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If your church discusses Social Justice

During the time of Moses and the giving of the Law in three parts: Moral, Social, Ceremonial, everything was tied together for God's people.
Does the Bible itself explicitly make the law divided in those three parts? Where does the Bible make that division?
What was social and political is part of the theocracy under God.
Got scripture for that?
This is the original context, but the Gentile Church is not founded in this fashion.
Got scripture for that? If the gospels are applicable to the Gentile Church then the Shema and the first and second greatest commandments are the foundation of the Gentile Church. This is all the more so if Christ crucified and resurrected is the foundation because that is to what the Law testifies.
Consider the differences and make distinction. Then proceed from there.
I will, once those differences are evidenced, explained, and justified using scripture and not man-made extra-biblical conceptualizations of God's word.
The churches job is to teach us how to be kind to each other based on the scripture, instead of pointing out specific events.
And to allow our children to be brain-washed into what is sinful?
During the time of Moses and the giving of the Law in three parts: Morall, Social, Ceremonial, everything was tied together for God's people.
Some will treat your evident distinction as contra-Biblical, while viewing other evident distinctions (e.g., spiritual--of the Holy Spirit, and spiritual--immaterial) as Biblical.

What was social and political is part of the theocracy under God. This is the original context, but the Gentile Church is not founded in this fashion. Consider the differences and make distinction. Then proceed from there.
Some will even deny that the church does not make civil law enforceable on society.
Some will treat your evident distinction as contra-Biblical, while viewing other evident distinctions (e.g., spiritual--of the Holy Spirit, and spiritual--immaterial) as Biblical.

Some will even deny that the church does not make civil law enforceable on society.
They certainly did not apply ceremonial laws to social issues. What? Someone gets caught jaywalking, and we kill a calf?

Some will say the civil government does not make civil law enforceable on society.