There is no apostolic church. Apostolic church refers to the teachings of the apostles in the first century as its foundation was being laid. It is laid. They laid it. If you do not know what that means, ask.
There are only churches that keep that teaching faithfully and those who do not. The RC does not as it adds to that foundation with the doctrines of men. Just as the Pharisees and scribes added to God's law, and devises its own means of approaching God.
And that statement defines why we all disagree.
The apostles handed down the faith -paradosis , tradition -“by word of mouth and letter “ to which you must “stay true”
The apostles appointed disciples who appointed others, succession to present day.
Which is why Scripture tells you not to “ lean on our own understanding “ but listen to those who “ were sent “ to preach.
Jesus also gave the power to “ bind and loose” which means give definitive judgement on disputes , power he Gave to the apostlesJointly and Peter alone. Which is why we can trust the judgement of bishops assembled in council.
That is why the “pillar and foundation of truth is the church “ to which you are told to take disputes.
Scripture only came later, the first canons were deemed heretical . The canon was a church decision.
where the rubber hits the road:
So what does John 6 mean ? Sadly the Bible was not written as an easy read manual.
I know you expressed an opinion A
based on your own understanding.
An equally valid opinion B
is Jesus really did mean eat His flesh , “without which you have no life in you” , indeed the word used for eat means “ gnaw “ as for meat , not “ consume “ geberally
We find out which is true by studying what Jesus apostles handed down in the first genegations.
We now exactly what John taught from his disciples , we can read in ignatius and iraneus .
Read the letter “ ignatius to smyrneans”. It really is a eucharist of the real flesh , valid ONLY if presided y a bishop in succession.
So unless you have a succession bishop you don’t have a valid eucharist.
Tradition the word handed down gives meaning to scripture,
Councils resolve Disputes . Authority,
All early fathers including Irenaus reinforced the need to listen to bishops, the importance of tradition , and the need to listen to Rome.
You are welcome to your opinion. The apostolic church doesnt agree and the eucharist has been the same in Essence for 2000 years since Jesus handed it to us. Eucharistic miracles confirm it.
We do not recrucify Christ, we simply join to the marriage supper of the lamb eternally present.
Time does not flow the same in heaven . God is ever present and transcends time.