But there's ANOTHER TRAP: Thinking that all Jewish History is meaningful in a spiritual sense.
Bear in mind that the Jews, and their concept of religion was so warped, and inaccurate, that when THEIR SAVIOR CAME as preticted in God's WORD, they didn't recognize him, rejected Him, and murdered Him because their "Religion" had absolutely NO CONCEPT of who/what Jesus was, or what the PROVISION OF GOD for their SIN was. Obviously Judas Maccabeus was into Jewish folklore, and NOT the "Word of God".
I never said "all Jewish history is meaningful in a spiritual sense." They apostatized at times and God punished them for it. You don't need to be so anti-Semitic to prove a point.
4. As the sacred synod searches into the mystery of the Church, it remembers the bond that spiritually ties the people of the New Covenant to Abraham's stock.
Thus the Church of Christ acknowledges that, according to God's saving design, the beginnings of her faith and her election are found already among the Patriarchs, Moses and the prophets. She professes that all who believe in Christ-Abraham's sons according to faith (6)-are included in the same Patriarch's call, and likewise that the salvation of the Church is mysteriously foreshadowed by the chosen people's exodus from the land of bondage. The Church, therefore, cannot forget that she received the revelation of the Old Testament through the people with whom God in His inexpressible mercy concluded the Ancient Covenant. Nor can she forget that she draws sustenance from the root of that well-cultivated olive tree onto which have been grafted the wild shoots, the Gentiles.(7) Indeed, the Church believes that by His cross Christ, Our Peace, reconciled Jews and Gentiles. making both one in Himself.(8)
The Church keeps ever in mind the words of the Apostle about his kinsmen: "theirs is the sonship and the glory and the covenants and the law and the worship and the promises; theirs are the fathers and from them is the Christ according to the flesh" (Rom. 9:4-5), the Son of the Virgin Mary. She also recalls that the Apostles, the Church's main-stay and pillars, as well as most of the early disciples who proclaimed Christ's Gospel to the world, sprang from the Jewish people.
As Holy Scripture testifies, Jerusalem did not recognize the time of her visitation,(9) nor did the Jews in large number, accept the Gospel; indeed not a few opposed its spreading.(10) Nevertheless, God holds the Jews most dear for the sake of their Fathers; He does not repent of the gifts He makes or of the calls He issues-such is the witness of the Apostle.(11) In company with the Prophets and the same Apostle, the Church awaits that day, known to God alone, on which all peoples will address the Lord in a single voice and "serve him shoulder to shoulder" (Soph. 3:9).(12)
Since the spiritual patrimony common to Christians and Jews is thus so great, this sacred synod wants to foster and recommend that mutual understanding and respect which is the fruit, above all, of biblical and theological studies as well as of fraternal dialogues.
True, the Jewish authorities and those who followed their lead pressed for the death of Christ;(13) still, what happened in His passion cannot be charged against all the Jews, without distinction, then alive, nor against the Jews of today. Although the Church is the new people of God, the Jews should not be presented as rejected or accursed by God, as if this followed from the Holy Scriptures. All should see to it, then, that in catechetical work or in the preaching of the word of God they do not teach anything that does not conform to the truth of the Gospel and the spirit of Christ.
Furthermore, in her rejection of every persecution against any man, the Church, mindful of the patrimony she shares with the Jews and moved not by political reasons but by the Gospel's spiritual love, decries hatred, persecutions, displays of anti-Semitism, directed against Jews at any time and by anyone.
Besides, as the Church has always held and holds now, Christ underwent His passion and death freely, because of the sins of men and out of infinite love, in order that all may reach salvation. It is, therefore, the burden of the Church's preaching to proclaim the cross of Christ as the sign of God's all-embracing love and as the fountain from which every grace flows.
SO answer this: SInce the Catholic "Purgatory" is for the purpose of PURIFYING a person, who's "Christian", but needs "processing" to be ready to enter Heaven.
Rev. 21:27 – nothing unclean shall enter heaven. The word “unclean” comes from the Greek word “koinon” which refers to a spiritual corruption. Even the propensity to sin is spiritually corrupt, or considered unclean, and must be purified before entering heaven. It is amazing how many Protestants do not want to believe in purgatory.
Purgatory exists because of the mercy of God. If there were no purgatory, this would also likely mean no salvation for most people. God is merciful indeed.
Contents1 Scripture1.1 I. A State After Death of Suffering and Forgiveness1.2 II. Purification After Death By Fire2 Tradition / Church Fathers2.1 I. The Early Church’s Belief in Purgatory Scripture I. A State After Death of Suffering and Forgiveness Matt. 5:26,18:34; Luke 12:58-59 – Jesus...
Why, then, would MONEY paid to the Catholic system have an effect on how QUICKLY purgatorial processing can achieve it's goal???
Another anti-Catholic lie. The Council of Trent instituted severe reforms in the practice of granting indulgences, and, because of
prior abuses, “in 1567 Pope Pius V canceled all grants of indulgences involving any fees or other financial transactions” (Catholic Encyclopedia). This act proved the Church’s seriousness about removing abuses from indulgences.
That was over 400 years ago and anti-Catholics can't stop complaining about prior abuses. Yes, prior abuses; it happened. Abuses is not doctrine.
Don Bosco claims (on the basis of "Gregory the Great's private "Vision") that if you cough up $200 to buy 30 Gregorian masses, you dear departed will be sprung OUT of purgatory in 30 DAYS!!!!!
Another lie you can't document with any link to a source.
since when does MONEY make somebody "pure".
It doesn't. You have been deceived by anti-Catholic liars.
scroll down this long list, and pick one that fits you, and maybe we can discuss it, but not likely:
Collection of papers by Dave Armstrong refuting anti-Catholicism: the absurd, self-defeating notions that Catholicism is not Christianity at all.