And God is the Father.Strawman.
And God is to be worshiped.
The Holy Spirit is God.
Thus, the Holy Spirit is to be worshiped.
The Holy Spirit is God.
Thus, the Holy Spirit is the Father.
And God is the Father.Strawman.
And God is to be worshiped.
The Holy Spirit is God.
Thus, the Holy Spirit is to be worshiped.
Jesus was 100% clear--This is the way you should pray--Our Father.-- no mention of praying to the son or HS.1 Kings 8:38-39
whatever made...then hear in heaven...for You alone know the hearts of all the sons of men. (NASB)
Since the Father (Jeremiah 17:10), the Son (Revelation 2:23), and the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:10) fully know the hearts of all, then all three Persons of the Trinity are the proper recipient of prayer.
Notice the word alone - this is also proof that no other created being is to be prayed to (Mary, and/or other 'saints').
The KJV and a few modern bibles has it right in that the Holy Spirit cannot even utter His own groanings from Himself.
~~~ Quoted from Link "In addition to their many doctrinal heresies, strong evidence exists from the writings of both Westcott and Hort that they were involved in occult activities during the time they prepared their Greek New Testament.
Well! I had been thinking all along that Wescott & Hort were compiling a Greek document. I didn't hear about a translation. This is news.Like how they had translated Romans 8:26-27 as if the Holy Spirit is uttering like a medium does when channeling spirits? I see that.
Jesus never taught to pray "only" to the Father.Jesus was 100% clear--This is the way you should pray--Our Father.-- no mention of praying to the son or HS.
Thus, the Holy Spirit is the Father.
Just citing one knowledge the Father has that neither the Son knows nor the Holy Spirit does not make either One of them not omniscient nor the deity of either one of them.Do be aware that Unitarianism can infiltrate your church. They also hold that the Holy Spirit is not omniscient.
Just citing one knowledge the Father has that neither the Son knows nor the Holy Spirit does not make either One of them not omniscient nor the deity of either one of them.
worshipping the Holy Spirit with the Father & the Son.
It is about both when only Jesus Christ is the Only Mediator at that throne of grace between God and man.This has nothing to do with the Spirit nor prayer too the spirit.
It is addressing specifically how the father wants to be honored by and that is by only honoring the Son because when we are not honoring the Son, we are not honoring the Father. Period. The latter half od verse 23 testifies against honoring any other than the Son to honor the Father.I know you want this to say what you are saying but it simply doesn't. It's addressing the Father and the Son. Not the Spirit.
Neither is the devil making Eve doubt what God had said.This is reading your personal conviction and interpretation into the text. This is known as Eisegesis. Attempting to apply your personal conviction to others is called legalism. Neither is a good thing.
And yet that apostate tongue was gained by that apostate calling of seeking a baptism with the Holy Ghost with evidence of tongues. This is what happens when focus shifted from the Son in worship to the Holy Spirit and that is why God allowed the strong delusion to occur.Mind you I'm with you on the entire speaking nonsense crowd. The "tongues" spoken of in the Bible were actual languages as proven in Acts.
My brother's church Grove City Alliance Church in Grove City PA just had an apostate calling where "healings" were happening in his church that Sunday that he called me up out of the blue that morning to come up there. I got on the tail end of the second morning service when they did the invitation for the healing where they ask people in the congregation to lay hands on those that stood up for healings. The pastor of that church, a mother in law of one of my nephew and a woman singer of the choir came up to me straight away to pray for my healing of my deaf ears and the ringing in my good ear. Nothing happened. I shared with them prior exposure to Ernest Angeley's Healing Crusade in how that was an apostasy and touched on my Aunt's church that happened later on in my life that had that holy laughter movement and spoke against the spirit that comes and falls on people, causing them to lose self control and fall.Also with you regarding the blab it and grab it crowd and a host of other weirdness. It shouldn't happen. I'm sure you are familiar with the "Strange Fire" conference? It's nothing new and has been happening since Paul's day. But your personal conviction about praying to the Spirit simply isn't there in my opinion and you haven't supported it through Scripture.
You may be aware of the apostasy but I hope someday the Lord will open your eyes to why He would permit that strong delusion to occur and it is because of a lie that they can receive the holy Spirit by a sign, even after salvation.Grace and peace to you, brother. Thanks for the chat.
@CarbonWell goodness...just call me a heretic as well as crazy then. Won't be the first time.![]()
Not only that but the Father is God. God is Father, Son, Holy Spirit. So when we pray "our Father" we are praying to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We pray to God, acknowledging the distinct work in us of each.Jesus never taught to pray "only" to the Father.
You are inferring as reading your belief into the scripture at the expense of what is plainly written in scripture otherwise.It doesn't have to be a command. There just has to be a biblical justification for doing it (Acts 1:24-26; Acts 13:3; 2 Corinthians 3:16; Revelation 1:4-5).
Actually, I was using your logic, which necessarily teaches it.You already claimed you were not a Modalist, but now you are teaching it.
You are inferring as reading your belief into the scripture at the expense of what is plainly written in scripture otherwise.
Those scripture does not say that in the KJV nor the NASB about plainly praying TO the Holy Spirit.
Funny how you go to obscure passages while ignoring what is plainly written in scripture for that practice of yours.I'm not reading book length posts that go off into areas unrelated to the subject at hand.
It's just a ruse to avoid the fact that the Holy Spirit is the proper recipient of prayer.
Actually, I was using your logic, which necessarily teaches it.
And yet you seem to think the Holy Spirit is also before that throne of grace to also pray to while denying that Jesus Christ is the only Mediator between God and man.Jesus isn't the Holy Spirit.
Are you a Modalist?
Funny how you go to obscure passages while ignoring what is plainly written in scripture for that practice of yours.
False accusation. You know, the Bible forbids bearing false witness.while denying that Jesus Christ is the only Mediator between God and man.