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His clay introduction

His clay

May 21, 2023
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I wish that I could just share my name and other important information. Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons I have to keep some things very confidential. Internet security is important. With the disclaimer stated, I hope that this brief introduction will give others a small understanding of where I've been and where I'm at.

First and foremost, I'm a Christian saved by faith in the work of Christ on the cross. God's grace is the ultimate reason I can ever claim to have anything good in my life, and I am thankful to Him for His grace upon a wretch like me. Though I am legally pure (justification) before God and no only can lay a charge to His elect, I am nevertheless one who practically struggles against the remnants of sin in my life. I am not a perfect person, and I will not make false pretenses in that regard. However, I hope that others will see the daily effects of God's grace in the practical outworking of this life.

I do have a significant amount of education in my background. Personally, I don't like to go there, for I would rather that the weight of my arguments be considered apart from degrees. However, I do encounter a lot of false presumption against me due to keeping quiet about education. Ultimately however, God is the ground of wisdom, and He is the one who has given my meager gifts in that regard. Having been around the block and seen many smart individuals, I know that I'm not top tier, not even close. But I try to work hard and study issues well before engaging topics. I hope that others will see the quality of my posts. For that very reason, I don't really post very much. I've always preferred quality over quantity. My time is also very limited, so that is yet another reason for preferring quality over quantity.

My hobby topics include the debate between Calvinism and Arminianism, Apologetics, and philosophy of science. While not a master of any of these fields, I do think of myself as fairly well acquainted in each of those fields. By God's grace I hope to contribute in a positive way in this forum.

With regard to my beliefs, I'm a Christian first. I hold to 4.5 points of Calvinism. I struggle still with limited atonement; however, I certainly feel the weight of the double jeopardy argument. I definitely hold to a substitutionary atonement. With regard to apologetics, I hold to the presuppositional method, but this method revamps all the other methods into an eclectic approach. With regard to denomination, I lean in the direction of reformed baptist. I hold to the Trinity. And I'm sure that I'm forgetting something important, but this is a decent introduction for now.

Many will note that I have not mentioned any family. Again, this is due to the problem of internet security. In an ideal world without sin and without theft, I would gladly share a great deal more, but we do not live in a perfect world. But we can look forward to the 2nd coming, glorification, and the new heavens and earth when sin will be no more. :)
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I struggle still with limited atonement; however, I certainly feel the weight of the double jeopardy argument.
I, too came late to even THINKING about Atonement (Limited or General) ... my original exploration of the subject stopped at MY ATONEMENT (for which I was inexpressibly grateful). It is a hard pill to swallow since BOTH CHOICES seem somehow wrong when tested against all other scripture.

I read Charles Spurgeon's Sermon on Atonement and found a better analogy in his question:
  • Did God build a WIDE BRIDGE that spans half way across the river, with room for all but requiring men to either leap the last part or provide their own plank to cross?
  • Did God build a NARROW BRIDGE that spans all the way across the river, with room enough for only those people that will make it across?
Which Bridge is the BLOOD of CHRIST?
With regard to my beliefs, I'm a Christian first. I hold to 4.5 points of Calvinism.
I struggle still with limited atonement; however, I certainly feel the weight of the double jeopardy argument.
If I may ask. How do the 5 (4.5) points harmonize for you? What I mean is, I see each part holding up the other parts, if one part isn't there (in full) the system collapses.

If its something you wish to discuss.
If I may ask. How do the 5 (4.5) points harmonize for you? What I mean is, I see each part holding up the other parts, if one part isn't there (in full) the system collapses.

If its something you wish to discuss.
This is a great question. It comes down to the relationship of rationality to one's ultimate authority. God is higher than me; I submit to Him. My study of scripture has led me to the 4.5 points. Because I hold to ultimate rationality residing in God, then I find no significant need to harmonize for my own rationality. It is simply a matter of submission to God's greater wisdom. I've learned to live with an uneasy tension, but I live with it because it is not up to me to be deity. That's the simplest way for me to describe it.

Apprehended in scripture but not fully comprehended: much like the Trinity
This is a great question. It comes down to the relationship of rationality to one's ultimate authority. God is higher than me; I submit to Him. My study of scripture has led me to the 4.5 points. Because I hold to ultimate rationality residing in God, then I find no significant need to harmonize for my own rationality. It is simply a matter of submission to God's greater wisdom. I've learned to live with an uneasy tension, but I live with it because it is not up to me to be deity. That's the simplest way for me to describe it.

Apprehended in scripture but not fully comprehended: much like the Trinity
I have no problem claiming 5-Point Calvinism, though others may like to think of me as a 4.5 Calvinist too. We're kind of in the same boat...
I wish that I could just share my name and other important information. Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons I have to keep some things very confidential. Internet security is important. With the disclaimer stated, I hope that this brief introduction will give others a small understanding of where I've been and where I'm at.

First and foremost, I'm a Christian saved by faith in the work of Christ on the cross. God's grace is the ultimate reason I can ever claim to have anything good in my life, and I am thankful to Him for His grace upon a wretch like me. Though I am legally pure (justification) before God and no only can lay a charge to His elect, I am nevertheless one who practically struggles against the remnants of sin in my life. I am not a perfect person, and I will not make false pretenses in that regard. However, I hope that others will see the daily effects of God's grace in the practical outworking of this life.

I do have a significant amount of education in my background. Personally, I don't like to go there, for I would rather that the weight of my arguments be considered apart from degrees. However, I do encounter a lot of false presumption against me due to keeping quiet about education. Ultimately however, God is the ground of wisdom, and He is the one who has given my meager gifts in that regard. Having been around the block and seen many smart individuals, I know that I'm not top tier, not even close. But I try to work hard and study issues well before engaging topics. I hope that others will see the quality of my posts. For that very reason, I don't really post very much. I've always preferred quality over quantity. My time is also very limited, so that is yet another reason for preferring quality over quantity.

My hobby topics include the debate between Calvinism and Arminianism, Apologetics, and philosophy of science. While not a master of any of these fields, I do think of myself as fairly well acquainted in each of those fields. By God's grace I hope to contribute in a positive way in this forum.

With regard to my beliefs, I'm a Christian first. I hold to 4.5 points of Calvinism. I struggle still with limited atonement; however, I certainly feel the weight of the double jeopardy argument. I definitely hold to a substitutionary atonement. With regard to apologetics, I hold to the presuppositional method, but this method revamps all the other methods into an eclectic approach. With regard to denomination, I lean in the direction of reformed baptist. I hold to the Trinity. And I'm sure that I'm forgetting something important, but this is a decent introduction for now.

Many will note that I have not mentioned any family. Again, this is due to the problem of internet security. In an ideal world without sin and without theft, I would gladly share a great deal more, but we do not live in a perfect world. But we can look forward to the 2nd coming, glorification, and the new heavens and earth when sin will be no more. :)
Welcome. And no apology needed about the family and self-identification. Maybe you will notice that hardly any of us identify ourselves here.
I wish that I could just share my name and other important information. Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons I have to keep some things very confidential. Internet security is important. With the disclaimer stated, I hope that this brief introduction will give others a small understanding of where I've been and where I'm at.

First and foremost, I'm a Christian saved by faith in the work of Christ on the cross. God's grace is the ultimate reason I can ever claim to have anything good in my life, and I am thankful to Him for His grace upon a wretch like me. Though I am legally pure (justification) before God and no only can lay a charge to His elect, I am nevertheless one who practically struggles against the remnants of sin in my life. I am not a perfect person, and I will not make false pretenses in that regard. However, I hope that others will see the daily effects of God's grace in the practical outworking of this life.

I do have a significant amount of education in my background. Personally, I don't like to go there, for I would rather that the weight of my arguments be considered apart from degrees. However, I do encounter a lot of false presumption against me due to keeping quiet about education. Ultimately however, God is the ground of wisdom, and He is the one who has given my meager gifts in that regard. Having been around the block and seen many smart individuals, I know that I'm not top tier, not even close. But I try to work hard and study issues well before engaging topics. I hope that others will see the quality of my posts. For that very reason, I don't really post very much. I've always preferred quality over quantity. My time is also very limited, so that is yet another reason for preferring quality over quantity.

My hobby topics include the debate between Calvinism and Arminianism, Apologetics, and philosophy of science. While not a master of any of these fields, I do think of myself as fairly well acquainted in each of those fields. By God's grace I hope to contribute in a positive way in this forum.

With regard to my beliefs, I'm a Christian first. I hold to 4.5 points of Calvinism. I struggle still with limited atonement; however, I certainly feel the weight of the double jeopardy argument. I definitely hold to a substitutionary atonement. With regard to apologetics, I hold to the presuppositional method, but this method revamps all the other methods into an eclectic approach. With regard to denomination, I lean in the direction of reformed baptist. I hold to the Trinity. And I'm sure that I'm forgetting something important, but this is a decent introduction for now.

Many will note that I have not mentioned any family. Again, this is due to the problem of internet security. In an ideal world without sin and without theft, I would gladly share a great deal more, but we do not live in a perfect world. But we can look forward to the 2nd coming, glorification, and the new heavens and earth when sin will be no more. :)
Good to see you I missed reading your posts and interacting with you brother .
Good to see you I missed reading your posts and interacting with you brother .
Much appreciated. I hope that my interaction with you and others will be profitable in this forum.
Much appreciated. I hope that my interaction with you and others will be profitable in this forum.
If history repeats itself all is good as I've always enjoyed your thoughtful and insightful posts on Scripture.