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Not quite. What Romans 2 states is their consciences bear witness to the Law's requirements being written on their heart, and witness is specifically specified to apply when "by nature" they do what is right. That text also specifies the conscience bearing witness occurs on the day when God judges them.Do their consciences bear witness to it? Because sinners are without excuse, right?
Romans 2:12-16
For all who have sinned without the Law will also perish without the Law, and all who have sinned under the Law will be judged by the Law; for it is not the hearers of the Law who are just before God, but the doers of the Law will be justified. For when Gentiles who do not have the Law do instinctively the things of the Law, these, not having the Law, are a law to themselves, in that they show the work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending them, on the day when, according to my gospel, God will judge the secrets of men through Christ Jesus.
That is much different than their consciences bearing witness to sin. It's a curious text because just a few verses later Paul says the Gentile (the uncircumcised) who keeps the Law judges those of the circumcision who does not

Great point. I'll make note of this and adjust my posts in the future. The better word is "apathetic," or "no regard." However, the intent was to communicate the reality of God, or the Bible, or any Christian like you or me presenting the gospel, the premises that God exists but humanity has estranged themselves (individually and collectively) from God by disobedience, or what the Bible calls "sin," and God has made a way to repair that breach and avoid the inevitable consequence of sin by simply believing in Jesus.How can they intrinsically deny if they aren't aware of it?
The non-believer then replies, "I do not believe any God exists. I do not believe a thing you call 'sin' exists, and I do not believe Jesus exists or that I have any need of any of it." That is the denial of which I speak.
You point is, of course valid, because the Calvinist response to the Arminian doctrine of salvation that asserts faith precedes regeneration is confronted with, "How can they have faith in a God they do not believe exists?" So when I say the deny God, sin, and Jesus it does not conflict with Romans 2:15. Humans are moral creatures. Humans are also spiritual creatures, and social creatures, as well. They cannot genuinely be otherwise because that is how we are made. Acting morally and acknowledging morals exist are two different things in their thinking.
??? I never said otherwise.Dichotomy between prelapsarian & postlapsarian is based on free-will and is not a matter of limiting God or his attributes.
That is incorrect. We are limited by both.We are not limited because God is Sovereign but because of sin.
I completely agree and nothing I have EVER posted should ever be construed to say otherwise. I wonder if, perhaps, my posts have been confused with another because much of post 120 is non sequitur. I've never disputed God allowed the fall. I've never disputed God did not cause Adam to fall. Asking me if it makes sense does not make sense.God allowed the Fall to happen, but he did not cause Adam to fall, make sense?
Yep. Except his will is not free. Adam "fell" because he possessed the ability, the liberty to disobey God. His will was not free to disobey God without suffering the consequences of his choices and his actions. He was not free to will it. He was not free to ump 1000 feet in the air, and he was not free to jump 1000 feet in the air and avoid dying when he disobeyed God. The word "free" means absent any controlling influence, unfettered, or to do as one wishes. Adam was not free to do as he wished because Adam would have wished to disobey God and not die. The moment God said, "Do not eat.... or you will die," THAT was a control limiting his volitional agency and conduct. Adam could choose to disobey with consequences, but he was NOT free to choose to disobey without consequences. That was not a choice available to him. His will was limited.He fell by his own "Free-Will" choice to disobey God.
Yep. That is exactly what I said.And was punished for it.
Non sequitur. I've never said Adam was coerced. Many times have I quoted WCF 3.1 and stood firm on the statement God did not author sin. I'm not understanding why it is you think I needed to have that posted to me.If God would have coerced Adam to sin then punished him for it, God would be guilty of sin and evil, understand?
Perhaps it is related to this...
I'm not civic. Not even close.Look Civic...
That being said, I've just realized I myself have confused your posts with another's. In my previous exchange with @makesends (#118), I recommended he take up the matter of partial LA with you, but I realize the op is @His clay 's, not yours. My bad. Please (all three of you) accept my regrets for any confusion that may have caused.