Wow!!..I never knew he was a self - appointed prophet.
Does that mean he was Like Jesus and communicated with God via his spirit?
I was not around when he was. I haven't read he did.... but of what I read I think he may have believed he did????
From the following links I gave you is this....
. Calvin would have seen himself as possessing the same authority as Jeremiah or Ezekiel, and concludes by entertaining the idea that he may have believed himself to be infallible in matters of doctrine.
And the last link below, from a book states this.
3) It argues Calvin believed his prophetic authority was the same as Isaiah and Jeremiah, and suggests that he may have held himself to be infallible in matters related to Christian doctrine.
So perhaps he did think he was.... or maybe he did??????????
How did Jesus communicate with God, through his Spirit?
In an audible voice?
I’ve never experienced Gods audible voice, did Calvin experience that?
Please explain the role of a prophet?
I will also look it up in the word?
I am hoping God will explain a prophet to me through you.
I suspect that there were no actual prophets outside of biblical times.
There are self appointed ones such as Ellen G White of the Seventh Day Adventist fame.
members of the SDA church regard her as a prophetess as she has endless writings that formed their church and she claimed all was revealed to her by ....
Well, from one of her writings is this.... you might want to read the link
During a series of meetings in Salamanca, New York, in November 1890, Ellen White was addressing large groups. But she became weak, having caught a severe cold on the trip to the city.
After one of the meetings she left for her room discouraged and sick. She intended to pour out her soul before God and plead for His mercy, and for health and strength. She knelt by her chair and, in her own words:
“I had not uttered a word when the whole room seemed filled with a soft, silvery light, and my pain of disappointment and discouragement was removed. I was filled with comfort and hope—the peace of Christ.”
Then she was given a vision. Afterward she didn’t feel like sleeping. She was healed, rested.
I personally do not see her as a prophet but a major religion formed from her visions.
Then you have Joseph Smith of Mormon fame..... who said
The prophet said, "
Moroni was a messenger sent from God to teach
Joseph Smith about the work that God had for him to do.
Moroni became one of
Joseph's major tutors."
I also do not believe Joseph Smith ot be a prophet but those of
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints do.
An interesting read on Moroni is here....
John Calvin as a prophet.
There is too much to post or condense here so as time permits... read the following links
John Calvin as Sixteenth-Century Prophet
A book on him....
but not posted online, you would need to obtain to read all.
Abstract about the book...
This chapter builds on the findings of the previous chapter to argue that
Calvin believed himself to be a prophet. It finds Calvin within a non-mystical, non-apocalyptic prophetic tradition which aligned itself with the Old Testament prophets and focused on scriptural interpretation. The chapter shows how Calvin’s
self-identifying aligns him specifically and explicitly with Old, rather than New, Testament prophets. Continuing, the chapter argues that Calvin would have seen himself as possessing the same authority as Jeremiah or Ezekiel, and concludes by entertaining the idea that he may have believed himself to be infallible in matters of doctrine.
My note.... this is why I am a big John Calvin Scoffer..... this last sentence.
This book examines John Calvin’s sense of vocation. 1) It begins with an analysis of thinking on prophecy in early, medieval, and Reformation theology. 2) It finds Calvin within a non-mystical, non-apocalyptic prophetic tradition that focused on
Is a PDF that you can download and read on
John Calvin as Sixteenth-century Prophet
Short commentary.
What is the Bible definition of a prophet?
a person who speaks for God or a deity, or by divine inspiration. (in the Old Testament) a person chosen to speak for God and to guide the people of Israel: Moses was the greatest of Old Testament prophets. (often initial capital letter) one of the Major or Minor Prophets.