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Genesis 6:1-5 who are the sons of God and daughters of man that is talked about?

It says in Jude they are held in chains but it’s a metaphor not real chains
Yes, I agree that the "chains" on those fallen celestial creatures were not the links of an actual metal chain. But that doesn't mean that the ones held under that restriction are also metaphorical beings that have no substance.
Is it possible that creation itself is the sons of God in job? God is the father of creation?
I don't believe there are any scripture texts referring to the physical planet and its animal populations as "sons of God". Not even in Romans 8:21-23, which is "every creature" waiting in the bondage of corruption for the redemption of their body into the "glorious liberty" as a child of God. This was speaking of humanity, and not the planet waiting for a bodily resurrection.
Yes, I agree that the "chains" on those fallen celestial creatures were not the links of an actual metal chain. But that doesn't mean that the ones held under that restriction are also metaphorical beings that have no substance.

I don't believe there are any scripture texts referring to the physical planet and its animal populations as "sons of God". Not even in Romans 8:21-23, which is "every creature" waiting in the bondage of corruption for the redemption of their body into the "glorious liberty" as a child of God. This was speaking of humanity, and not the planet waiting for a bodily resurrection.
Then there would not be giants... Everything would seem normal and not worth commenting on.

Well, if you have shrunk comparatively to pigmy size from diet and health to say nothing of the corrupting influence of sin, then those who remained unchanged in stature would then be as giants.
Well, if you have shrunk comparatively to pigmy size from diet and health to say nothing of the corrupting influence of sin, then those who remained unchanged in stature would then be as giants.

You changed the subject to move the thought out of its original context.....
Not sure what your saying..??
You said....

When Adam was created he was bigger in both size and intellect, and the lineage from him kept to what was given more so than those who came from Cain.

Since man was supposed to be bigger to begin with - having close relation to Adam?
And, where does it say Cain's lineage became smaller?

You said....

Since man was supposed to be bigger to begin with - having close relation to Adam?
And, where does it say Cain's lineage became smaller?
Man was much bigger, sin has compromised much more than we know, take a look at the 22 inches long and eight inches wide footprints found...

Man was much bigger, sin has compromised much more than we know, take a look at the 22 inches long and eight inches wide footprints found...

The extinct prehistoric man was humanoid according toe Jeremiah's Hebrew word choice.

“My people are fools;
they do not know me.
They are senseless children;
they have no understanding.
They are skilled in doing evil;
they know not how to do good.”
I looked at the earth,
and it was formless and empty;
and at the heavens,
and their light was gone.
I looked at the mountains,
and they were quaking;
all the hills were swaying.
I looked, and there were no people; (generic term for man. Humanoid.)
every bird in the sky had flown away.
I looked, and the fruitful land was a desert;
all its towns lay in ruins
before the Lord, before his fierce anger.

Jeremiah 4:22-26

I learned from a Harvard professor of ancient languages (who taught at a Bible college) that the term Jeremiah used for "people/man"
was a generic term. Not one used to describe what we would know with certainty as a man would be today.

Jeremiah was describing a creature that was judged and destroyed by God, made to go extinct. = prehistoric man,
The extinct prehistoric man was humanoid according toe Jeremiah's Hebrew word choice.

“My people are fools;
they do not know me.
They are senseless children;
they have no understanding.
They are skilled in doing evil;
they know not how to do good.”
I looked at the earth,
and it was formless and empty;
and at the heavens,
and their light was gone.
I looked at the mountains,
and they were quaking;
all the hills were swaying.
I looked, and there were no people; (generic term for man. Humanoid.)
every bird in the sky had flown away.
I looked, and the fruitful land was a desert;
all its towns lay in ruins
before the Lord, before his fierce anger.

Jeremiah 4:22-26

I learned from a Harvard professor of ancient languages (who taught at a Bible college) that the term Jeremiah used for "people/man"
was a generic term. Not one used to describe what we would know with certainty as a man would be today.

Jeremiah was describing a creature that was judged and destroyed by God, made to go extinct. = prehistoric man,
Read verses 1-4 so you understand what its saying...
Now, not just sin but the introduction of flesh for food after the Flood had an affect as you can look at the change, and the lifespan was greatly reduced...
Read verses 1-4 so you understand what its saying...

You will understand the context of why Jeremiah prophesied as he had reading verses 1-4..

The Jews as a nation were about to be destroyed by God.
Destroyed for turning away from God and turning to offering child sacrifices during pagan sex orgies.

Then? How severe would their judgement be?

I looked at the earth,
and it was formless and empty;
and at the heavens,
and their light was gone.
I looked at the mountains,
and they were quaking;
all the hills were swaying.
I looked, and there were no people; (generic term for man. Humanoid.)
every bird in the sky had flown away.
I looked, and the fruitful land was a desert;
all its towns lay in ruins
before the Lord, before his fierce anger.

Jeremiah cited Genesis 1:2 to show how devastated their land would become!

Jeremiah then went back in time prophetically, and showed how all prehistoric life was wiped out at that time.

grace and peace ...............
You will understand the context of why Jeremiah prophesied as he had reading verses 1-4..

The Jews as a nation were about to be destroyed by God.
Destroyed for turning away from God and turning to offering child sacrifices during pagan sex orgies.

Then? How severe would their judgement be?

I looked at the earth,
and it was formless and empty;
and at the heavens,
and their light was gone.
I looked at the mountains,
and they were quaking;
all the hills were swaying.
I looked, and there were no people; (generic term for man. Humanoid.)
every bird in the sky had flown away.
I looked, and the fruitful land was a desert;
all its towns lay in ruins
before the Lord, before his fierce anger.

Jeremiah cited Genesis 1:2 to show how devastated their land would become!

Jeremiah then went back in time prophetically, and showed how all prehistoric life was wiped out at that time.

grace and peace ...............
It was basically showing how devasted the land would become, not going back prophetically, thats not how prophecy works. It looks forward in the timeline..
It was basically showing how devasted the land would become, not going back prophetically, thats not how prophecy works. It looks forward in the timeline..

How do you think Moses went back to the time to report the creation in Genesis One?

Prophesy is the mind of God being expressed.

God who is not limited by time..
Prophesy can go back, or forward in time. Its predictive prophesy that
tells the future. Retroactive prophesy that sheds light on the past.

There has never again been a prophet in Israel like Moses. The
Lord spoke face to face with him and sent him to perform powerful
miracles in the presence of the king of Egypt and his entire nation.
No one else has ever had the power to do such great things as
Moses did for everyone to see."
Deuteronomy 34:10-12

And, its a given that Jeremiah was a prophet! A great prophet!

grace and peace ...............
How do you think Moses went back to the time to report the creation in Genesis One?

Prophesy is the mind of God being expressed.

God who is not limited by time..
Prophesy can go back, or forward in time. Its predictive prophesy that
tells the future. Retroactive prophesy that sheds light on the past.

There has never again been a prophet in Israel like Moses. The
Lord spoke face to face with him and sent him to perform powerful
miracles in the presence of the king of Egypt and his entire nation.
No one else has ever had the power to do such great things as
Moses did for everyone to see."
Deuteronomy 34:10-12

And, its a given that Jeremiah was a prophet! A great prophet!

grace and peace ...............
But he wasnt 'prophesizing"....
noun: prophecy; plural noun: prophecies
  1. a prediction.
    "a bleak prophecy of war and ruin"


    • the faculty, function, or practice of prophesying.
      "the gift of prophecy"

      foretelling the future

      forecasting the future

But he wasnt 'prophesizing"....
noun: prophecy; plural noun: prophecies
  1. a prediction.
    "a bleak prophecy of war and ruin"

    • the faculty, function, or practice of prophesying.
      "the gift of prophecy"

      foretelling the future

      forecasting the future

We know that Moses was definitely able to report on the prehistoric past.

Moses was a prophet.

I do realize that many traditionally think a prophet only predicts the future.
If there is another word for when a Prophet sheds a light on the past? It may be a different?
Let's not get caught up in what that is called.

Just the same a prophet had access to the unknown past as well as the future as seen with Jeremiah.

Prophets did not only predict the future.
It was basically showing how devasted the land would become, not going back prophetically, thats not how prophecy works. It looks forward in the timeline..
Then maybe you could point us to the time between Jeremiah's prophecy and now when the land of Israel had no people, no birds, no towns and was nothing but a desert? Not to mention when the earth was formless and empty and there were no lights in the heaven? And if you see it as an event in our future still, show how it lines up with the prophetic revelation in the book of Revelation?

Job 38:4 manuscripts - word for word exactly

איפה Where - היית were you - ביסדי when foundations were laid - ארץ of the earth - הגד tell - אם if - ידעת you know - בינה׃ understanding

manuscript - meaning

:5 manuscripts -

מי Who - שׂם laid - ממדיה the measures - כי if - תדע you know - או or - מי who - נטה stretched - עליה upon it - קו׃ the line

manuscript - meaning

:6 manuscripts -

על Upon - מה what - אדניה the foundations - הטבעו were settled - או or - מי who - ירה directed - אבן the stones - פנתה׃ corners -

manuscript - meaning

:7 manuscripts -

ברן Sang - יחד together - כוכבי the stars - בקר and the morning - ויריעו rejoiced - כל all - בני the children אלהים׃ of God

manuscript - meaning

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