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Gen 6...who are the sons of God?

It referred to the captivity Israel was about to go into for 70 years.
Daniel, the three Jewish boys in the furnace, and Jeremiah were all contemporaries.

The rebellious Jews were practicing horrific pagan rituals that involved religious sex orgies while sacrificing their children into fire.
I don’t read anywhere that the angels were to receive helpmates.
When I hear people talking way outside of scripture I can’t believe a word they say
I don’t read anywhere that the angels were to receive helpmates.
When I hear people talking way outside of scripture I can’t believe a word they say

But you can read that they had been designed to have one in Genesis 6.
That leaves us with a question. Why?

God will reveal patterns of his modus operandi, sometimes laid out though other examples of how He has done other things.
For example?

Angels were all created male without females.
And, Adam?

He was created male, without a female....

Where would have Adam ended up if he refused to go on, while alone, to name all the animals?

I leave the rest for you to figure out ...
makesends said:
Flesh begets flesh; Spirit begets spirit. Are angels not spirit beings? How can their kind reproduce flesh?
Jhn 3:6 - That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of theSpirit is spirit.

Anyone born of flesh and blood parents are flesh and blood children made in the image and likeness of the parent who was made in the image and likeness of God.They are also mortal as their parents, and not immortal as God.

Anyone born of the Spirit is spirit. They have God as their Father. They come from the grave having not been born of mortal parents but born immortal as their Father, having His immortal image.

Jhn 3:7 - Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.
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Jhn 3:8 - The wind blows where it wishes, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but can not tell where it cometh, and where it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.

Having been made immortal by being born from the dead with a spirit body, they are spirit. They are as the wind. You can not tell where they come from or where they go. In order to see them your eyes have to be opened. They could be standing right beside you but not have opened your eyes to see them. Such as are the angels.

A man who would be said to be born of the Spirit and be spirit who was not born from the grave a spirit body would not be like the wind. You could tell from where he came and follow him wherever he goes.
So you seem to agree with most here, that angels cannot beget flesh children. I honestly don't see how it is possible, but I can't say it cannot happen. My intent with my post was to see what @CrowCross would do with John 3:6. Maybe he had a way to deal with it head-on. But, yeah, to me it seems to oppose the notion.
Are people also not spirit beings? Do people not have a spirit?
@CrowCross, How does that lead to any conclusion that spirit can give birth to flesh? Do you think that my children physically INHERITED their immortal spirits from ME?
You have no clue as to what angels are made of. Can a spirit eat? Angels can. This means they are more than spirit just as we are more than spirit.
Now THAT's a better argument than the first two questions above. And I agree with the first part of it. But the second part, that "they are more than just spirit", reflects right back at your first statement, "You have no clue as to what angels are made of". The fact that we have no clue is due to the fact that we are very ignorant about just what "spirit" is. But if I had to guess, (and it appears I must guess, here, to finish my point ;)), I'd have to say that they are not MORE than spirit, but that spirit is more than what we think it is. End result pretty much the same though: For all I know, it is possible that they can actually procreate in the material 'realm'. I just don't see how it is possible.
makesends said:
Flesh begets flesh; Spirit begets spirit. Are angels not spirit beings? How can their kind reproduce flesh?

So you seem to agree with most here, that angels cannot beget flesh children. I honestly don't see how it is possible, but I can't say it cannot happen. My intent with my post was to see what @CrowCross would do with John 3:6. Maybe he had a way to deal with it head-on. But, yeah, to me it seems to oppose the notion.

@CrowCross, How does that lead to any conclusion that spirit can give birth to flesh? Do you think that my children physically INHERITED their immortal spirits from ME?

Now THAT's a better argument than the first two questions above. And I agree with the first part of it. But the second part, that "they are more than just spirit", reflects right back at your first statement, "You have no clue as to what angels are made of". The fact that we have no clue is due to the fact that we are very ignorant about just what "spirit" is. But if I had to guess, (and it appears I must guess, here, to finish my point ;)), I'd have to say that they are not MORE than spirit, but that spirit is more than what we think it is. End result pretty much the same though: For all I know, it is possible that they can actually procreate in the material 'realm'. I just don't see how it is possible.
I don’t believe angels beget children, and I certainly don’t believe they sin.
The premise is that the wages of sin is death, and the final enemy to be destroyed is death.
When the dead are raised to die no more, it’s said that death is swallowed up in victory. They are granted eternal life.
If it be possible that they could sin, then it contradicts what has already been said.
When Jesus says that in the resurrection they are to be as the angels of God in heaven to die no more, it must mean that the angels in heaven do not sin. Otherwise they would be put to death.

When it’s said “the angels that sinned” and “the spirits in prison” it must refer to men. If not, everything else I said would be false.

So the question is, why are the men who died in the flood called angels. And elsewhere they are called spirits?

One reason is as I showed from what Jesus said, born of Spirit is spirit. He was speaking of those born from the grave. The are called spirits
Again, speaking of men, we are to try the spirits to see if they be of God.
When Jesus was rasied from the dead, he is called a life-giving spirit.

I believe angels have spirit bodies. That is physical bodies called spirits. Just like those raised from the dead are called sprits. Angels are also called men.

Is it possible that all the men who died in the flood have not perished eternally but will be raised as spirits and be as the angels to die no more?
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Gen 6...who are the sons of God?

Are they descendents of Seth?
Are they descendents of Cain?
Are they powerful human rulers?
Are they angels?

Who and or what are the Nephilim the offspring of the marriages?

Gen 6
1 Now when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they took as wives whomever they chose.

3 So the LORD said, “My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days shall be 120 years.”

4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and afterward as well—when the sons of God had relations with the daughters of men. And they bore them children who became the mighty men of old, men of renown.
These were men born after Adam who were the sons of God, Adam being the first son, Luke 3:38 KJV, “Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God.”

Women were not called sons of God, they were referred to as daughters of men!
I don’t believe angels beget children, and I certainly don’t believe they sin.
The premise is that the wages of sin is death, and the final enemy to be destroyed is death.
When the dead are raised to die no more, it’s said that death is swallowed up in victory. They are granted eternal life.
If it be possible that they could sin, then it contradicts what has already been said.
When Jesus says that in the resurrection they are to be as the angels of God in heaven to die no more, it must mean that the angels in heaven do not sin. Otherwise they would be put to death.

When it’s said “the angels that sinned” and “the spirits in prison” it must refer to men. If not, everything else I said would be false.

So the question is, why are the men who died in the flood called angels. And elsewhere they are called spirits?

One reason is as I showed from what Jesus said, born of Spirit is spirit. He was speaking of those born from the grave. The are called spirits
Again, speaking of men, we are to try the spirits to see if they be of God.
When Jesus was rasied from the dead, he is called a life-giving spirit.

I believe angels have spirit bodies. That is physical bodies called spirits. Just like those raised from the dead are called sprits. Angels are also called men.

Is it possible that all the men who died in the flood have not perished eternally but will be raised as spirits and be as the angels to die no more?
Whoa whoa slow your roll there! What???

Was the devil not an angel, but rebelled? Or are you saying that the divide between the angels on God's side, and those opposed to God, is permanent. With that I agree.

I don't believe angels beget children either, but I can't prove it.

Where are the men who died in the flood called angels?

I can't follow your reasoning in that post. Can you maybe try to go a little slower? Prove your point with Scripture and/or good reasoning, logical sequence. But right now I can't even follow your outline.
makesends said:
Flesh begets flesh; Spirit begets spirit. Are angels not spirit beings? How can their kind reproduce flesh?

So you seem to agree with most here, that angels cannot beget flesh children. I honestly don't see how it is possible, but I can't say it cannot happen. My intent with my post was to see what @CrowCross would do with John 3:6. Maybe he had a way to deal with it head-on. But, yeah, to me it seems to oppose the notion.

@CrowCross, How does that lead to any conclusion that spirit can give birth to flesh? Do you think that my children physically INHERITED their immortal spirits from ME?

Now THAT's a better argument than the first two questions above. And I agree with the first part of it. But the second part, that "they are more than just spirit", reflects right back at your first statement, "You have no clue as to what angels are made of". The fact that we have no clue is due to the fact that we are very ignorant about just what "spirit" is. But if I had to guess, (and it appears I must guess, here, to finish my point ;)), I'd have to say that they are not MORE than spirit, but that spirit is more than what we think it is. End result pretty much the same though: For all I know, it is possible that they can actually procreate in the material 'realm'. I just don't see how it is possible.
Angels are spirits, refers to their inner being.
Just as men are souls, refers to our inner being.

He rained down manna for the people to eat,
he gave them the grain of heaven.
Human beings ate the bread of angels;
he sent them all the food they could eat. Psalm 78:24-25​

Angel bodies when materialized can appear to be men, and can also eat human food. (Genesis 18)
And, in the wilderness, the Jews ate the food of angels - manna.

So the bodies according to the food they can eat is not too far apart.
For food is the building materials for our bodies.

Clarification can be a blessing...
Whoa whoa slow your roll there! What???

Was the devil not an angel, but rebelled? Or are you saying that the divide between the angels on God's side, and those opposed to God, is permanent. With that I agree.

I don't believe angels beget children either, but I can't prove it.

Where are the men who died in the flood called angels?

I can't follow your reasoning in that post. Can you maybe try to go a little slower? Prove your point with Scripture and/or good reasoning, logical sequence. But right now I can't even follow your outline.
I can’t find anywhere that the devil was an angel who rebelled.
After the flood? God forced man into scattered isolated nations...

When the "Nephilim" originally happened in Genesis 6?
Man was living as collectively as one nation, one people, speaking one language.
The Genesis 6 time of mutations was potentially a threat to all mankind.
Later, after the flood? God isolated mankind into groups, separating one from another.

Mankind having become separated into different isolated groups no longer was being as one nation like before the flood.

So... It appears that later on some more angels became filled with lust and took human women, but only within isolated groups.

When it happened in isolation, that kind of mutation would not be a threat to the genetic integrity of all of mankind.
So? Instead of a flood to destroy them?
God simply commanded Israel to wipe out a people, thus not needing a flood as was needed the first time.
That is why we see sometimes the command to kill all women and children, not just the men!

Eventually all angels who were not 100% with God were weeded out from the nation of angels.
God let it happen because He needed to purify all the angels as their own nation.

That is why after the flood we read that Nephilim did still pop up. But, when it happened?
Only amongst isolated pagan people, in isolated cases, after the flood.

Grace and peace .................
I see 3 possibilities as to how the giants reappeared.
1) They survived the flood. Some say the flood was local and they managed to escape. I strongly disagree with this view.
2) The angels did the bad deed again after the flood. This is a possibility.
3) The Nephilim genetics were contained in Hams wife spreading through out Hams kids and their kids...
Angels are spirits, refers to their inner being.
Just as men are souls, refers to our inner being.

He rained down manna for the people to eat,
he gave them the grain of heaven.
Human beings ate the bread of angels;
he sent them all the food they could eat. Psalm 78:24-25​

Angel bodies when materialized can appear to be men, and can also eat human food. (Genesis 18)
And, in the wilderness, the Jews ate the food of angels - manna.

So the bodies according to the food they can eat is not too far apart.
For food is the building materials for our bodies.

Clarification can be a blessing...
I would imagine the angels planted the seeds on some farm in heaven, then harvested the grain of heaven...they then milled and cooked it ....and doordashed it to the Israelites wondering around the desert.
The book of Enoch was commentary on the Torah. Not Scripture in itself.
Rabbis reading Hebrew knew what "sons of God" meant. It did not take Enoch to make it known.
Moses would have no need to spend a great deal of time on Gen 6...as the book of Enoch already dealt with that issue.
@CrowCross, How does that lead to any conclusion that spirit can give birth to flesh? Do you think that my children physically INHERITED their immortal spirits from ME?
Are you saying angels don't have flesh? Angels can eat. But, I would imagine after they got up from Lots table there was a pile of food laying on the floor under where they were sitting.
These were men born after Adam who were the sons of God, Adam being the first son, Luke 3:38 KJV, “Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God.”

Women were not called sons of God, they were referred to as daughters of men!
What happened genetically to the kids that they were born nephilim giants?

No, the watcher angels had sex with the human women...and bore nephilim giants.
Job tells us who the sons of God are.
What happened genetically to the kids that they were born nephilim giants?

No, the watcher angels had sex with the human women...and bore nephilim giants.
Job tells us who the sons of God are.
Yes Job does. The angels were called the sons of God and man/men were called the sons of God - both are God’s creation.
He says but neither do they die. If they don’t die, they are immortal. If they are immortal they don’t sin because the wages of sin is death.
When the water covered them they died. Therefore, they were not immortal.

Christians, sons of God were unevenly yoked before the flood ,it was the reason for the flood, some rebelled and remained after the flood.

The law to not be unevenly yoked still applies today

The word angel is a fake word it coined long after the closing of the Bible. It would seem to give the illusion of a invisible creation, the legion. (Mark 5:15 ) In that way Satan the king of lying signs to wonder after has the voice of false apostles false prophets. That kind of voice was passed down as a law of the fathers oral traditons of dying mankind from one generation to the next called workers with familiar spirits disembodied gods male and female .Today it is called patron saints

The English translation of the Greek word Angelos is messenger or apostle not angel.. .(a fake word)

When sons of God receive their new body as the bride of Christ there will be no multiplying. The old things (male and female Jew and gentile) will never come to mind forever more, believers a new creation

The two will literally become one bride one husband Christ.

If what some call angels do not marry on earth (I now pronounce you husband and wife) why would heaven come into thought . the word is messenger how beautiful are their feet shod with the gospel of peace

Matthew 22:30 For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels (Messengers) of God in heaven.

Galatians 3:27-2 King James Version For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
What happened genetically to the kids that they were born nephilim giants?

No, the watcher angels had sex with the human women...and bore nephilim giants.
Job tells us who the sons of God are.
The word Nephilim is not in the Bible. Genesis 6:4 KJV, says giants. The word giants used here is not in stature, but position. We know this because Genesis 6:4 KJV, tells us they were mighty men of old, men of renown. “Of old” indicates it took many many years for these men to establish their positions; and “renown” indicates that their fame spread throughout the land: These were great men of importance and position, with great wealth, and kingdoms, thus they were GIANTS.

Luke 3:38 KJV also tells us who the sons of God are!

So you and others are saying an angel who is a spirit being transformed himself into a human and gave himself male organs, a reproductive system, sperm to fertilize a woman’s eggs, and produced giant children. So you are saying a created being has the ability to alter God’s creation and change the entire structure of their being, thus changing creation. Satan don’t even have that kind of power. This entire Nephilim story is foolishness from the unlearned.
Yes Job does. The angels were called the sons of God and man/men were called the sons of God - both are God’s creation.
Thank you for the confirmation.

In Gen 6 the sons of God were from those same angels. They were believed to be of the Watcher angels mentioned in Daniel 4:13, 17.
The word Nephilim is not in the Bible. Genesis 6:4 KJV, says giants. The word giants used here is not in stature, but position. We know this because Genesis 6:4 KJV, tells us they were mighty men of old, men of renown. “Of old” indicates it took many many years for these men to establish their positions; and “renown” indicates that their fame spread throughout the land: These were great men of importance and position, with great wealth, and kingdoms, thus they were GIANTS.
It would make sense that the giants took many years to establish themselves.
Luke 3:38 KJV also tells us who the sons of God are!

So you and others are saying an angel who is a spirit being transformed himself into a human and gave himself male organs, a reproductive system, sperm to fertilize a woman’s eggs, and produced giant children. So you are saying a created being has the ability to alter God’s creation and change the entire structure of their being, thus changing creation. Satan don’t even have that kind of power. This entire Nephilim story is foolishness from the unlearned.
I don't think the angels transform themselves...I believe they already are.

As far as changing nature we HUMANS, made in the image of God have the ability to change creation...to change genetic makeup...CRISPR is one of those means.

Wanna go deeper? What do you believe about the lipid nano-technology that has been found in the covid jab?
Thank you for the confirmation.

In Gen 6 the sons of God were from those same angels. They were believed to be of the Watcher angels mentioned in Daniel 4:13, 17.
Who says they were believed to be watchers? The Bible did not say this. Stop following unlearned people. Use reason when studying the Bible! Don’t be a parrot!
Who says they were believed to be watchers? The Bible did not say this. Stop following unlearned people. Use reason when studying the Bible! Don’t be a parrot!
LOL....come on....you're the one who told me angels can't have a reproductive system and the equipment to reproduce with human women. Considering you are unlearned on this subject...why should I follow what you say about it?

Gen 6 tells us that the angels can reproduce with humans and that they did.