Therapist can be sued for ethical breaches and for malpractice but not for recognized therapy that you disapprove of.
How many times do I need to tell you this? The psychiatric profession do not consider gender dysphoria a mental illness any more ! So it hardly matters if I disapprove of it.
That they are different will not prevent kids learning for other kids and what they learn will often be full or errors and misinformation.
Well so are haters and bigots. Kids learn it from parents and other siblings and so we should create a safe environment for kids to learn about hating and bigotry and couple that with the evolution theory of weeding out the weak and the vulnerable, thus raising the bullying mentality in schools to where killing is an everyday thing at school and they can influence children with Hunger games movies to make life at school exciting and fun where haters and bigots are accepted and feel free to kill. We can hold awards ceremonies in the school auditorium for the most kill as a champion for climate change for reducing the human population. I can see the winner now weeping and smiling so happy, shouting "You love me!! YOU REALLY LOVE ME!!!"
Pardon my sarcasm, but when you throw common sense out in favor of political correctness, kind of missing the evil of what you are saying.
Sounds like a conspiracy theory to me.
Far right called U.S. ‘Stonehenge’ satanic — and cheered when it blew up
I can understand why you would say that but look at what the Georgia Guidestones says;
Georgia Guidestones
1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule Passion — Faith — Tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth —
beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
10. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
The way they are pushing Climate Change and the left are hypocritical about it, including John Kerry, and by pushing that false science, the evolution theory in schools, bullying and that king of the hill attitude will not be going away along with abortion since they just see the unborn child with a soul as a fetus, and per that first link; of how the pandemic serves that goal in reducing the population, kind of hard to say it is a coincidence. There are a lot of sci-fi & thriller movies with that bad guy thinking they are doing the world a favor by killing droves of people.
Are you sure you are not informed?
Explain why drag queens are performing adult content in front of kids at schools now?
Some people were upset. What else is new?
What they failed with pushing that "black" offensive on the Balck Americans, now they are pushing the demand to use transgenders' personal pronouns or you are either disrespectful or a hater & a bigot or both.
I am not for empowering anyone on either side. What I advocate is treating people who need mental health attention with appropriate treatment and compassion. Some people on here think that is wicked I think it an expression of Jesus's commandment to love thy neighbor.
But are you acting on the assumption that mental health will help them when gender dysphoria is no longer a mental illness?
You don't have to convince that both our political parties are corrupt. I have been turned off to politics for years.
Well be aware that politics has a lot to do with mental health and physical health issues now along with what they teach our children in schools for political correctness.
Paul's emphasis in 13:3, that authorities are meant to punish wrongdoing and encourage good behavior is right on.
I agree. But our government is not doing that when the liberals shorten prison sentences, active crimes in California are either a slap on the wrist or they do not even bother. Hardly deterring evil.
The corruption and hate in US politics speaks for itself.
I believe it is theater to galvanize both sides of the people to a civil war, but hopefully, the Lord will continue to disappoint the government by not allowing the people to be provoked enough to do that from either side.
I have no idea why you are ranting on and on. Mental health treatment is not woke.
Around the 1980's, The American Psychiatric Association in the Southwest had announced on National News that homosexuality was a mental disorder of a sort. I forget the exact term they had used, but it galvanized certain members of the homosexual communities to "attack" by giving threatening phone calls at the work place. Then "they" found out where they lived and gave threatening phone calls at their homes. One did bother to go to one of those homes and threw a brick through the window before that APAS recanted in national news the next day.
Recognize that Nazis like tactics of oppression before Germany became Nazis Germany?
The mental health facilities in my local area support transgenderism and believe I should use trans personal pronouns as a sign of respect. So all I see is them ushing that political woke campaign and I do not see any reason why when they are saying that, they will be treating trans for gender dysphoria when the mental health facility are normalizing it for the sake of the majority of people bowing to transgenderism.
And the people are having enough of it as Fox News are reporting it ( even though I know they are run by Democrats as Tucker is or was a registered democrat for the time he was on Fox News which adds to my paranoia that the Democrat and the republicans are working together to destroy the value of the American dollar, to cause society to collapse & even bring about a police state if God allows a civil war to break out before the Bridegroom comes. I see our government's end game is the New World Order and the coming mark of the beast system but the pre great tribulation rapture will come about first and afterwards, a fire will destroy a third of the earth; hence the western hemisphere.
And they are expressing it. I am not against freedom of speech.
When the woke control media is pushing only one agenda as one side versus the other side without sharing those that are peaceful on the side of the LGBTQ+ with the liberal Democrat, and without sharing the need to pray for our enemies on the conservative sides but to react instead to the provocation, not sure how much freedom of speech there is if the end is game looking to be a civil war.
Christianity has had apocalyptic elements from the beginning particularly in its beliefs about the end times. However, that is just one aspect of a broader Christian worldview, which includes teachings about love, salvation, morality, and other aspects of faith and practice.
Without compromising with immoral social values.
If you are saying that civilization will collapse, I agree and once it does then it will only be a matter of time before humans go extinct.
Not quite, but it will be bad by he time the end of the great tribulation comes before Christ comes as the King of kings.
Those that have lived their faith in Jesus will be saved.
By the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and His help, I agree. Amen.