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Mystery of the most holy trinity!

Simple question who could possibly be the eleven, Judas no, he’s dead and lost, Paul, no he don’t come till latter. Only Mathias and apostolic succession can make the eleven with Peter the head of the church on earth, notice how Peter is always singled out!
What is that —step one in making your thesis? Explain and continue. I can wait before cutting you off at the feet. But just a warning ...so far this looks like assumption to support a worldview, and not exegesis. But continue. Lay out your logic.
OP title: Mystery of the Most Holy Trinity.

You call it a mystery because it is not in the Bible. You guys made up this hideous doctrine that cannot be explained logically and biblically.

And you call it "mystery".

it is hilarious, friend.
What is hilarious, friend?

I assume you mean, by "you" Calvinists or Reformed? The mystery is how God can create beings so utterly unlike himself, that when he demonstrates that he is three persons, our mindset can't resolve it. The mystery is how those who demand resolution to their immature doubts resolve it by ignoring the facts that Scripture makes plain.
All scripture is inspired even one word! But says nothing about context

Acts 2:14 how are there eleven without apostolic succession?
You think Scripture was written, completed, at that point?
What is that —step one in making your thesis? Explain and continue. I can wait before cutting you off at the feet. But just a warning ...so far this looks like assumption to support a worldview, and not exegesis. But continue. Lay out your logic.
Apostolic succession is biblical!
The apostolic church believes and teaches apostolic succession as commanded by Christ just as we are bound to believe it! Bound on earth bound in heaven
Matt 16:18 Matt 28:19
No Timothy succeeded paul
Ok, let's see if I follow —"No Timothy succeeded Paul" is somehow an answer to
makesends said:
"You think Scripture was written, completed, at that point?"

I don't want to assume, but you're not filling in the blanks, here. So I'm left to guess, between this and other things you've said that I've read, that you think that since Scripture was not completed at that point, and that Timothy succeeded Paul, and that apostolic succession has continued, that it is quite possible that additional Scripture is possibly still being written today.
Ok, let's see if I follow —"No Timothy succeeded Paul" is somehow an answer to
makesends said:
"You think Scripture was written, completed, at that point?"

I don't want to assume, but you're not filling in the blanks, here. So I'm left to guess, between this and other things you've said that I've read, that you think that since Scripture was not completed at that point, and that Timothy succeeded Paul, and that apostolic succession has continued, that it is quite possible that additional Scripture is possibly still being written today.
God sent Christ!
Christ sent the apostles!
The apostles sent the bishops!
Example the one true church located in 7 places in the book of revelation each have a bishop.

The apostles show is the truth & the way of salvation! 1 Jn 4:6 & acts 16:17 also Matt 28:19 Jn 16:13 Matt 5:14 1 Tim 3:15

No apostolic succession no apostles no truth & no salvation!
God sent Christ!
Christ sent the apostles!
The apostles sent the bishops!
Example the one true church located in 7 places in the book of revelation each have a bishop.

The apostles show is the truth & the way of salvation! 1 Jn 4:6 & acts 16:17 also Matt 28:19 Jn 16:13 Matt 5:14 1 Tim 3:15

No apostolic succession no apostles no truth & no salvation!
So it is possible for modern day apostles to add to Scripture?
So it is possible for modern day apostles to add to Scripture?
I did not say so!
Revelation was complete from Christ to his apostles eph 4:5 Jude 1:3 but apostles must continue till Christ returns
You do that when you make up your own gospel or doctrines that you guys already have been doing.
You're not answering the question. Let me try to be more clear: Does modern day Apostolic Succession mean that Scripture can still rightfully be added to today, if a modern day Apostle considers himself inspired to write what he takes to be the very words of God?
I did not say so!
Revelation was complete from Christ to his apostles eph 4:5 Jude 1:3 but apostles must continue till Christ returns
Where is that apostolic authority, modern day, that was there at first, when Scripture was still being written?
You're not answering the question. Let me try to be more clear: Does modern day Apostolic Succession mean that Scripture can still rightfully be added to today, if a modern day Apostle considers himself inspired to write what he takes to be the very words of God?
Why do you even entertain such a question?
Why do you even entertain such a question?
To show @donadams that Apostolic succession does not make sense, or, at least, that the notion that Apostolic Succession lends the RCC equal authority with Scripture, doesn't add up.
To show @donadams that Apostolic succession does not make sense, or, at least, that the notion that Apostolic Succession lends the RCC equal authority with Scripture, doesn't add up.
Jesus is the Teacher of the Gospel.

I don't get down to your level of game-playing.
Where is that apostolic authority, modern day, that was there at first, when Scripture was still being written?
Commanded to teach, some of them wrote some things

But the still must teach, govern, and sanctify

Authority of the Apostles!

What authority does Christ have?
What power does Christ have?
What mission / ministry does Christ have?

Peter, the apostles and their successors have the same authority, power, and mission!

Jn 20:21 as my father sent me, even so send I you!

John 17:18
As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.

The apostles are Christ’s successors!

They have authority to send others as well until Christ returns in glory!

apostle means one who is sent!

Therefore the apostles have authority to send more apostles or successors!

Apostolic succession!

The nations still need to be taught, disciples still need to be baptized and the church the new covenant kingdom of christ still needs to be governed!

Hebrews 3:1
Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus;

Christ is an apostle, and has authority to send other apostles, the apostles also have this authority, so the apostles continue down thru the centuries as Christ promised! Matt 28:19-20

Keys of jurisdictional authority! Open and shut And power to bind and loose! Matt 16:18 and Matt 18:18 matt 28:19 Isa 22:21-22

Moral authority:
Necessity of being taught by Christ:
Two edge sword: defining truth and condemning errors, and Interpreting scripture.

Jurisdictional authority:
(Governing / administering)
Necessity of Peter and the apostles and their successors to govern the holy church.

Spiritual authority:
(Life of Grace)
Sanctifying thru the mass and Sacraments for the forgiveness of sin.

The apostles teaching is Christ’s teaching, Christ and His church are one! Acts 9:4 eph 5:32 Jn 15:5 eph 5:24

Christian rule of faith is not the Bible alone! But the doctrine of the apostles! Acts 2:42

Jesus Christ continues HIS ministry in His new covenant church thru Peter, the apostles, and their successors with the same mission, power, and authority!
Mt 16:18 Mt 28:19 Acts 1:17 acts 8:31 & 35 Lk 10:16 Jn 8:32 Jn 13:20 Jn 15:5 Jn 16:13 Jn 20:21-22 eph 2:20

The teaching of Peter and the apostles and successors is the teaching of Christ!

Authority in what they teach and not in a person in an office!

Jesus is not our salvation: only what He taught?

Lk 2:30 Matt 16:13 Jesus in His person is our salvation, not only in what He taught!
Matt 16:13 not what do people say about what I teach, but whom do people say the I am!

The teaching of the successors of Moses not their person?

The successors of Moses sit in the seat of Moses Matt 23:1

Peters confession not Peters person? Matt 16:18

You give the keys to a person not to a confession!

Acts 1:26 they choose Mathias not the teaching of Mathias!

Lk 10:16
He who hears you hears me...

John 13:20
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that receiveth whomsoever I send receiveth me; and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me.

What authority does Christ have?
What power does Christ have?
What mission / ministry does Christ have?

Peter, the apostles and their successors have the same authority, power, and mission as Christ! Jn 20:21 as my father sent me, even so send I you!

We must be taught by Peter, the apostles, and their successors! Lk 10:16 Matt 28:19 Jn 21:17 Jn 16:13 acts 2:42

Matt 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

Lk 1:4 That thou mightest know the certainty of those things, wherein thou hast been instructed.

Acts 8:30 And Philip ran thither to him, and heard him read the prophet Esaias, and said, Understandest thou what thou readest?

31 And he said, How can I, except some man should guide me? And he desired Philip that he would come up and sit with him.

Col 2:7 Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.

Matthew 18:17
And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.

It is a thing unthinkable! To refuse to hear the church is to refuse to hear Christ!
Christ and His church are one. Acts 9:4

Spiritual Fathers have care for our souls!
To show @donadams that Apostolic succession does not make sense, or, at least, that the notion that Apostolic Succession lends the RCC equal authority with Scripture, doesn't add up.
It’s christ’s authority in His apostolic church

And the apostolic church don’t need scripture to know truth! Jn 8:32 taught by Christ in person and lead by the spirit Jn 16:13
Commanded to teach, some of them wrote some things

But the still must teach, govern, and sanctify
You saying so doesn't make it so. The RCC saying so doesn't make it so. You have shown me apostolic authority in Scripture, concerning the NT apostles. But again, you have not shown me where the NT apostles, nor the text of Scripture, authorize the continuation of apostleship throughout the ages. It is necessary to do so, if you wish to prove that the scriptures concerning the sufficiency of Scripture, and the proscriptions against more Scripture being added, to include other gospels and the doctrines of men (where the magisterium is supreme, all to be accepted by the plebes who must accept the authority of the magisterium) are not applicable to the question of apostolic succession.