a liar. A person who thinks they never will sin, is a deluded ego maniac. They simply don't recognize their sin or they justify it. That is unrepentant sin. Is it that you only regard the "big"things as sin and think God doesn't consider everything that falls short of righteousness as sin? I have a temper. It is a part of my nature. It happens less and less as I grow in grace, and I learn to set a guard over my mouth, and listen to the instructions of Christian behavior as given by the Holy Spirit in His word, on how His children are to behave with one another; even so there are times when I want to call someone ignorant but don't. Such a thought is a sinful thought. I know it is likely that some time or another I will use my tongue like a lethal weapon. I don't kid myself. And I don't try to lie to God.

And I know that would be a sin against God and my fellow man. Do you know that? I also know that the minute I gave into that fleshly desire, I would regret it, have deep remorse over it, go to God in prayer for help and forgiveness. That is repentance. And He has never failed me.
Is it some sort of sinners' club, where only the accepted members can call themselves and each other unrepented sinners?
We don't call ourselves unrepentant sinners. That is what you call us, even though you don't know whether we repent of our sins or not.
Not if we know we will do it again.
That is illogical. And no one has said they commit the same sin over and over. They just realize they are not yet made PERFECT and will not be until the resurrection of our bodies, as immortal, not corrupted, and incorruptible. We are counted as righteous by virtue of Christ having taken the penalty for our sins upon Himself, and are sealed in Him by the Holy Spirit until the day of the fullness of our redemption. We cannot be tried and found guilty for has already met God's justice in Christ.
I only argue against anyone justifying their sinning before God through 'doctrinal' means. Sinners can believe that are always justified by their own faith alone, and can even name Christ as their justifier in their sinning. But that doesn't mean anyone else has to agree with it, or can't rebuke and reject it by Scripture.
It is God in His word who says on a number of occasions---beginning with Abraham---that a person is justified by faith in Christ. So you are not arguing with those who believe that. You are arguing with God. It isn't our own faith. It is the faith that God gives us. (Eph 2)
You don't want to be known as a sinner that will certainly sin again unto death, then stop publicly broadcasting it.
If you don't want to be known as a liar according to God's word, don't act like you never sin and you never will.
Otherwise, if you only want kindly regards about your Faith Alone to Sin Some More, then don't throw it up in my face. And most of all don't tell me it's the faith of Jesus Christ, that makes you do it some more and some more and some more.
Because they say so? If someone tells me plainly without any hint of retraction, that they are a sinner that surely shall sin again, who am I to argue with them? Should I call them liars? I take people's own confession of themselves at face value.
Why, do you keep accusing us of this, without providing a single shred of evidence (a post; a comment) to back up your accusations. Isn't this bearing false witness? Isn't this a breaking on of the 10 commandments (Exodus 20:16)? Is this not sin? But you keep doing to it, regardless of what you preach.

Again, I believe that you do not understand what we are trying to share with you. Didn't I reply to you, quoting Paul on the objection he anticipates is coming when he preached the Free Gift of Righteousness of the Gospel? Paul knew that after he preached this Gracious and Merciful Doctrine of Grace for the ungodly that people would challenge him, so he anticipates the objection and answers it before they ask it. Because he knew people would think 1) It's too good to be true, and 2) That is contrary to what has been taught before, the antithesis to Law. So, some saw him as a heretic and as enemy to the state.

Romans 6:1What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound?

Please explain why Paul says after saying, Romans 3:28 For we hold that one is justified by faith apart from works of the law. And here you have a huge problem, because you said one is not justified apart from works, but Paul says otherwise.
You're right. I don't know them personally, nor do I want to. I don't personally care to know their unrepented sinful pleasures. Unrepented sinners that know they will trespass the Lord, will certainly do so. No matter what the specifics.

Jas 2:10
For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.
You do not know what they teach personally, but yet falsely accuse them, why? Whose the unrepentant now? At lease show the courtesy of knowing what they taught and be honest about it, instead of spreading lies.
I think some people just make vain boasts about how wicked they are. Their deeds don't really back it up.

However, there are some that say they're righteous by their own words of faith alone, so I suppose they can also be as ungodly as they want to say they are.

But I do wonder what the truly wicked would think of them. Afterall, even they don't have patience for vain boasting. The righteous say put up or shut up. But the ungodly wicked make us put up, or shut us up.

Afterall, even Jesus would rather spit out the lukewarm doer, than listen to any boasting about how good or evil they are.
So, then my question for you is, how righteous are you? Perfect? Does God grade on a curve? Because I recall Jesus saying that we need to be Holy as God is holy, meaning totally without sin. Are you without sin? How righteous must one be to be justified before a Holy God?
Rome had said, God's Grace is great, for through Christ's cross and his church salvation is possible for all who will work and suffer for it; so come to church, and toil (Work Hard/GitRDone)! But the Reformers said, God's Grace is greater, for through Christ's Cross and His Spirit, Salvation, is full and free, with its unlimited guarantee of eternal joy; is given once and forever to all who believe; so come to Christ, and trust and receive with empty hands.​
The pride is in "I am saved because I chose Christ."
True. When someone preaches it, you can let them know.

I've argued against the same thing, where like pagans of old, people think they can make a choice between Christs, for which one suits them best.

It's also called choosing between different religions. Woody Allen made of good mocking show of it in, "Hanna and Her Sisters".

It also presumes and accuses according to the presumption, that those who believe that they are only saved because God saved them, and that they had nothing to do with it, are prideful of that fact.
If you mean the person here, that appears to be in some kind of competititon with some leader of his church that he calls Paul. Where he's talking about who's the worst of sinner in their church, then that's the wicked taking pride in their great wickedness.

Psa 94:4
How long shall they utter and speak hard things? and all the workers of iniquity boast themselves?

On the other hand, if you're talking about people who judge themselves saved because they really believe it. Then yes, I agree that would be pride in one's own faith alone.

Jas 2:19
But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?

Christ rebukes such vanity.

The better known form of that pride is salvation by works alone.

Tit 3:5
Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;

Whether by works or faith alone, the Bible calls it vain pride to think we don't have to be saved God's way but our own. If by our own works or faith alone, we don't believe God, that we ourselves don't need to repent of all our own sins and trespasses to be forgiven by Him, then by pride of works or faith alone, we judge ourselves worthy of Christ.

Everyone gladly condemns the Pharisee puffed up in his own works alone, but what about an unjustified publican, that is being puffed up in his own faith alone? All his blathering about what a sinner he is, is just self-debasement without repentance. The one competing about being the worst of sinners, and justifying himself by his own faith alone, certainly would apply.

And so we see that whether it's declaring ourselves righteous by our own works or faith alone, with no need to repent God's way from all our own sins and trespasses, that we have vain pride in our own works or faith.

Once again, everyone's familiar with the righteous by works alone, that needs not repent of their own sins. But what about them righteous by their own faith alone, that also needs not to repent of all their sins to be saved by Christ?

Mark 2;17
When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

Jesus only comes to them that know they are sinners, because they are still sinning. He can't help anyone that believes they are already righteous enough, whether by works or faith alone.

It always comes down to one simple thing: Who is willing to repent of all their own works in life, whether good or evil, in order to begin doing only the works of God by the faith of Jesus Christ.

Works by law alone don't purge wicked works of the heart, and righteousness by faith alone doesn't purge anything, at least not all of the lust and sinning. Afterall, they too know they certainly will sin again and again and again...

Personally, I have more respect for someone basing their justification on their works alone, rather than just saying so because they really, really believe it.

There's more I could say on this, but it's enough for now. Thanks for the challenging observation.
True. When someone preaches it, you can let them know.

I've argued against the same thing, where like pagans of old, people think they can make a choice between Christs, for which one suits them best.

It's also called choosing between different religions. Woody Allen made of good mocking show of it in, "Hanna and Her Sisters".

If you mean the person here, that appears to be in some kind of competititon with some leader of his church that he calls Paul. Where he's talking about who's the worst of sinner in their church, then that's the wicked taking pride in their great wickedness.

Psa 94:4
How long shall they utter and speak hard things? and all the workers of iniquity boast themselves?

On the other hand, if you're talking about people who judge themselves saved because they really believe it. Then yes, I agree that would be pride in one's own faith alone.

Jas 2:19
But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?

Christ rebukes such vanity.

The better known form of that pride is salvation by works alone.

Tit 3:5
Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;

Whether by works or faith alone, the Bible calls it vain pride to think we don't have to be saved God's way but our own. If by our own works or faith alone, we don't believe God, that we ourselves don't need to repent of all our own sins and trespasses to be forgiven by Him, then by pride of works or faith alone, we judge ourselves worthy of Christ.

Everyone gladly condemns the Pharisee puffed up in his own works alone, but what about an unjustified publican, that is being puffed up in his own faith alone? All his blathering about what a sinner he is, is just self-debasement without repentance. The one competing about being the worst of sinners, and justifying himself by his own faith alone, certainly would apply.

And so we see that whether it's declaring ourselves righteous by our own works or faith alone, with no need to repent God's way from all our own sins and trespasses, that we have vain pride in our own works or faith.

Once again, everyone's familiar with the righteous by works alone, that needs not repent of their own sins. But what about them righteous by their own faith alone, that also needs not to repent of all their sins to be saved by Christ?

Mark 2;17
When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

Jesus only comes to them that know they are sinners, because they are still sinning. He can't help anyone that believes they are already righteous enough, whether by works or faith alone.

It always comes down to one simple thing: Who is willing to repent of all their own works in life, whether good or evil, in order to begin doing only the works of God by the faith of Jesus Christ.

Works by law alone don't purge wicked works of the heart, and righteousness by faith alone doesn't purge anything, at least not all of the lust and sinning. Afterall, they too know they certainly will sin again and again and again...

Personally, I have more respect for someone basing their justification on their works alone, rather than just saying so because they really, really believe it.

There's more I could say on this, but it's enough for now. Thanks for the challenging observation.
That entire post is nothing but a straw man. It contains no substance, and no reality, at all. Clouds without rain. Vain babbling.
That entire post is nothing but a straw man. It contains no substance, and no reality, at all. Clouds without rain. Vain babbling.
There certainly be a whole lot of straw sinners, vainly babbling about how sure they are of sining some more, or less. And while most assure everyone how they will only sin less, we finally have one promising and gloating about sinning more and more. It's a matter of competitive pride.

Fortunately, I no longer vainly seek to persuade faith aloners from their own righteous faith alone.

I only enjoy the discipline of teaching Scripture as accurately and simply as possible. That in itself is a pleasure.

Especially when showing how God has foreseen every lie coming, and has written Scripture with perfect and sharp precision to circumcise all such lies from His gospel of repentance unto salvation.

Heb 4:12
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Eze 33:14
Again, when I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; if he turn from his sin, and do that which is lawful and right; But if the wicked turn from his wickedness, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall live thereby.

And I have learned that the gospel of rightousness and life by faith alone, apart from repenting from works of the flesh, is the oldest gospel of the first false christ on earth:

Gen 3:4
And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: {3:5} For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

The gods of the earth choosing when to do good and when to do evil, by their own faith alone, end in the grave. Even though some even claim they are now reigning from heaven over all the earth, like the gods of old Mt Olympus.

The first one to lust and believe in his own heart's power to reign, was Lucifer the anointed Cherub and son of the morning star:

Isa 14:12
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

There still be many such anointed created sons today, that seriously believe in their own hearts alone, that they are already resurrected and ascended on high, to be like the most High Son with power in heaven over all the earth.

Just like Lucifer, they don't believe the second death has any power over them, whether they are doing some good or some more evil from time to time.

As the Scripture says, there's nothing new under the sun. And as the song goes, the new boss is the same as the old boss. Or bosses.

I could go on, but that's enough for now. I do enjoy the perfect truth of Scripture exposing the folly and vain pride of having one's own faith alone, but I don't want to get to wordy about it at one time... (y)
See, you only mention repentance, nothing of the Free Gift that the Gospel Promise
That's because many skip step 1 for the promise of forgiveness and salvation from sinning. And so, I must often preach the gospel of repentance unto salvation, in order to keep step 1 in it's proper place.

The gospel of forgiveness and salvation with sinning may be common, but is not all dominant. At least not yet. When the Lord returns, then His repented saints will be taken out of the way on earth, and into the air, to leave the righteous by their own faith alone all dominant on earth...