As i said and still stand by it...."The Preterist still can't show where in history what is mentioned in Revelations has already happened."
You can stand by it all you like but that does not make it so. What most Dispensationalists means when they make their fallacious post hoc protest is, "
Preterists cannot prove what Dispensationalists think will happen did happen." That is a enormously different from "Preterists cannot prove what scripture says has happened." We're not Dispensationalists. We don't twist, mangle, splice, and abuse God's word the way Dispensationalists do. When scripture explicitly states the events described were going to happen quickly because the time was at hand, we read that exactly as written, accept it exactly as written, and believe it exactly as written.
Modern futurists do not.
When scripture explicitly states some of the events described in Revelation had already transpired, some of them were happening at that time, and what remains was coming afterwards, we read that exactly as written, accept it exactly as written, and believe it exactly as written.
Modern futurists do not. They protest with post hoc fallacy, "When? You can't prove when?"
We do not need to prove anything happened because we accept God's word exactly as stated. When God said the time was near then the time was near and there is absolutely no reason to make it say or mean anything different than what is explicitly stated. The fact is we can provide an account for what happened when as described in Revelation but even if we were to do so the modern futurist will not listen. S/he will not listen because the explanation does not reconcile with his pre-existing Dispensationally-biased interpretation. Our views reconcile well with scripture. They do not reconcile well with Dispensationalism. BIG difference.
When Jesus explicitly states, "
You will be handed over to tribulation," we read those words exactly as written, exactly as stated. We don't abuse them and try to make them about some unidentified "
two millennia later. And we definitely do not force those words to mean that "
you" will be raptured away to avid the tribulation to which Jesus explicitly stated they be handed over. Likewise, when Jesus says the disciples would see and see and see and hear and hear and see and hear repeatedly and then says, "...
then there will be a great tribulation........ So if they say to you, ‘Behold, He is in the wilderness,’ do not go out......." we don't twist, mangle, pervert, and abuse that to mean the disciples will be off the planet. Jesus plainly stated the disciples would go throough the great tribulation. That is what he said and that is what he meant, and that is exactly what Preterists read, accept, and believe. Likewise, when John hears, "
These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb," we read that exactly as written, we accept it and believe it exactly as written. We do NOT twist it, mangle it, pervert it, and abuse it to make it mean something different than what is explicitly states: the disciples go through the great tribulation. Pre-tribulationalism is a lie!
So you stand on that ignorant protest all you like but it's worthless, and you' got no business criticizing others until you get your own house in order.
We can prove an early date for Revelation. We can also prove much, if not all, of what we believe about those events transpiring in the first century. It simply will not be Dispensationalism we are proving. You will have to put aside all those prejudices and give the evidence and
objective evaluation.
Modern futurists do not do that.