Do you mean no
subsequent oral traditions? The Pentateuch had previously been an oral tradition...... and tradition

, holds Moses was directed by God to put into writing that which had been communicated by Him, communicated among God's people, for centuries prior to Moses putting it to pen and papyrus (or leather).
Hi Thanks
In order to show God who satisfies all needs and is not served by the hands of dying mankind as a will. One third of human history had passed with
no written
law ,a law not subject to change as a record to the poken will of God . Men were subject to
it before Christ revealed
it through Moses .
Christ revealed the differnce between "
oral traditons" of
dying mankind. And
his tradition "as
it is written.: "Let there be
my tradition the
Bible" and
"it" is written
A written law not subject to change by a oral traditons of dying mankind . I heard
it through the
grape vine .
Christ on Mount Sinai hewn out two stones and with his own finger he wrote on both sides with no room for the oral traditons of dying mankind. (I heard it through the legion of fathers grape vine
Coming down from Mount Sinai the people were serving the flesh represented by a idol image golden calf as oral tradition .
He had Moses destroy the first two tablets to indicate his law was broken .Then to establish a new testament covenant of grace .This time he had Moses hewn out the two tablets .Then again with his finger (will) Christ wrote the same words on both sides with no room for I heard it through the grape vine oral traditons of dying mankind.
The oral tradition of God . . ."Let there
be" . . . .and . . . ."
it was written"
The oral traditons of men "I heard it through the legion of fathers grapevine".
Those that did follow the laws of dying mankind oral traditons I heard it through the grape vine. In Acts 22 they murdered believers according to their Pagan foundation ."Out of sight out of mind" No invisible God .Christ calls fools .
When Paul was born again from above Christ used His apostle Paul to protect his written tradition from those who do follow "I heard
it through the legion of
fathers grapevine" .They tried to make all things written in the law and prophets
"sola scriptura" to no effect .
Acts 24:13 Neither can
they prove the things whereof they now accuse
me. But this I confess unto thee, that after the
way which
they call
heresy, so worship I the
God of my fathers,
believing all things which are
written in the
law and in the prophets:
Not worship a legion of dead fathers as God
faithless no
power to believe believe Christ walked away according to the law of the father .I heard it through the grape vine.
Christ protecting the integrity of "sola scriptura" all
things written in the
law and
its witness the