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How many verses are required to prove a false doctrine?


I believe there are other writing that help us understand the inspired writing of the bible...
Please explain tradition?

Tradition means oral teaching not customs and habits
Please explain tradition?

Tradition means oral teaching not customs and habits
Can you provide me with an example of a traditional teaching that is considered as inspired?
What is Israel?
Who are the chosen people today?
Are Christians the seed of Abraham?
Hebrews and a people from his loins known collectively as Jews are Israel.
Jews that are Christians (Messiah-follower and born again) are Christian.
Non-covenant hard-core, uncircumcised born-again Gentiles are not Israel. Gentiles do not come "out of" Abraham nor are they his seed.
Yes. I can use you as an example of someone who doesn't love God......that is if you are saved.

How does one get saved?
Salvation is not a only doctrine a doctrine to be believed, but a sacrifice / atonement, giving grace and union (by faith and baptism / water and the spirit) with the person of Christ the mediator, members of Christ! Must be in Christ born again by faith and baptism, Mk 16:16 Jn 3:5 united to God and His communion of saints thru Christ the mediator and the grace of God!

The redemption was accomplished by Christ with no participation on our part. All mankind is redeemed.
Lk 2:11 Jn 1:29 rm 5:8 1 pet 1:21-23
God gives all men sufficient truth and grace for salvation.

then if we accept His redemption we are justified, born again by faith and baptism. Mk 16:16 Jn 3:5 acts 2:38 8:36 Titus 3:5 1 pet 3:21

Members of Christ and his church by grace we practice good works (prayer, alms, fasting, virtues charity, suffering other sacraments etc. until death. Phil 1:29

Is for those who are faithful and die in the grace of God united to Christ and in his saints at death enter into eternal salvation! Mk 13:13 Matt 24:13

Titus 2:14
Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, (redemption) and purify unto himself a peculiar people, (justification / baptism notice purify / wash) Jn 3:5 zealous of good works. (Sanctification) Jn 15:4 abide in Christ Matt 3:16 believes (present tense) Matt 24:13 endures to the end Shall be saved.


Suffering required for glorification with Christ!

Romans 8:17
And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.

2 Timothy 2:12
If we suffer, we shall also reign with him: if we deny him, he also will deny us:

Perpetual faith: Jn 3:16

Abide in Christ: Jn 15:4

Endure to the end: Mk 13:13 Matt 24:13
Can you provide me with an example of a traditional teaching that is considered as inspired?
Mother of God! But it’s also in scripture Lk 1:43

Tradition is every word the apostles heard from the mouth of Christ!

Scripture and tradition 2 Jn 1:12
Hebrews and a people from his loins known collectively as Jews are Israel.
Jews that are Christians (Messiah-follower and born again) are Christian.
Non-covenant hard-core, uncircumcised born-again Gentiles are not Israel. Gentiles do not come "out of" Abraham nor are they his seed.
Only those who are in Christ and his new covenant church by faith and baptism! Gentiles are in Christ and the seed of Abraham
Abraham is our father in faith!

Rom 4:14

All children of Mary our spiritual mother!

We were in Christ and Christ was in Mary!

1 Corinthians 16:22
If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema
John 14:15 “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.

Do you keep the commandments?
Salvation is not a only doctrine a doctrine to be believed, but a sacrifice / atonement, giving grace and union (by faith and baptism / water and the spirit) with the person of Christ the mediator, members of Christ! Must be in Christ born again by faith and baptism, Mk 16:16 Jn 3:5 united to God and His communion of saints thru Christ the mediator and the grace of God!

The redemption was accomplished by Christ with no participation on our part. All mankind is redeemed.
Lk 2:11 Jn 1:29 rm 5:8 1 pet 1:21-23
God gives all men sufficient truth and grace for salvation.

then if we accept His redemption we are justified, born again by faith and baptism. Mk 16:16 Jn 3:5 acts 2:38 8:36 Titus 3:5 1 pet 3:21

Members of Christ and his church by grace we practice good works (prayer, alms, fasting, virtues charity, suffering other sacraments etc. until death. Phil 1:29

Is for those who are faithful and die in the grace of God united to Christ and in his saints at death enter into eternal salvation! Mk 13:13 Matt 24:13

Titus 2:14
Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, (redemption) and purify unto himself a peculiar people, (justification / baptism notice purify / wash) Jn 3:5 zealous of good works. (Sanctification) Jn 15:4 abide in Christ Matt 3:16 believes (present tense) Matt 24:13 endures to the end Shall be saved.


Suffering required for glorification with Christ!

Romans 8:17
And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.

2 Timothy 2:12
If we suffer, we shall also reign with him: if we deny him, he also will deny us:

Perpetual faith: Jn 3:16

Abide in Christ: Jn 15:4

Endure to the end: Mk 13:13 Matt 24:13
John 3:16...water baptism not required.

If water baptism is required can you provide a chapter that explains how an individual is to be baptized? You know, sprinkling, pouring immersion...if immersion is it 3 times? Once? Forward? Backwards?
Who can perform it?
Who can be baptized?
What should be said?
Should it be in the name of Jesus only or in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Infants??? Where does the bible say that baptism when performed on an infant removes original sin?
Where in the bible is an infant baptized?

What if you die after believing yet haven't been baptized? Is that a big OOPS on your part?

As I said....if baptism is a requiremen for salvation....why is the bible so silent on how to baptize?
Only those who are in Christ and his new covenant church by faith and baptism! Gentiles are in Christ and the seed of Abraham
Abraham is our father in faith!

Rom 4:14

All children of Mary our spiritual mother!

We were in Christ and Christ was in Mary!

You have a mixed-up genealogy, Donald.
Those in the New Covenant are the House of Israel. The House of Israel are the Jewish people:

31 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, That I will make a new covenant
With the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: Jer. 31:31.

There are NO GENTILES in the House of Israel:

33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; Jer. 31:33.

And you misapplication of Scripture of Romans 4:14 is talking aboy those in the Law and Abraham was over 1000 years before and outside any Mosaic Law Covenant:

14 For if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, and the promise made of none effect: Rom. 4:13–14.

You bring up Abraham and then use Scripture speaking about those under the Law for your support. Completely off the mark. But things like this doesn't matter to you. Does it..

How many verses are required to prove a false doctrine?​

An infinite number plus 1.

The understanding of doctrine (bible verses) does not depend upon logic; rather, upon God.
1 Cor. 2:14 But the natural [unbelieving] man does not accept the things [the teachings and revelations] of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness [absurd and illogical] to him; and he is incapable of understanding them, because they are spiritually discerned and appreciated, [and he is unqualified to judge spiritual matters]. Good Luck or may God's providence be kind to you