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If Adam and Eve were a product of "evolutionism"....when, how and why did mankind fall?

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Hebrews 7:26 is speaking of Jesus after he was raised from the dead to die no more. He no longer shares the natural flesh nature but the divine nature. The nature that is not subject to sin or death.

God made Jesus, who did not himself sin, to be of the same nature as us so that that nature could be condemned enabling a change of nature for himself and us.

He earned eternal redemption for both himself and us.
Do you think he and his flesh were defiled before his death?
The sin in a child defying their parents is the sin of not honoring them. Whether they know it is a sin or not, it is still a sin. God does not work around us. He is who He is. If God does not count that sin against them it is MERCY.
Are you saying that there is no "mens rea" element to sin?
What is "mens rea"?
in a criminal matter it is the "intent" or guilty mind....which is why children are often seen as not culpable. They simply lack the mental capacity to form the intent to do something wrong.
in a criminal matter it is the "intent" or guilty mind....which is why children are often seen as not culpable. They simply lack the mental capacity to form the intent to do something wrong.
Culpability would not be a matter of concern had not a real wrong occurred. The fact that we're discussing responsibility, accountability, and culpability implicitly means some wrongdoing is acknowledged.
Culpability would not be a matter of concern had not a real wrong occurred. The fact that we're discussing responsibility, accountability, and culpability implicitly means some wrongdoing is acknowledged.
But the responsibility, accountability and culpability of a newborn is oxymoronic. There is no wrongdoing -- Period.
His flesh was under the same condemnation as the rest of man.
That's not what I asked.

Do you think he and his flesh were defiled before his death or not?
Culpability would not be a matter of concern had not a real wrong occurred. The fact that we're discussing responsibility, accountability, and culpability implicitly means some wrongdoing is acknowledged.
Please keep in mind that the grave "wrong" considered at that time was a child saying "No" to a parent. If a child doesn't have the capacity to understand the concept of parent-child can you legitimately say the child disrespected his parent?
But the responsibility, accountability and culpability of a newborn is oxymoronic. There is no wrongdoing -- Period.
Please keep in mind that the grave "wrong" considered at that time was a child saying "No" to a parent. If a child doesn't have the capacity to understand the concept of parent-child can you legitimately say the child disrespected his parent?
Which (I post rhetorically) is why little children are never disciplined, should never be disciplined, and if they are disciplined then it's only because parents are evil and don't understand the child has done nothing wrong, cannot possibly do anything wrong, have judged wrongly, and shouldn't be judging their child's behavior at all.

Bad parents. Evil parents. Sinful parents. 🤪
Which (I post rhetorically) is why little children are never disciplined, should never be disciplined, and if they are disciplined then it's only because parents are evil and don't understand the child has done nothing wrong, cannot possibly do anything wrong, have judged wrongly, and shouldn't be judging their child's behavior at all.

Bad parents. Evil parents. Sinful parents. 🤪
If there is no wrongdoing, then there is no sin. The child has not sinned. And if the child has not sinned, then he is not a sinner. The child is not dead in trespasses and sins. If he lives long enough, he undoubtedly will, for all such do.
If there is no wrongdoing, then there is no sin. The child has not sinned. And if the child has not sinned, then he is not a sinner. The child is not dead in trespasses and sins. If he lives long enough, he undoubtedly will, for all such do.
The child is born dead in trespasses and sin because the flesh nature is dead in trespasses and sin. Not their own sin, but the sin of Adam.
A child is born with the flesh nature that is condemned to death. It was condemned when Adam sinned.
The child is born dead in trespasses and sin because the flesh nature is dead in trespasses and sin. Not their own sin, but the sin of Adam.
A child is born with the flesh nature that is condemned to death. It was condemned when Adam sinned.
Only Adam was condemned when Adam sinned.

Eze 18:1 The word of the LORD came to me: 2 "What do you mean by repeating this proverb concerning the land of Israel, 'The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge'? 3 As I live, declares the Lord GOD, this proverb shall no more be used by you in Israel. 4 Behold, all souls are mine; the soul of the father as well as the soul of the son is mine: the soul who sins shall die

Eze 18:20 The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father, nor the father suffer for the iniquity of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself.
Only Adam was condemned when Adam sinned.

Eze 18:1 The word of the LORD came to me: 2 "What do you mean by repeating this proverb concerning the land of Israel, 'The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge'? 3 As I live, declares the Lord GOD, this proverb shall no more be used by you in Israel. 4 Behold, all souls are mine; the soul of the father as well as the soul of the son is mine: the soul who sins shall die

Eze 18:20 The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father, nor the father suffer for the iniquity of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself.
I’m not saying that you are guilty of eating the forbidden fruit. You are guilty of being of the same nature as Adam. It’s our misfortune.
If there is no wrongdoing, then there is no sin. The child has not sinned. And if the child has not sinned, then he is not a sinner. The child is not dead in trespasses and sins. If he lives long enough, he undoubtedly will, for all such do.
Perhaps I am not making myself clear. It has been claimed young children do not and cannot do anything wrong. That claim contradicts the facts of reality. Children do things wrong all the time, every day, all day long. Likewise, the argument has been made they are not responsible or culpable but both responsibility and culpability are irrelevant if no wrong has been done. In other words, merely by arguing against responsibility and culpability the wrongdoing has been implicitly acknowledged. There'd be nothing for which to hold them responsible or culpable of nothing had happened. So, the minute either of you guys assert the premise of culpability you've contradicted yourselves! It cannot be said "now wrong is possible," and then argued, "There's no culpability." Then there is the problem of using earthly legal jurisprudence as an analogy for sin. It's a flawed analogy. It's built on the premise some law and its legal system are the only means of identifying sin and that premise is not scriptural. 1 John 3:4 is not the only verse in the Bible that defines sin and, as has already been demonstrated, sin existed prior to the giving of the Law of Moses. There'd be no talk of accountability if it did not exist! Then there's the matter of disciplining children. Either children did, in fact, do something wrong and are therefore in need of correction, training, rebuke, and discipline, or there is no warrant or need for ever disciplining any child. On every occasion when a no-sinful-kids person even admonishes a child with a single word they have contradicted themselves.

So, once again, there are many flaws, not just a single flaw, in this idea children are not sinful. Add all those flaws to the list I posted earlier, and the premise being argued became more untenable, not more viable.
Are you saying that there is no "mens rea" element to sin?
Yes, that is what I am saying. Sin is against God. He may choose to treat the sin with mercy for a time but not forever---just as he did with Israel by the temporary sacrifices. And even there he provided a way of covering for unintentional sins. Sin is always sin. It does not depend on motive or age, or ignorance of it being sin, or anything else in order to become sin.
I’m not saying that you are guilty of eating the forbidden fruit. You are guilty of being of the same nature as Adam. It’s our misfortune.
Yes, but I am not condemned for that. Adam wasn't condemned for that. He was condemned because he disobeyed. And we, before being born again, are condemned because we disobeyed, not because we were born human beings. The classic idea of "the fall" is just plain wrong.
Perhaps I am not making myself clear. It has been claimed young children do not and cannot do anything wrong. That claim contradicts the facts of reality. Children do things wrong all the time, every day, all day long. Likewise, the argument has been made they are not responsible or culpable but both responsibility and culpability are irrelevant if no wrong has been done. In other words, merely by arguing against responsibility and culpability the wrongdoing has been implicitly acknowledged. There'd be nothing for which to hold them responsible or culpable of nothing had happened. So, the minute either of you guys assert the premise of culpability you've contradicted yourselves! It cannot be said "now wrong is possible," and then argued, "There's no culpability." Then there is the problem of using earthly legal jurisprudence as an analogy for sin. It's a flawed analogy. It's built on the premise some law and its legal system are the only means of identifying sin and that premise is not scriptural. 1 John 3:4 is not the only verse in the Bible that defines sin and, as has already been demonstrated, sin existed prior to the giving of the Law of Moses. There'd be no talk of accountability if it did not exist! Then there's the matter of disciplining children. Either children did, in fact, do something wrong and are therefore in need of correction, training, rebuke, and discipline, or there is no warrant or need for ever disciplining any child. On every occasion when a no-sinful-kids person even admonishes a child with a single word they have contradicted themselves.

So, once again, there are many flaws, not just a single flaw, in this idea children are not sinful. Add all those flaws to the list I posted earlier, and the premise being argued became more untenable, not more viable.
Well done, brother. Clear as crystal.
I’m not saying that you are guilty of eating the forbidden fruit. You are guilty of being of the same nature as Adam. It’s our misfortune.
(josh pulls up chair to watch)

Yeah, @JIM, you're guilty of the same nature as Adam (without eating the fruit 🤨) and that's our misfortune ;). LOL 😆😆😆

@LeviR, you might want to clarify that. I, personally, don't feel misfortuned by JIM's nature at all :unsure:. I suspect you mean it is humanity's misfortune to have been adversely affected by Adam's disobedience. Merely telling JIM that won't work. He denies the premise. How is it humanity's misfortune to have experienced adverse effects of Adam's disobedience.
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