In the thread titled Do you need to be baptised to be saved ( including poll) James White was brought up to Wycliffs_Shillelagh by Dave
Having been unfamiliar with him myself I did a shallow dive.... and came up with this.
Not wanting to take that thread in a new direction... although they are tied together at the hip this is what I found.... for those, who like myself and
@Andia and @Wycliffs_Shillelagh may not be familiar.
Certainly the following link is an interesting read ... and more baptism confusion then settled IMHO.
You asked Jarrod... "Do you live near James White?"
Followed up with.... "It seems pretty impossible to me that you are a Christian and don't know who James White is. I'm sorry, I just don't buy it. But I guess it could be better in general." ....You did not say based on where they live in relation to each other BUT said It seems pretty impossible to me that you are a Christian and don't know who James White is.
So I went hunting.....
Just the same as I had to look up Dr. Jack Cottrell last year as another member was always referencing him as their favorite theologian and I, admittedly, was clueless on that, published, one too.
But back to James White.
Yes, indeed....A very interesting read here. And according to James White not only am I not a Christian... my entire Presbyterian lineage back through time is evidently is also not Christian.... because according to him they error on calling Baptism a sacrament.
Which seemingly makes us Presbys non Christian at all, in his opinion.........
This is from
"Baptismal Regeneration: Refutation of James White"
And further into my shallow diving on him.. turned up this.
View attachment 549
It is unclear, at the time of publication, whether White is leaving Phoenix Reformed Baptist Church as elder and member, however, dual-membership is not really something that happens regularly in R…
So now we know a bit of James White. For someone who allegedly should be known in the Christian world, my shallow dive showed not much on his beliefs... only those written in the link above....