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False Doctrine of the "Secret Rapture".

Correction: Many are seeing what they WANT to see in scripture, whether its in the arena of eschatology, soteriology or any other of the many studied one may do. In eschatology, some see the gathering of the Church at the very end of tribulation, others right before the bowl judgements, others at the exact center, and others before the beginning. None of that really matter as being central to the faith.

Private interpretation has been going on for centuries, and will not stop until after everything is done and over with this fallen world.

Bottom line is that there is no secret about the rapture except only to those who sleep or are not watching, and therefore caught up in the "thief in the night" syndrome, realizing they were not prepared. Those who want to stay here on this earth only have to continue forward without watching and being prepared. I'm all for their freedom to stay here all they want, and that way they can see how tough they really are in the face of the horrors to come.

Thus they must read Gods Word, not listen to private interpretations or false teachings. Read it yourself and pray for understanding...