What is your point? No one said the apostles did not teach, preach, or show the way. The fact that they did this and what it was they were teaching, preaching, and the way they were showing, are evidenced in the book of Acts----the historical account of the apostolic church of Christ--- and the epistles. Epistle means letter and they are letters circulated among the churches, teaching and showing the way. They were writing the NT doctrines of Christ's church.
What part of sola scriptura do you not understand when I say it means that the book (the Bible) is finished, and that what is in it is authority unto itself as to the teachings and doctrines of Christ's church. It very specifically says in at least two places that it is not to be added to or taken away from. The RCC does both of those things. They make themselves the authority of what is in Christ's church.
No matter how many splits within Protestant Christianity exist, or how many differing interpretations of passages exist, none say they have authority higher than scripture itself. Not even the Reformation creeds do that. None of the reformers did that. They simply pointed out the areas in the RCC that did do that, the things that were inconsistent with scripture and were only traditions and doctrines of men. They were putting the authority of these things back into the Scripture where it belongs. That is the sola scriptura. It aligned the reformation teachings with Scripture. But it did not dictate it as the RCC does. They made it available, so that people might hear the truth, believe it, and be saved. It is doubtful that at that time anyone was being saved by means of the RCC. The RCC at that time was not even concerned with saving anyone, it was so full of corruption, but only maintaining control of the population through tyranny and empty promises and threats of hell, and in their own political power and wealth.