Yes, you did and incorrectly.
That does not change the fact I answered the question, and you asked a question that had already been answered, avoiding the answer already given.
Synergism does not assign causality of regeneration or salvation to the sinner.
And by the way, I object to the term synergism. That designation tends to infer causality. I prefer the term non-Calvinism.
Those two statements contradict one another. This is another example of your nonsensical position, an example that could have and should have easily been prevented, should never have been posted, if just a smidgen of thought had been put into the posts.
The definition of synergism is well established.
In general, the word "
synergism" simply means the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects. Soteriologically speaking, the term simply refers to the cooperative effort between God and humanity in the process of salvation. Synergism teaches
both God and the sinner cooperate in saving the sinner from the sinner's sin. There is no other definition of soteriological synergism. There are many forms of synergism in Christianity (Pelagianism, Traditionalism, Provisionism, Arminianism, Wesleyanism, etc.), but they ALL hold to the simple premise there is a collaboration between God and the still-unregenerate sinner.
Whether the term is preferred or not, you're a synergist and it is disingenuous and nonsensical to imply otherwise with objections to the term. It's also completely off-topic to come into this thread, which is specifically and explicitly about arguing against
synergism, claim not to like the term, and post under the auspices of you not being synergist.
That makes you a troll

And I have spoken to you about
that many times before. too. No one gets to come into every thread, ignore the op, post whatever they like, and hijack someone else's op. Not every discussion of soteriology is about your views, nor do they all have something to do with your agenda. This op is about specified matters pertaining to the nature of faith and works.....
...and you have gone on record unequivocally stating faith is a work and abusing John 6:28-29 to justify that claim. Whether it was intended or not, White's observations were proven correct!. You cannot, therefore, claim White is incorrect or misrepresentative when your own posts have demonstrably proven the exact opposite.
Synergism does not assign causality of regeneration or salvation to the sinner.
And by the way, I object to the term synergism. That designation tends to infer causality. I prefer the term non-Calvinism.
That's enough nonsense for me. I'll see you in the next op where I hope you will give more thought to your own posts, so they do not commit the many mistakes made here. If you wanted to assert faith as works the place to start would have been James 2:22, not John 6:28-29.
James 2:22
You see that faith was working with his works..............
I can assert synergism better than you.