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Jesus is Jehovah the YHWH of the Old Testament

It seems that he is talking about what Stephen said before being persecuted saying "Jesus, receive my spirit."
God was showing Stephen a vision. He was just speaking to Jesus because he could see him.
God was showing Stephen a vision. He was just speaking to Jesus because he could see him.

No proof for that.

The vision took place in the city (Acts 7:58), the prayer took place when Stephen outside of the city.
John 1
(18) No one has ever seen God; the only God, who is at the Father's side, he has made him known.
John 1
(18) No one has ever seen God; the only God, who is at the Father's side, he has made him known.
What does this have to do with anything that is been talked?

You dodged Acts 7:59-60.

Nice to see you avoiding what the JW's have affirmed.
Get real Fred. You know 100% the JW,s do NOT teach to pray to any but Jehovah the Father. Always trying to deceive others. It shows who your Father is.
Get real Fred. You know 100% the JW,s do NOT teach to pray to any but Jehovah the Father. Always trying to deceive others. It shows who your Father is.

I quoted directly from the heretics as to what they affirmed.

You can play 'pretend it isn't there' all you want.
