I was thinking of Gal 1:11-12:
Just as Jesus received his teaching in heaven (Jn 3:13), and not on earth as did the prophets,
so Paul received his teaching in heaven (2 Co 12:1-4) and not on earth as did the apostles (Gal 1:11-12).
"The gospel I preached is not something that man made up. I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it;
rather I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ." (Ga 1:11-12).
All teaching
power (faith \belief\understanding) comes from the
Faithful Father, our one unseen Holy God. The one good teaching master.
No power comes from his prophets /apostles like that of Jesus the chief apostle (sent messenger) Chief preacher
Jesus prophesied (declared) the will of the father. Saying not by my will Father (the powerful Faithful Creator). But yours with faithful power
Jesus the son of man born of woman was powerless.
The power of Christ's faithfulness is not accredited to his birth rather than the power of the Faithful "Let there be" Father at the resurrection second birth.
Jesus said marvel not mankind must be born of the Powerful Father. Jesus the Son of man did the powerful will of the Father with delight.
Romans 1:4 And declared to be the
Son of
God with
power, according to the
spirit of holiness, by the
resurrection from the
No prophecy (declaration) of the scripture (sola scriptura) is of human origin inspired from earth
If the Father does not teach or reveal the "spiritual unseen understanding", how could we know which of the sons of mankind are used to demonstrate the power of the Father seeing we understand after the unseen spiritual, not the literal temporal dying things. They will go up in smoke on the last days under the Sun
Satan having no spiritual understanding from the Father. . not subject to the gospel.
It would become guessing which of the apostles would fulfil the mystery. . . used to identify the work of the father (invisible).
He chose Peter the son of man to deceive all the nations of the world through the lying wonder that God is a Jewish man dying mankind as King of kings. the Son of man Jesus' form doing the will of the Almighty Faithfull Father when Peter rebuked the Father (Mathew 16)
John 6:45 It is written in the prophets, And
they shall be all
taught of
God. Every man therefore that hath
heard, and hath
learned of the
Father, cometh unto