I am not in this post referring to the pope.I do not believe the bible shows or teaches succession. Peter was not a pope.
And if it were taught in scripture, boy did you guys mess that up.
And it wasnt “ us guys” - it was all till the reformation believed it, including those at councils. The difference between us and orthodox is in metaphysics of transformation , not the belief in real flesh.
So . I am referring to how the faith was actually handed down early days - as Paul confirms - by paradosis ( tradition), and what Jesus passed to apostle John, to his disciples, to ignatius and iraneus.
It’s indisputable what they believed.
And If John didn’t know what John 6 meant , who did?
And we know what he passed on - read ignatius to smyrneans or iraneus on tradition, bishops and authority.
What scripture says on interpretation,
Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding"
So look to Jesus appointed authority to know what it means..
So who can you trust, if you cannot trust your own exegesis?
2 Thess. 2:15 Paradosis , which is tradition the faith handed down, Paul says “stand firm and hold to the traditions which you were taught by us, either by word of mouth or by letter” .
And we read in Paul and johns disciples the truth of the eucharist.
2 Timothy 2:22 reinforces this "the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others. So it is teaching by "those who are sent "Rom 10:15 "how can men preach unless they are sent?" So unless you have been "sent" your word does not count! Succession.
Jesus also gave the ultimate power to resolve disputes on doctrine "the power to bind and loose" Matthew 23:13 to Peter alone and Matthew 18:18 to the others jointly, which is why we can trust councils. So apostolic tradition and authority of a magisterium is where you find true meaning.
Thats why 1 Timothy 3:15 "the pillar and foundation of truth" is the "Household of God". Which is specifically where to take disputes . Eg meaning of Eucharist, There is clearly scriptural and Tradition support for tgst.
Now Step back from all that . Be that as it may…argue if you must,
But.. Answer this question:
We know that the early fathers handed down to say what the eucharist was , and why Paul says profaning it is serious.
that’s consistent with John 6 saying Jesus abides in those who eat ( meaning gnaw) his body and blood. They are the ones raised up on the last day.
We know what they believed, that they tell us, in ignatius , Justin martyr iraneus etc.
Do you seriously think Jesus would allow his church to go off the rails in the first generation?
Because like it or not - that’s clearly what they all believed.
only “ leaning on your own understanding “ disputes it as doctrine. Since all believed it then, and handed it down For the next Millenium,
Matthew says the gospel is preached to the end of time. Not with a 1500 year gap.
Is Jesus really so impotent as to let ALL go off the rails ?
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