I've responded to it multiple times already.
(1) I've provided a link to my own material in another thread. The causal conflation fallacy must be observed. Causal distinctions are utterly important. Post 143 has the link. To adequately understand my position, then one needs to understand the different types of causation mentioned there.
(2) I've also responded to the "cause" issue in this thread in the second bullet point, post #144.
(3) While some go with the causal break by advocating libertarian freedom, I go the rout of the transcendent shift between the Creator and the created, because libertarian freedom (a) destroys Christianity, is (b) utter nonsense, and (c) violates too much scripture.
I read those posts and the link, and though I completely agree with you, it is so complex and detailed that I I question whether the average Joe would be satisfied that the question had been answered. They may have tuned out half way through.

That is not a criticism of your posts but a compliment. I can follow it, but I don't ordinarily think or write with such complexity---because I am not equipped to.
So taking LFW out of the equation for a moment and sit with the first question, "Did God intend the fall to happen?" I focus on that word "intend." If He intended for the fall to happen He created our world, and in exactly the way in which He created it, for a reason. And that purpose and reason was fully seen, known, formed, in all its detail before creation. How long before, we are not told, but God being God, I would have to say it was eternal, it did not have a beginning in God, it only had a beginning in our world as God entered into working within that world. In addition, it is covenantal---a personal relationship with God and His creation. God being the sovereign. The concept of man having LFW does come in here. He doesn't. He can't. Man is responsible to God. He was created with a will and as a moral agent, ---in the image and likeness of God. A covenantal, interpersonal relationship, "I will be your God, and your will be my people." that can only be achieved by God Himself, the covenant parameters set only by Him, the obligation of the one covenanted with, established by Him. "In my image and likeness." We are to imitate Him in our personal relationships and our position as stewards over His creation. The consequences of our covenant breaking made clear. And so it went. The idea that we need LFW in order to be responsible beings and if we don't have it, God is responsible for us being sinners who sin, is ludicrous. We were created responsible for our own actions, and we are responsible to Him.
But why did He intend the fall? There is a bigger picture here than cause and causal. Why did He intend the fall and having done so, why is He then not the cause of sin?
Sin is missing the mark, it is rebellion against God, it is covenant breaking. But it did not come into existence in us or in our world. For any moral agent, spiritual or material, if a will exists in the being, it is possible for rebellion to occur. Evil is not a creation, it exists as the absence of good, and Scripture at least suggests the source, the fountain, of perpetrating evil is Satan. And if we look at the end of this long tale of redemption as revealed throughout the NT especially, but summarized in Rev 21, we see what He is promising to do. A new creation in which there is no sorrow, or weeping, or pain or death or evil. God is fighting and winning a cosmic war, and in such a "foolish" way. Through the gathering and redeeming of lowly, sinful, men who are by nature at enmity with Him, through these same men preaching the gospel far and wide, to the whole world! And doing so by taking on the flesh of this lowly man and of all things, dying! He laughs at all who rale against Him. He has set His King on Zion!