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If your church discusses Social Justice

What you continually fail to understand that trans persons have a mental health problem and they should be helped to seek mental health attention. Reciting Biblical verses is not going to help them.
I agree 100%. The problem is the left is trying to normalize that problem instead of seeking mental health.
In many instances they're pushing the agenda.
Interpretation of the Bible is not taking historical sources as more reliable. It is the understanding of the Bible using a Biblical Scholars' method.ology
If you say that Romans 1 is an example of why the Bible cannot be taken literally, which you did, and give as your support that it cannot be as historical examination shows that the ancient had no idea of the nature of homosexuality--- see below---then you indeed are doing just that. And also forgetting or disregarding the Ancient of Days. You cannot make what you are doing be not doing it simply by stating that you aren't doing it.
You have just provided a major demonstration of why the Bible can not be taken literally. The ancients had no idea of the nature of homosexuality or the etiology of homosexuality.
Homosexuality can not be cured. Ask the thousands of young Christians who were subjected to conversion therapy. Also ask the parents how it wrecked their family.
Then what is the mental health treatment all about? Teaching them how to live with their mental illness and not feel guilty? And again you leave God utterly out of the equation. No, quoting Bible verses will not do it, unless God Himself is active in it. I was never gay or lesbian but I was a humanist and a Bible denier. Though I did desperately want to know what this elusive single truth from which all truth comes was, in the vein of philosophers for centuries. And when I was regenerated by God in the depths of the night, even as I slept, I awoke an utterly changed person on the inside, not the outside, exactly opposite of who I had been when I crawled under the covers. I knew every word in the Bible was true and therefore what it said about Jesus was true, that this was that elusive thing I had been looking for. And I set myself to reading those words. My whole attitude and world view was the opposite of what it was the day before, and I did not do a thing to bring about that change.
Either you are not reading what I am writing or you are wearing blinders.
Or maybe you say one thing that sounds one way and in the next breath say something entirely different, and jump away from the actual discussion to what you want to talk about. But what I said that produced your response was a simple statement of fact. Maybe instead of just repeating you statements on the reasons for aberrant sexual behaviors and the need for mental health treatment you should explain what this treatment consists of and what its goal is.
Example of your blinders. In a previous comment I suggested Pastoral Counseling as the mental health treatment for religious people. Also, I have never suggested surgery or hormonal treatments.

Please read what I write not what you think I am writing.
I am reading what you write and you are neither explaining what any mental treatment consists of or what its goal is, be it secular of pastoral. Just that it exists. And neither have I brought up the subject of surgery or hormonal treatments. So why do you bring it up here? And as usual you completely ignored the question I asked about how that community you refer to as needing mental health treatment or counseling would feel about you categorizing them as being in need of that? Pretty sure the vast majority would egg your house metaphorically.
Interpretation of the Bible is not taking historical sources as more reliable. It is the understanding of the Bible using a Biblical Scholars' method.ology
You avoided answering another question. If those verses if Romans 1 are not to be taken literally then what do they mean?
But gender dysphoria has now been classified as not a mental illness and so how or why would mental health treat it? If I recall correctly, even the World Health Organization WHO has accepted that also.
Whether you label it is a mental health illness or condition is a matter of systematic, the child still needs mental health attention.
Never said it was, but because gender dysphoria is no longer a mental health issue
If you were experiencing symptoms of gender dysphoria such as discontent with your body, anxiety and depression, social discomfort or withdrawal, conflict with gender role expectations what would you do and who would you consult?

Let's take it one step at a time.
If we talking about children then the parents first reaction would likely be prayer and perhaps a consult with their pastor. But if this doesn't work who would you turn to?​
You can talk to a pediatrician who in turn may describe anti-depressants or tranquilizers. If these don't bring relief the pediatrician would recommend a mental health practitioner who is knowledgeable in gender dysphoria.​
Proper therapy provides support, coping strategies, and a safe space to explore and express distressing thoughts. The goals of the therapy vary depending on your child's needs. In general they would likely include: exploration and self-discovery, coping with distress, addressing mental health concerns such as anxiety or depression related to gender dysphoria. The goal is to provide support and guidance in managing symptoms.​
Proper therapy without gender transition can be beneficial for children who are experiencing gender dysphoria.​

then exactly what kind of help are they getting?

Why look to man to solve the mental health issues? If they are getting help from man, for whatever that "help" is, it still does not negate their need for Jesus Christ.
Prayer should be your first line, but what happens if prayer doesn't bring the relief you are seeking. Perhaps if you listen carefully it could be God telling us to seek professional help.
You avoided answering another question. If those verses if Romans 1 are not to be taken literally then what do they mean?
In Roman 1, Paul discusses the consequences of rejecting God and turning to idolatry. From the verses Paul is telling us about the power of the gospel with an emphasizes that the gospel of Jesus Christ is the only means of salvation from sin and its consequences, thus exemplifying the need for faith.

Whether you take Romans literally or in some other way, I hesitate to think you are equating mental health attention for a mental health disorder to idolatry. Perhaps you can elaborate a bit and maybe explain what you would do or turn to if studying and meditating on Romans 1 does not eliminate the presenting suffering.

Please note that I believe as, all Christians do, in the power and value of faith. I also believe that God is the ultimate cause of our knowledge in health and all other fields. I say this because it reminds me of a phase from my childhood: "God helps those who help themselves."
In Roman 1, Paul discusses the consequences of rejecting God and turning to idolatry. From the verses Paul is telling us about the power of the gospel with an emphasizes that the gospel of Jesus Christ is the only means of salvation from sin and its consequences, thus exemplifying the need for faith.

Whether you take Romans literally or in some other way, I hesitate to think you are equating mental health attention for a mental health disorder to idolatry. Perhaps you can elaborate a bit and maybe explain what you would do or turn to if studying and meditating on Romans 1 does not eliminate the presenting suffering.

Please note that I believe as, all Christians do, in the power and value of faith. I also believe that God is the ultimate cause of our knowledge in health and all other fields. I say this because it reminds me of a phase from my childhood: "God helps those who help themselves."
Straw men, Straw men. And more straw men. Strawman 1. I asked you what Romans 1 means and you still have not answered the question but not so clerely avoided it. What about it cannot be taken literally, and how are we to take it.

Strawman 2. I said nothing about mental health being idolarty or even came close to implying it. That was just another deflection. You know very well what I was specifically asking you about that you specifically said should not be taken literally, and you acted like it wasn; even in Romans 1 verses 24-31.

Strawman 3. I never said meditating on Romans one would eleviate the problem- Something you are now calling suffering when in fact most of those "mentaly Ill" according to you, do not think they are suffering but that they are a far more evolved and free people than straights and especially than the God fearing.

Misinformation presented as another strawman. "God helps those who help themselves" was coined by Benjamin Franklin, a diest if I am not mistaken. It is not in the Bible and the concept is not in the Bible. The exact concept in fact is in the Bible. God helps those who know they need help and only He can help them.
If you say that Romans 1 is an example of why the Bible cannot be taken literally, which you did, and give as your support that it cannot be as historical examination shows that the ancient had no idea of the nature of homosexuality
The ancients knew about homosexual acts which then as in today are sinful. They had no way of knowing about the etiology of homosexuality.
--- see below---then you indeed are doing just that. And also forgetting or disregarding the Ancient of Days. You cannot make what you are doing be not doing it simply by stating that you aren't doing it.
I have no idea of what you are trying so say.
Then what is the mental health treatment all about? Teaching them how to live with their mental illness and not feel guilty?
It is obvious that you do not understand what therapy. Coping skills are one aspect. What do you have is better.

You must have wearing your blinders and missed the many times that I referred to the value of prayer and likely the first to resort to.
And again you leave God utterly out of the equation.
Again you must have missed or misunderstood what I have been writing about using prayer.
No, quoting Bible verses will not do it, unless God Himself is active in it.
I don't quote Bible verses because not everyone is religious.
I was never gay or lesbian but I was a humanist and a Bible denier. Though I did desperately want to know what this elusive single truth from which all truth comes was, in the vein of philosophers for centuries. And when I was regenerated by God in the depths of the night, even as I slept, I awoke an utterly changed person on the inside, not the outside, exactly opposite of who I had been when I crawled under the covers. I knew every word in the Bible was true and therefore what it said about Jesus was true, that this was that elusive thing I had been looking for. And I set myself to reading those words. My whole attitude and world view was the opposite of what it was the day before, and I did not do a thing to bring about that change.
I congratulate you on the results from your journey. If you had noticed, one of my comments suggested Pastoral Counseling as a resource for religious people. I have a tons of respect for Pastoral Counseling from first hand knowledge of having worked with them.
Or maybe you say one thing that sounds one way and in the next breath say something entirely different, and jump away from the actual discussion to what you want to talk about.
I suppose you don't do similar things. C'est la vie.
But what I said that produced your response was a simple statement of fact.
I don't know what you are referring to. We all chose what we respond to. If you repeat the "statement of fact" I will make a point to respond to it. Please keep in mind that what is important to us personally often is not important to others.
Maybe instead of just repeating you statements on the reasons for aberrant sexual behaviors and the need for mental health treatment you should explain what this treatment consists of and what its goal is.
There are many mental health therapies. What they have in common is helping the patient to cope with life. How do we do that? In numerous ways depending on our education, training and supervision. To understand the therapeutic process, Carl Rogers outlined 6 "necessary and sufficient conditions" for helping clients regardless of type of mental health treatmentnt. They are:
  1. Two persons are in psychological contact.
  2. The first, whom we shall term the client, is in a state of incongruence, being vulnerable or anxious.
  3. The second person, whom we shall term the therapist, is congruent or integrated in the relationship.
  4. The therapist experiences unconditional positive regard for the client.
  5. The therapist experiences an empathic understanding of the client's internal frame of reference and endeavors to communicate this experience to the client.
  6. The communication to the client of the therapist's empathic understanding and unconditional positive regard is to a minimal degree achieved.
I bolded #4 as it is the most important.

Numerous studies have lent support that "If these six conditions exist, and continue over a period of time, this is sufficient. The process of constructive personality change will follow."

What you might not understand or agree with is that the therapist can not change the patient's values to the therapist's values. This is why I say "if the patient is religious or open to it" then it is ok and even valuable to discuss religion and suggest Bible verses, etc. If the patient is not and the therapist insists then the therapist has violated #4 and sabotaged the therapy.
I am reading what you write and you are neither explaining what any mental treatment consists of or what its goal is, be it secular of pastoral.
I am surprised that you did not understand that in light of other things I wrote.

Starting from the beginning. Christians believe that mutilating the body via surgery and/or hormones is sinful. If a the patient wants surgery it would be unethical for the therapist to have the goal of convincing the client otherwise. The therapist can, of course, ask
Just that it exists. And neither have I brought up the subject of surgery or hormonal treatments. So why do you bring it up here?
I am on a Christian forum where many people do not have the foggiest notion of what therapy is all about.
And as usual you completely ignored the question I asked about how that community you refer to as needing mental health treatment or counseling would feel about you categorizing them as being in need of that? Pretty sure the vast majority would egg your house metaphorically.
Perhaps because I thought it was obvious and I am not categorizing anyone. If a person has symptoms or thoughts that they are concerned about they can try reading the Bible but if that doesn't work they should know to seek help. Most people who feel sick will eventually seek medical treatment because they know something is wrong physically. I would expect that an adult or the parents of an child that believes they are in the wrong body would eventually figure out that something is wrong and just maybe would understand that if it is not physical and the only option is mental. The other possibility is they seek medical treatment and are referred to mental health clinic.

There is no shame in having mental health problem. Those who think there is are in the wrong century.
Straw men, Straw men. And more straw men. Strawman 1. I asked you what Romans 1 means and you still have not answered the question but not so clerely avoided it. What about it cannot be taken literally, and how are we to take it.
I think is that you do not like my answer.
Strawman 2. I said nothing about mental health being idolarty or even came close to implying it. That was just another deflection. You know very well what I was specifically asking you about that you specifically said should not be taken literally, and you acted like it wasn; even in Romans 1 verses 24-31.
That is the impression I got. The verse you quoted spoke of idolarty. Please look again at what I said. I said "I hesitate..." meaning I wasn't sure what your point was.
Strawman 3. I never said meditating on Romans one would eleviate the problem- Something you are now calling suffering when in fact most of those "mentaly Ill" according to you, do not think they are suffering but that they are a far more evolved and free people than straights and especially than the God fearing.
You want me to put it in "particular" words and ways that I don't experience. When I read the Bible, I medatate on the verses which begins a process that drews from previous experiences and learning which in turn furthers my understanding. It should be obvious that I don't read the Bible the same way you do.

Let me give you another example of the ways I learn. When I feel uncomfortable in my understanding of a Bible verse I go to the EhrmanBlog and research it. Why do I go there? It's because when I don't understand something in the Bible I can usually find it there within minutes. If I can't I can ask Bart a question that he will answer, usually within a day, and that provides a better understanding from the thinking of one of the top Biblical Scholars in the world.
Misinformation presented as another strawman. "God helps those who help themselves" was coined by Benjamin Franklin, a diest if I am not mistaken. It is not in the Bible and the concept is not in the Bible. The exact concept in fact is in the Bible. God helps those who know they need help and only He can help them.
If you feel that I misformed you, at least give me the benefit of the doubt and and ask me to expand on it. I have often tell you that I don't understand what you are saying. You very seldom pick up on it and follow through by expanding on your thoughts.

Perhaps it is that you look at things literally resulting in you missing the forest for the trees. I understand concepts and perhaps miss some of the trees for the forest.
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I think is that you do not like my answer.
No it is that you are not answering what is asked.
That is the impression I got. The verse you quoted spoke of idolarty. Please look again at what I said. I said "I hesitate..." meaning I wasn't sure what your point was.
I did not quote a verse. I quoted a chapter. Specifically aimed at those verses you specifically said should not be taken literally, and you said that because they were quoted to you.
You want me to put it in "particular" words and ways that I don't experience. When I read the Bible, I medatate on the verses which begins a process that drews from previous experiences and learning which in turn furthers my understanding. It should be obvious that I don't read the Bible the same way you do.
Red herring fallacy. You need to learn how to carry on a converstation with someone besides yourself. It requires listening.
Let me give you another example of the ways I learn. When I feel uncomfortable in my understanding of a Bible verse I go to the EhrmanBlog and research it. Why do I go there? It's because when I don't understand something in the Bible I can usually find it there within minutes. If I can't I can ask Bart a question that he will answer, usually within a day, and that provides a better understanding from the thinking of one of the top Biblical Scholars in the world.
I don't care how you learn. It is all red herrings the things you say.
If you feel that I misformed you, at least give me the benefit of the doubt and and ask me to expand on it. I have often tell you that I don't understand what you are saying. You very seldom pick up on it and follow through by expanding on your thoughts.
Did I say you misinformed me? How can anyone expand on anything or even want to when all you do is throw out red herrings and never deal with the subject being dicussed in any way but the way in which you want to. YOu are not interested in anyone else or what they have to say, only in what you want to say. Like I said. Start a thread on whatever subject it is and keep on the topic yourself. I have nothing more to say to you.
I agree 100%. The problem is the left is trying to normalize that problem instead of seeking mental health.
In many instances they're pushing the agenda.
Even "mental health" has [for a long time now] been redoctored.
No it is that you are not answering what is asked.
How can you expect someone if can not understand what you are saying?

You have yet to respond to elaborating on anything at all.
I did not quote a verse. I quoted a chapter. Specifically aimed at those verses you specifically said should not be taken literally, and you said that because they were quoted to you.
You quoted a chapter that you read literally. Why would you expect me to read it the same way you do and when I tell you how I read the Bible you dismiss my answer as a red herring.
Red herring fallacy. You need to learn how to carry on a converstation with someone besides yourself. It requires listening.
Yes you should follow your own advice.
I don't care how you learn. It is all red herrings the things you say.
Thank you. If we don't understand each other then there is no logical reason to continue.d Good luck.
Did I say you misinformed me? How can anyone expand on anything or even want to when all you do is throw out red herrings and never deal with the subject being dicussed in any way but the way in which you want to. YOu are not interested in anyone else or what they have to say, only in what you want to say. Like I said. Start a thread on whatever subject it is and keep on the topic yourself. I have nothing more to say to you.
I hear red hearings are delicious in a lemon sauce. See the above comment.

You asked me explain Mental Health. I provided a long thought out answer.
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Whether you label it is a mental health illness or condition is a matter of systematic, the child still needs mental health attention.
They are not getting it now that gender dysphoria is no longer a mental illness and so guess where the psychiatric facilities are at? Not treating them for gender dysphoria les they unwittingly provoke them to file a lawsuit against them.
If you were experiencing symptoms of gender dysphoria such as discontent with your body, anxiety and depression, social discomfort or withdrawal, conflict with gender role expectations what would you do and who would you consult?
Since gender dysphoria is no longer a mental illness, but are normalizing transgenderism as we speak by teaching it to little children in the public school system ( smell that rat now ? ) nobody is going to be asking help for it.

What would I do? As led by the Lord? I know not since every situation would be different but in relation to your post, seemingly the logical thing to do is discern the source as you inferred several reasons behind it : discontent with your body, anxiety and depression, social discomfort or withdrawal, conflict with gender role expectations as I should add, sexual molestation or sexual abuse or having evil desires which the sin nature and the devil can easily instill which all sinners have as the Bible calls it the infirmity in the flesh.

I also have heard a lot of people and children wishing they were somebody else or somebody better and so throwing gender dysphoria in the mix just confuses the matter as it is about transgenderism since it was created for transgenderism to confuse the sufferers even more.
Let's take it one step at a time.
If we talking about children then the parents first reaction would likely be prayer and perhaps a consult with their pastor. But if this doesn't work who would you turn to?​
You can talk to a pediatrician who in turn may describe anti-depressants or tranquilizers. If these don't bring relief the pediatrician would recommend a mental health practitioner who is knowledgeable in gender dysphoria.​
Proper therapy provides support, coping strategies, and a safe space to explore and express distressing thoughts. The goals of the therapy vary depending on your child's needs. In general they would likely include: exploration and self-discovery, coping with distress, addressing mental health concerns such as anxiety or depression related to gender dysphoria. The goal is to provide support and guidance in managing symptoms.​
Proper therapy without gender transition can be beneficial for children who are experiencing gender dysphoria.​
Anyone suffering can go to Jesus Christ in prayer, asking for help and wisdom to determine why they feel or think that way and ask Him for help to cast those evil thoughts down and think on good things instead.

1 Peter 5:6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: 7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. 8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: 9 Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.

Philippians 4:6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. 8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. 9 Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.

2 Corinthians 10:4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; 6 And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.

Prayer should be your first line, but what happens if prayer doesn't bring the relief you are seeking. Perhaps if you listen carefully it could be God telling us to seek professional help.
Jesus Christ helps. Man does not.

Psalm 108:12 Give us help from trouble: for vain is the help of man.
They are not getting it now that gender dysphoria is no longer a mental illness and so guess where the psychiatric facilities are at? Not treating them for gender dysphoria les they unwittingly provoke them to file a lawsuit against them.
I am not involved in the BS any longer. There are enough people who can pay for private therapy along with those that have decent mental health insurance. What dx they put on the forms is geared for the best returns.
Since gender dysphoria is no longer a mental illness, but are normalizing transgenderism as we speak by teaching it to little children in the public school system ( smell that rat now ? ) nobody is going to be asking help for it.
Its like sex education. If they don't teach it in schools the kids learn it from their peers. I am old enough to remember what that was like.
What would I do? As led by the Lord? I know not since every situation would be different but in relation to your post, seemingly the logical thing to do is discern the source as you inferred several reasons behind it : discontent with your body, anxiety and depression, social discomfort or withdrawal, conflict with gender role expectations as I should add, sexual molestation or sexual abuse or having evil desires which the sin nature and the devil can easily instill which all sinners have as the Bible calls it the infirmity in the flesh.
Religious education can help but it is often riddled with, if not misinformation, inadequate information.
I also have heard a lot of people and children wishing they were somebody else or somebody better and so throwing gender dysphoria in the mix just confuses the matter as it is about transgenderism since it was created for transgenderism to confuse the sufferers even more.
Sounds like you believe it was planned. You could be right.
Anyone suffering can go to Jesus Christ in prayer, asking for help and wisdom to determine why they feel or think that way and ask Him for help to cast those evil thoughts down and think on good things instead.

1 Peter 5:6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: 7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. 8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: 9 Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.

Philippians 4:6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. 8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. 9 Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.

2 Corinthians 10:4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; 6 And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.

Jesus Christ helps. Man does not.

Psalm 108:12 Give us help from trouble: for vain is the help of man.
Religion can be a positive influence, however the more involved it gets in politics the more people it will turn away.
I am not involved in the BS any longer. There are enough people who can pay for private therapy along with those that have decent mental health insurance. What dx they put on the forms is geared for the best returns.
Even in private therapy, they are not protected against lawsuits.
Its like sex education. If they don't teach it in schools the kids learn it from their peers. I am old enough to remember what that was like.
Transgenderism is not like sex education at all. It is a lie of the devil like the evolution theory is. Refer to the Georgia Guidestones FYI.

Think of Thanos from the MCU Avengers Endgame but worse as they not only want to reduce the world's population to half a billion but have measures in place to cut back on the population growth rate and transgenderism is one of them. Even the NSA has been tasked for reducing the population. What SARS could not do, and Covid 19 is a variation of SARS, the vaccine did in reaching those vulnerable to the Covid 19 and they were both created from Wuhan labs and nobody from the UN has demanded that China shut that facility down for good.
Religious education can help but it is often riddled with, if not misinformation, inadequate information.
So is gender dysphoria.
Sounds like you believe it was planned. You could be right.
I am. The spirit behind this transgenderism movement is just using LGBTQ+ woke campaign to destroy America within by empowering the minute minority to over rule the majority.

A couple decades ago, the woke control media spotlighted a campaign to influence America that it was wrong to call an African American "black" while showcasing several black Americans of how upset they are for being called black instead of African Americans, but it did not catch on and so it was dropped since a majority of black Americans did not care if they were called black as they use that term also.

So now by empowering the minute minority, the trans out of the LGBTQ+ community, to impose their pronouns on all of us, or else we are haters & bigots or/and we are not respecting them, you can see that inclusion is just a weapon for sowing discord in America by the woke liberal Democrat ( and the elected "conservative" Republicans are looking the other way on purpose in letting them get away with stuff, as California is a result, along with how the public education is allowing drag queens to perform adult content in front of children in schools as if "corruption of minors" is no longer a crime, you really have to suspect that our government is betraying us all along for the coming NWO.
Religion can be a positive influence, however the more involved it gets in politics the more people it will turn away.
Same can be said more so for the opposite. The more immorality gets involved in politics and social media, the more people will be turned away.

Romans 13:3For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: 4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.

When the government cease to bear the sword to deter evil, but encourage evil, and with apostasy abounding in Christian churches in submitting to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, is why God is coming to judge His House first at the pre great tribulation rapture event and why a third of the earth will get burned up which is Babylon USA along with the western hemisphere after the rapture event.

I know the woke controlled media wants to make the world believe that it is superhero fatigue that draws them away from the MCU "Marvels" movies for why it flopped, but it is the "wokeness" of it that did it. Businesses are losing money for going woke.

Families are sick of what is going on in schools and in the entertainment arena. So this political correctness is not "good" when it is used by turning the LGBTQ+ communities into the new Nazis as the Hamas are the Nazis of Islamic religion. Just as there are peaceful patriotic LGBTQ + that do not want this pushing of their ideology on others by oppressive legislature, so are there peaceful Muslims that do not seek the elimination of Israel nor the Jews, but their voice is not loud enough to change the course of the campaign, let alone stop it in America any more than peaceful Muslims can towards hateful war mongering Islamic States.

If you ever wonder how the world can be so against Christians after the rapture event for the coming great tribulation, to be hunting them down to kill them by the sword or hunger because Christians have to have the mark of the beast to buy & sell to survive after a third of the earth gets burned up ( the western hemisphere ) immediately after that rapture event it is because you are not seeing that evil spirit now.

Once USA is gone due to that fiery calamity as Jesus prophesied in verse 49 of Luke 12:40-49 & Luke 17:26-37 along with Peter in 2 Peter 3:3-15 & the apostle John in Revelation 8:7, the rest of the world will be scrambling for pulling their resources in having that New World Order, they will make a peace treaty with Israel to allow them to build their Temple in Jerusalem just to assure them that they will not be attacked any more by anyone, because their greatest ally, USA is gone, & Islamic countries do not want Israel launching her nukes... until 3 and a half years later when that son of perdition reveals himself in that holy of holies. It will be way worse than October 7th.

The haters in the NWO that will kill Christian believers will not spring up overnight as they are present today. Indeed, evidence does suggest that "they" are killing Christians in America "quietly" in reducing the "moral majority", by pandemic or by medical means, but Jesus is still Lord.

Jesus is calling saved believers to be ready and found abiding in Him & His words by His grace & by His help as well as praying for help to not be overcharged by the cares of this life to be willing to leave so as to escape that fire that is coming on the earth. Luke 12:40-49 & Luke 21:33-36
Even in private therapy, they are not protected against lawsuits.
Therapist can be sued for ethical breaches and for malpractice but not for recognized therapy that you disapprove of.
Transgenderism is not like sex education at all. It is a lie of the devil like the evolution theory is. Refer to the Georgia Guidestones FYI.
That they are different will not prevent kids learning for other kids and what they learn will often be full or errors and misinformation.
Think of Thanos from the MCU Avengers Endgame but worse as they not only want to reduce the world's population to half a billion but have measures in place to cut back on the population growth rate and transgenderism is one of them. Even the NSA has been tasked for reducing the population. What SARS could not do, and Covid 19 is a variation of SARS, the vaccine did in reaching those vulnerable to the Covid 19 and they were both created from Wuhan labs and nobody from the UN has demanded that China shut that facility down for good.

So is gender dysphoria.
Sounds like a conspiracy theory to me.
I am. The spirit behind this transgenderism movement is just using LGBTQ+ woke campaign to destroy America within by empowering the minute minority to over rule the majority.
You are misinformed.
A couple decades ago, the woke control media spotlighted a campaign to influence America that it was wrong to call an African American "black" while showcasing several black Americans of how upset they are for being called black instead of African Americans, but it did not catch on and so it was dropped since a majority of black Americans did not care if they were called black as they use that term also.
Some people were upset. What else is new?
So now by empowering the minute minority, the trans out of the LGBTQ+ community, to impose their pronouns on all of us, or else we are haters & bigots or/and we are not respecting them, you can see that inclusion is just a weapon for sowing discord in America by the woke liberal Democrat ( and the elected "conservative" Republicans are looking the other way on purpose in letting them get away with stuff, as California is a result, along with how the public education is allowing drag queens to perform adult content in front of children in schools as if "corruption of minors" is no longer a crime, you really have to suspect that our government is betraying us all along for the coming NWO.
I am not for empowering anyone on either side. What I advocate is treating people who need mental health attention with appropriate treatment and compassion. Some people on here think that is wicked I think it an expression of Jesus's commandment to love thy neighbor.
Same can be said more so for the opposite. The more immorality gets involved in politics and social media, the more people will be turned away.
You don't have to convince that both our political parties are corrupt. I have been turned off to politics for years.
Romans 13:3For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: 4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.
Paul's emphasis in 13:3, that authorities are meant to punish wrongdoing and encourage good behavior is right on.
When the government cease to bear the sword to deter evil, but encourage evil, and with apostasy abounding in Christian churches in submitting to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, is why God is coming to judge His House first at the pre great tribulation rapture event and why a third of the earth will get burned up which is Babylon USA along with the western hemisphere after the rapture event.
The corruption and hate in US politics speaks for itself.
I know the woke controlled media wants to make the world believe that it is superhero fatigue that draws them away from the MCU "Marvels" movies for why it flopped, but it is the "wokeness" of it that did it. Businesses are losing money for going woke.
I have no idea why you are ranting on and on. Mental health treatment is not woke.
Families are sick of what is going on in schools and in the entertainment arena. So this political correctness is not "good" when it is used by turning the LGBTQ+ communities into the new Nazis as the Hamas are the Nazis of Islamic religion. Just as there are peaceful patriotic LGBTQ + that do not want this pushing of their ideology on others by oppressive legislature, so are there peaceful Muslims that do not seek the elimination of Israel nor the Jews, but their voice is not loud enough to change the course of the campaign, let alone stop it in America any more than peaceful Muslims can towards hateful war mongering Islamic States.
And they are expressing it. I am not against freedom of speech.
If you ever wonder how the world can be so against Christians after the rapture event for the coming great tribulation, to be hunting them down to kill them by the sword or hunger because Christians have to have the mark of the beast to buy & sell to survive after a third of the earth gets burned up ( the western hemisphere ) immediately after that rapture event it is because you are not seeing that evil spirit now.
Christianity has had apocalyptic elements from the beginning particularly in its beliefs about the end times. However, that is just one aspect of a broader Christian worldview, which includes teachings about love, salvation, morality, and other aspects of faith and practice.
Once USA is gone due to that fiery calamity as Jesus prophesied in verse 49 of Luke 12:40-49 & Luke 17:26-37 along with Peter in 2 Peter 3:3-15 & the apostle John in Revelation 8:7, the rest of the world will be scrambling for pulling their resources in having that New World Order, they will make a peace treaty with Israel to allow them to build their Temple in Jerusalem just to assure them that they will not be attacked any more by anyone, because their greatest ally, USA is gone, & Islamic countries do not want Israel launching her nukes... until 3 and a half years later when that son of perdition reveals himself in that holy of holies. It will be way worse than October 7th.
If you are saying that civilization will collapse, I agree and once it does then it will only be a matter of time before humans go extinct.
The haters in the NWO that will kill Christian believers will not spring up overnight as they are present today. Indeed, evidence does suggest that "they" are killing Christians in America "quietly" in reducing the "moral majority", by pandemic or by medical means, but Jesus is still Lord.

Jesus is calling saved believers to be ready and found abiding in Him & His words by His grace & by His help as well as praying for help to not be overcharged by the cares of this life to be willing to leave so as to escape that fire that is coming on the earth. Luke 12:40-49 & Luke 21:33-36
Those that have lived their faith in Jesus will be saved.
Therapist can be sued for ethical breaches and for malpractice but not for recognized therapy that you disapprove of.
How many times do I need to tell you this? The psychiatric profession do not consider gender dysphoria a mental illness any more ! So it hardly matters if I disapprove of it.
That they are different will not prevent kids learning for other kids and what they learn will often be full or errors and misinformation.
Well so are haters and bigots. Kids learn it from parents and other siblings and so we should create a safe environment for kids to learn about hating and bigotry and couple that with the evolution theory of weeding out the weak and the vulnerable, thus raising the bullying mentality in schools to where killing is an everyday thing at school and they can influence children with Hunger games movies to make life at school exciting and fun where haters and bigots are accepted and feel free to kill. We can hold awards ceremonies in the school auditorium for the most kill as a champion for climate change for reducing the human population. I can see the winner now weeping and smiling so happy, shouting "You love me!! YOU REALLY LOVE ME!!!"

Pardon my sarcasm, but when you throw common sense out in favor of political correctness, kind of missing the evil of what you are saying.
Sounds like a conspiracy theory to me.
Far right called U.S. ‘Stonehenge’ satanic — and cheered when it blew up

I can understand why you would say that but look at what the Georgia Guidestones says;

Georgia Guidestones

1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

2. Guide reproduction wisely
— improving fitness and diversity.

3. Unite humanity with a living new language.

4. Rule Passion — Faith — Tradition — and all things with tempered reason.

5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.

8. Balance personal rights with social duties.

9. Prize
truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.

10. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

The way they are pushing Climate Change and the left are hypocritical about it, including John Kerry, and by pushing that false science, the evolution theory in schools, bullying and that king of the hill attitude will not be going away along with abortion since they just see the unborn child with a soul as a fetus, and per that first link; of how the pandemic serves that goal in reducing the population, kind of hard to say it is a coincidence. There are a lot of sci-fi & thriller movies with that bad guy thinking they are doing the world a favor by killing droves of people.
You are misinformed.
Are you sure you are not informed?

Explain why drag queens are performing adult content in front of kids at schools now?
Some people were upset. What else is new?
What they failed with pushing that "black" offensive on the Balck Americans, now they are pushing the demand to use transgenders' personal pronouns or you are either disrespectful or a hater & a bigot or both.
I am not for empowering anyone on either side. What I advocate is treating people who need mental health attention with appropriate treatment and compassion. Some people on here think that is wicked I think it an expression of Jesus's commandment to love thy neighbor.
But are you acting on the assumption that mental health will help them when gender dysphoria is no longer a mental illness?
You don't have to convince that both our political parties are corrupt. I have been turned off to politics for years.
Well be aware that politics has a lot to do with mental health and physical health issues now along with what they teach our children in schools for political correctness.
Paul's emphasis in 13:3, that authorities are meant to punish wrongdoing and encourage good behavior is right on.
I agree. But our government is not doing that when the liberals shorten prison sentences, active crimes in California are either a slap on the wrist or they do not even bother. Hardly deterring evil.
The corruption and hate in US politics speaks for itself.
I believe it is theater to galvanize both sides of the people to a civil war, but hopefully, the Lord will continue to disappoint the government by not allowing the people to be provoked enough to do that from either side.
I have no idea why you are ranting on and on. Mental health treatment is not woke.
Around the 1980's, The American Psychiatric Association in the Southwest had announced on National News that homosexuality was a mental disorder of a sort. I forget the exact term they had used, but it galvanized certain members of the homosexual communities to "attack" by giving threatening phone calls at the work place. Then "they" found out where they lived and gave threatening phone calls at their homes. One did bother to go to one of those homes and threw a brick through the window before that APAS recanted in national news the next day.

Recognize that Nazis like tactics of oppression before Germany became Nazis Germany?

The mental health facilities in my local area support transgenderism and believe I should use trans personal pronouns as a sign of respect. So all I see is them ushing that political woke campaign and I do not see any reason why when they are saying that, they will be treating trans for gender dysphoria when the mental health facility are normalizing it for the sake of the majority of people bowing to transgenderism.

And the people are having enough of it as Fox News are reporting it ( even though I know they are run by Democrats as Tucker is or was a registered democrat for the time he was on Fox News which adds to my paranoia that the Democrat and the republicans are working together to destroy the value of the American dollar, to cause society to collapse & even bring about a police state if God allows a civil war to break out before the Bridegroom comes. I see our government's end game is the New World Order and the coming mark of the beast system but the pre great tribulation rapture will come about first and afterwards, a fire will destroy a third of the earth; hence the western hemisphere.
And they are expressing it. I am not against freedom of speech.
When the woke control media is pushing only one agenda as one side versus the other side without sharing those that are peaceful on the side of the LGBTQ+ with the liberal Democrat, and without sharing the need to pray for our enemies on the conservative sides but to react instead to the provocation, not sure how much freedom of speech there is if the end is game looking to be a civil war.
Christianity has had apocalyptic elements from the beginning particularly in its beliefs about the end times. However, that is just one aspect of a broader Christian worldview, which includes teachings about love, salvation, morality, and other aspects of faith and practice.
Without compromising with immoral social values.
If you are saying that civilization will collapse, I agree and once it does then it will only be a matter of time before humans go extinct.
Not quite, but it will be bad by he time the end of the great tribulation comes before Christ comes as the King of kings.
Those that have lived their faith in Jesus will be saved.
By the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and His help, I agree. Amen.
How many times do I need to tell you this? The psychiatric profession do not consider gender dysphoria a mental illness any more ! So it hardly matters if I disapprove of it.
That it is not classified as a mental illness does not mean that the symptoms do not need mental health attention. I thought you knew better, but I see I was wrong.

Its like sex education. If they don't teach it in schools the kids learn it from their peers. I am old enough to remember what that was like.
I don't fault you misunderstanding as it is not something that laypersons are expected to know.

The word "dysphoria" means significant uneasiness and dissatisfaction. Other symptoms include:
  1. distress
  2. anxiety
  3. depression
  4. negative self-image
  5. strong dislike of your sexual anatomy
Well so are haters and bigots. Kids learn it from parents and other siblings and so we should create a safe environment for kids to learn about hating and bigotry and couple that with the evolution theory of weeding out the weak and the vulnerable, thus raising the bullying mentality in schools to where killing is an everyday thing at school and they can influence children with Hunger games movies to make life at school exciting and fun where haters and bigots are accepted and feel free to kill. We can hold awards ceremonies in the school auditorium for the most kill as a champion for climate change for reducing the human population. I can see the winner now weeping and smiling so happy, shouting "You love me!! YOU REALLY LOVE ME!!!"

Pardon my sarcasm, but when you throw common sense out in favor of political correctness, kind of missing the evil of what you are saying.
A rant is not common sense. What is common sense is that kids do not have to be protected from reality. There are age-appropriate ways to talk about to kids about gender.

I know it unlikely that yo u will read it but at least you will know there are ways to talk to kids about gender in an age appropriate manner, For those who are interested.
Around the 1980's, The American Psychiatric Association in the Southwest had announced on National News that homosexuality was a mental disorder of a sort.
The APA was wrong. If you are unaware of what lead to the change, here are the factors that contributed to this change:
  1. scientific understanding,
  2. advancements in Psychology and Psychiatry,
  3. social and cultural changes,
  4. human rights considerations and
  5. professional consensus
I forget the exact term they had used, but it galvanized certain members of the homosexual communities to "attack" by giving threatening phone calls at the work place. Then "they" found out where they lived and gave threatening phone calls at their homes. One did bother to go to one of those homes and threw a brick through the window before that APAS recanted in national news the next day.

Recognize that Nazis like tactics of oppression before Germany became Nazis Germany?
Good examply of why we need to treat humans with dignity.
The mental health facilities in my local area support transgenderism and believe I should use trans personal pronouns as a sign of respect. So all I see is them ushing that political woke campaign and I do not see any reason why when they are saying that, they will be treating trans for gender dysphoria when the mental health facility are normalizing it for the sake of the majority of people bowing to transgenderism.
It is up to you and if you want to or don't want to use personal pronouns as a courtasy. If it offends you to do so then you don't use them.
And the people are having enough of it as Fox News are reporting it ( even though I know they are run by Democrats as Tucker is or was a registered democrat for the time he was on Fox News which adds to my paranoia that the Democrat and the republicans are working together to destroy the value of the American dollar, to cause society to collapse & even bring about a police state if God allows a civil war to break out before the Bridegroom comes. I see our government's end game is the New World Order and the coming mark of the beast system but the pre great tribulation rapture will come about first and afterwards, a fire will destroy a third of the earth; hence the western hemisphere.
When the next election will be between an admitted adulturer who boasts about grabbing women by the {edited by admin. Don't do it again. }and who was found to have raped a worman and the present senile president who may have engaged in a bribery and extortion schemes then I say that it is a sign that end times are near.
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Well so are haters and bigots. Kids learn it from parents and other siblings and so we should create a safe environment for kids to learn about hating and bigotry and couple that with the evolution theory of weeding out the weak and the vulnerable, thus raising the bullying mentality in schools to where killing is an everyday thing at school and they can influence children with Hunger games movies to make life at school exciting and fun where haters and bigots are accepted and feel free to kill. We can hold awards ceremonies in the school auditorium for the most kill as a champion for climate change for reducing the human population. I can see the winner now weeping and smiling so happy, shouting "You love me!! YOU REALLY LOVE ME!!!"

Pardon my sarcasm, but when you throw common sense out in favor of political correctness, kind of missing the evil of what you are saying.
I don't believe in political correctness either. I have no problem with what others believe as long as it doen not affect or concern me.
Far right called U.S. ‘Stonehenge’ satanic — and cheered when it blew up

I can understand why you would say that but look at what the Georgia Guidestones says;

Georgia Guidestones

1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

2. Guide reproduction wisely
— improving fitness and diversity.

3. Unite humanity with a living new language.

4. Rule Passion — Faith — Tradition — and all things with tempered reason.

5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.

8. Balance personal rights with social duties.

9. Prize
truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.

10. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

The way they are pushing Climate Change and the left are hypocritical about it, including John Kerry, and by pushing that false science, the evolution theory in schools, bullying and that king of the hill attitude will not be going away along with abortion since they just see the unborn child with a soul as a fetus, and per that first link; of how the pandemic serves that goal in reducing the population, kind of hard to say it is a coincidence. There are a lot of sci-fi & thriller movies with that bad guy thinking they are doing the world a favor by killing droves of people.

Are you sure you are not informed?

Explain why drag queens are performing adult content in front of kids at schools now?

What they failed with pushing that "black" offensive on the Balck Americans, now they are pushing the demand to use transgenders' personal pronouns or you are either disrespectful or a hater & a bigot or both.

But are you acting on the assumption that mental health will help them when gender dysphoria is no longer a mental illness?

Well be aware that politics has a lot to do with mental health and physical health issues now along with what they teach our children in schools for political correctness.

I agree. But our government is not doing that when the liberals shorten prison sentences, active crimes in California are either a slap on the wrist or they do not even bother. Hardly deterring evil.

I believe it is theater to galvanize both sides of the people to a civil war, but hopefully, the Lord will continue to disappoint the government by not allowing the people to be provoked enough to do that from either side.
If you are saying our government is broken I agree. I actually think it is even worse than that as our nation transitions from loving your neighbor to hating to neighbor.
The mental health facilities in my local area support transgenderism and believe I should use trans personal pronouns as a sign of respect. So all I see is them ushing that political woke campaign and I do not see any reason why when they are saying that, they will be treating trans for gender dysphoria when the mental health facility are normalizing it for the sake of the majority of people bowing to transgenderism.

And the people are having enough of it as Fox News are reporting it ( even though I know they are run by Democrats as Tucker is or was a registered democrat for the time he was on Fox News which adds to my paranoia that the Democrat and the republicans are working together to destroy the value of the American dollar, to cause society to collapse & even bring about a police state if God allows a civil war to break out before the Bridegroom comes. I see our government's end game is the New World Order and the coming mark of the beast system but the pre great tribulation rapture will come about first and afterwards, a fire will destroy a third of the earth; hence the western hemisphere.

When the woke control media is pushing only one agenda as one side versus the other side without sharing those that are peaceful on the side of the LGBTQ+ with the liberal Democrat, and without sharing the need to pray for our enemies on the conservative sides but to react instead to the provocation, not sure how much freedom of speech there is if the end is game looking to be a civil war.

Without compromising with immoral social values.

Not quite, but it will be bad by he time the end of the great tribulation comes before Christ comes as the King of kings.

By the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and His help, I agree. Amen.
Perhaps this is what end times looks like. As frightening as it may be, its also fascinating to be a witness.
That it is not classified as a mental illness does not mean that the symptoms do not need mental health attention. I thought you knew better, but I see I was wrong.
Your web site still proves that by addressing all the mental illness which I believe is caused by gender dysphoria without treating gender dysphoria. In other words, they are treating all the side effects from gender dysphoria and yet while supporting them in being transgender from which I say their problems are never going to go away.
I don't fault you misunderstanding as it is not something that laypersons are expected to know.

The word "dysphoria" means significant uneasiness and dissatisfaction. Other symptoms include:
  1. distress
  2. anxiety
  3. depression
  4. negative self-image
  5. strong dislike of your sexual anatomy

A rant is not common sense. What is common sense is that kids do not have to be protected from reality. There are age-appropriate ways to talk about to kids about gender.
But gender dysphoria is moving away from reality to delusions. So by truly addressing the cause for the symptoms, it should be done with the end goal of moving the person away from believing he or she is a transgender; not by supporting them as a transgender otherwise, those symptoms are never going away.
I know it unlikely that yo u will read it but at least you will know there are ways to talk to kids about gender in an age appropriate manner, For those who are interested.
The solution is not by supporting them in being transgender nor convincing them because of those symptoms that they are transgender.

The APA was wrong. If you are unaware of what lead to the change, here are the factors that contributed to this change:
  1. scientific understanding,
  2. advancements in Psychology and Psychiatry,
  3. social and cultural changes,
  4. human rights considerations and
  5. professional consensus

Good examply of why we need to treat humans with dignity.
I agree but not by condoning a lie of the devil that allows the child to remain in that political hype ideology that is being pushed out there on children to convince them that they must be transgender.
It is up to you and if you want to or don't want to use personal pronouns as a courtasy. If it offends you to do so then you don't use them.
I would prefer to address the person by name like everybody else. When trans insist on using their pronouns, it is a bullying tactic and it has nothing to do with respect at all but cowering to one of their attention seeking method.

Example; a college professor in Canada was fired by the Dean for not using the transgender student's preferred personal pronoun, even though the professor was addressing the student by name in the class as he does for everybody else that he is specifically talking to in the class.

Talk about a power tripping trans. I see it for what it is. Not like I am going to address you by your personal pronoun in public when there are other people around; "hey he.".... "hey him". What would you say to that. I would imagine, 'My name is Frank. Use it so I know you are talking to me."

Using "they" or "them" as if that is no negotiations for a singular trans is an insult to anyone's intelligence and common sense for using a plural pronoun for an individual transgender. That is why I see it as a power trip for insisting on that rather than addressing them by name.

Society does not need to coddle to transgenderism nor embrace it if they really care about the person suffering those delusions. We are not to enable drug addicts or alcoholics who prefer that escape from life, and so they need to join the human race and accept themselves as they are and deal with the causes for why they are suffering those symptoms once the transgenderism ideology is out of the way as an escape no society should be enabling sufferers in.
When the next election will be between an admitted adulturer who boasts about grabbing women by the p......sy and who was found to have raped a worman and the present senile president who may have engaged in a bribery and extortion schemes then I say that it is a sign that end times are near.
with the increase in earthquakes and volcanos activities all over the world, lie a woman in birth pangs, Jesus Christ is coming as the Bridegroom soon, and so I am trusting Him as my Good Shepherd & Friend to help me to follow Him & be willing to go when He comes.