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Jesus said, this is the work of God, that you believe……

Civic went bonkers? Or had multiple accounts? Or both?

I enjoyed talking with Civic back in the day. I'm confused.
Oh, you missed it while you were gone. He quit Calvinism and started being...

Less smart. He had how many fake accounts? After he would get kicked off, he would start a new account. He had several accounts at one time. Everyone who agreed with his anti Calvinism; was he, himself and I...
Oh, you missed it while you were gone. He quit Calvinism and started being...

Less smart. He had how many fake accounts? After he would get kicked off, he would start a new account. He had several accounts at one time. Every who agreed with his anti Calvinism; was he, himself and I...
Now that is sad news. Civic kept me sane in the early days of my cage stage and was a good friend in the storm of heresy back when.
I reckon I took it hard. A part of me doesn't get it; like a part of me doesn't get what happened to Ravi Zacharias...
Well...All it will take is Ravi dropping dead and a few years. Then people will feel safe enough to push forward the cool stuff he did and acknowledge the fact that if it weren't for his "fame" he was at least as flawed as they are outside the spotlight.
Well...All it will take is Ravi dropping dead and a few years. Then people will feel safe enough to push forward the cool stuff he did and acknowledge the fact that if it weren't for his "fame" he was at least as flawed as they are outside the spotlight.
Cancel Culture got him...

But I ain't judging that; maybe it needed to get him. But a lot of good was lost...

If a Parrot can recite the Gospel, Ravi was a Parrot? Perhaps I'm a Parrot?

All I can do is Trust the Lord...
Cancel Culture got him...

But I ain't judging that; maybe it needed to get him. But a lot of good was lost...

If a Parrot can recite the Gospel, Ravi was a Parrot? Perhaps I'm a Parrot?

All I can do is Trust the Lord...
I'll judge cancel culture. It's evil. There. Done.

A parrot that can do that has an owner who really really loves the Gospel. I know who MY owner is and I'm fairly certain He loves me and the Gospel. Perhaps that's all that's needed?

Time will tell with both Ravi and Civic. I'm sad for the whupping both will get from the Lord and the damage they have done too their witness. The damage to the general Christian witness though? Dunno. I've yet to see anyone consistently live up to my standard of what a Christian should be including myself. And yet here I am joyfully splitting hairs with other Christians out of love. We are a weird bunch. Or the sanest men ( and women ) alive. Your choice.
I'll judge cancel culture. It's evil. There. Done.

A parrot that can do that has an owner who really really loves the Gospel. I know who MY owner is and I'm fairly certain He loves me and the Gospel. Perhaps that's all that's needed?

Time will tell with both Ravi and Civic. I'm sad for the whupping both will get from the Lord and the damage they have done too their witness. The damage to the general Christian witness though? Dunno. I've yet to see anyone consistently live up to my standard of what a Christian should be including myself. And yet here I am joyfully splitting hairs with other Christians out of love. We are a weird bunch. Or the sanest men alive. Your choice.
Praise the Lord for Salvation by Grace Alone and Justification through Faith Alone in Christ Alone...

Praise God for Unconditional Election too...
And, again, you are missing the pertinent point or don't understand "the flesh". Acting in the power of God is not acting in the "flesh". Unregenerate man cannot act in any way except in "the flesh" ie a sinful manner. We worship God "in spirit and truth" by the power of God. This is not God worshiping himself. We are doing it...by His power. And it is not my "condition". It is God's condition. Unless you are born again you shall not see the Kingdom of God. Period. That is a function of the Spirit. That is a changed nature. That is also a "condition".
Again, you missing the point, if you condition salvation or Justification before God on anything you do its work merit Salvation.
I did? What was my question?
I have a question.

Is the following monergistic or synergistic:

". . .slaves to sin or slaves to obedience which leads to righteousness. . .though you used to be slaves to sin, you wholeheartedly obeyed the form of teaching to which you were entrusted. You have been set free from sin, and have become slaves to righteousness. . .Just as you used to offer parts of your body to slavery to impurity. . .so now offer them in slavery to righteousness leading to holiness."? (Ro 6:16-19)
I have a question.

Is the following monergistic or synergistic:

". . .slaves to sin or slaves to obedience which leads to righteousness. . .though you used to be slaves to sin, you wholeheartedly obeyed the form of teaching to which you were entrusted. You have been set free from sin, and have become slaves to righteousness. . .Just as you used to offer parts of your body to slavery to impurity. . .so now offer them in slavery to righteousness leading to holiness."? (Ro 6:16-19)
Are you talking about the offering/presenting part?
Are you talking about the offering/presenting part?
That is sanctification. I'm talking about the obedience part, slaves to righteousness, servants to righteousness.
That is sanctification. I'm talking about the obedience part, slaves to righteousness, servants to righteousness.
Im going to the sanctification thread to discuss this.
Can faith be an arbitrary act of the will, can a man ever believe or disbelieve because he chooses to do so?
Ah....that would be a wish.
It seems to be common to speak of beliefs as voluntary convictions. But isn’t faith always the involuntary response of the mind to the evidence which has been presented to it?
Forced consent.
Why is the same gospel the power unto salvation for some, for others a savor of death unto death?
Because one was smarter than the other?....:unsure: One had more faith than the other? :unsure:
is it not because the unregenerate heart is morally evil and decidedly hostile to God and to Christ?
Of course, it is.
Listen to what Jesus said to the unbelieving Jews of His day.
yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life. John 5:40.

Yet faith is the most important work which is demanded of men. Listen to what Jesus gave for an answer to the Jews when that asked, “what must we do, that we may do the works of God?”

Then they said to him, “What must we do, to be doing the works of God?” Jesus answered them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent.” John 6:28-29.
So wouldn’t it make sense that God gives to His, what He requires of them?

He creates in them the capacity to believe in the moment of regeneration.

Ah....that would be a wish.
True faith cannot, counterfeit faith can
Forced consent.
True faith is more than a response of the mind, it is a response of the heart.
Because one was smarter than the other?....:unsure: One had more faith than the other? :unsure:
Of course, it is.
Listen to what Jesus said to the unbelieving Jews of His day.
yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life. John 5:40.
Yet faith is the most important work which is demanded of men. Listen to what Jesus gave for an answer to the Jews when that asked, “what must we do, that we may do the works of God?”
Then they said to him, “What must we do, to be doing the works of God?” Jesus answered them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent.” John 6:28-29.
So wouldn’t it make sense that God gives to His, what He requires of them?
He creates in them the capacity to believe in the moment of regeneration.
And therein is one of the secrets of the kingdom (Mt 13:11).
1) What God requires of us, he provides for us; e.g.,
a) He requires payment for our sin, he provides payment for our sin.
b) He requires faith for salvation (Jn 3:18), he provides faith for salvation (Jn 6:65, Php 1:29, Ac 13:48, Ac 18:27, 2 Pe 1:1, Ro 12:3).

2) Every precept is a promise (power goes along with the command); e.g.,
a) The precept: "Be ye perfect (complete)" (Mt 5:48) is a promise that we shall be perfect (complete), Heb 10:14,
sincerity being counted as gospel perfection.
b) The precept to persevere (Mt 10:22, Lk 21:19) is a promise that we shall persevere (Php 1:6, Heb 10:14, 6:17-20, Ro 8:38-39, 1 Pe 1:5, cf Lk 22:32).

3) God crowns (rewards) his own grace and work in us (Php 2:12-13, Ro 1:17),
which is why we will cast our golden crowns (rewards - 2 Tim 4:8, Jas 1:12, 1 Pe 5:4, Rev 2:10, 3:11) at the foot of his throne (Rev 4:4, 10).

God is not only sovereign in creation, but also in salvation, sanctification and glorification.
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