God in the flesh, and the brightness of His glory in holy and truly righteous living: Inward purity and outward blamelessness from a child to the grave.
Living holily and righteously without sin nor fault, and obeying the Father to submit to wicked hands meekly unto death on a cross.
He was the Son of God in the flesh, living as God on earth. He became the Lamb of God by submitting to His persecutors and crucifiers meekly, without defense, protest, nor reviling unto death on a cross.
And why are you going back to responding to posts that have already been dealt with,
Because in the next post in line, you asked why I would ask such a thing. If you don't want questions answered in order, then don't ask.
Haven't seen other posts. Been busy and responded to this one as the most recent.
Could you please deal with post #151?
When I get to it.
And you don't listen when you are given the understanding. You view those who do understand it as believing according to your understanding.
I listen and reject what I understand is not Scripture. Our understanding is our's alone, unless someone agrees with us. And my understanding is not dependent upon others agreeing with me.
It is the Bible that says our sins were imputed to Him on the cross.
No, it doesn't. Some say that, but not the Bible.
1 Peter 2:22-24 He committed no sin, neither was deceith found in his mouth. When he was reviled, he did not revile in return, when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly. He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.
There is nothing here about God imputing sin to His own dear Son.
It's only about Jesus bearing the sins of wicked hands upon His body, meekly and without sinning Himself.
And only by obeying the Father did He do so, that He might rise again from the dead, and show mercy upon His enemies that repent of their sins and trespasses against Him.
God does not impute sin to the righteous, and especially not the sin of others. Nowhere in Scripture does God ever even suggest that He acquits the guilty and charges it to the innocent. That is contrary to the law of shedding innocent blood and defiling the whole land.
The only ones imputing sin to the Son, and declaring Him guilty under the law, were His false accusers and executioners contrary to the law. It continues today with those believing their false accusation, that He was worthy of death for blasphemy, whether Jew, Muslim, or the ignorant.
1Co 12:3Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed:
You do not understand imputation,
Imputation of God in the Bible is to count, reckon, and judge one to be righteous, or to be a sinner. The imputation is by right judgment of works, whether doing righteousness or doing unrighteousness.
Psa 32:2Blessed is the man unto whom the LORD imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile.
Rom 4:8Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.
Not imputing sin to anyone, is not judging them unrighteous, but judging them righteous by their deeds.
2Co 5:19To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.
If, not since, but if God imputs our sins to His Son, without judging and making Him a sinner, then God imputes His righteousness to us, without judging and making us the righteous.
And so, we see by teaching what is not written, we must change what is written to conform to it.
It cannot be both: Sin cannot be imputed
without judging a person sinful, and impute righteousness
with judging the person righteous.
Our sins being imputed to Him, does not make Him a sinner.
It does if God imputes it.
He does this by His righteousness being imputed to the believer.
True. And, if He was imputed sin by God, without being made a sinner, then God imputing us with righteousness, is without being made righteous.
Accusing Him falsely of blasphemy is what got Him killed. But that is not what imputed sin means.
It is in the Bible.
If God imputing sin to a person, is not judging him guilty of sin, then it's only a label without substance.
People can impute their own sins to others, which is meaningless, because it does not make them sinners. God's imputation of good or evil is not a meaningless label, like that of men.