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Age of the earth...Young or old?

I think you are being very rude and proud. As if you know all truth and anyone who disagrees with you is wrong or evil. I’m very disappointed
I beat you to it in the very disappointed department.

You are contradicting what God's word plainly teaches, whilst naming the name of Christ. I've been pointing that out (and I've been trying to contain my anger).

I have not claimed to "know all truth", so your are lying AGAIN; and it's nothing to do with disagreeing with me; it's because you are, in effect, calling God a liar.

You need to repent. You have posted your lies openly (and they could affect any young Christians who might be reading), so they are being challenged openly.
Yep. It's just as weird of the water canopy theory (Genesis 1:6-8a).
Yes, it's a theory. Keep in mind you've never explained why God didn't say He got rid of the clouds....and the sun appeared. This is an assumption made on your part....and then the assumption is passed off as biblical fact.
I disagree.
The Sun is already created through the "stretching out" (Job 9:8; Psalm 104:2; Isaiah 40:22; 44:24; 45:12; 48:13; 51:13; Jeremiah 10:12; 51:15; and Zechariah 12:1). And through this stretching out God has fine-tuned all the laws, constants, and equations of physics for life to exist on earth.

1. The lights from space was already present and shinning but could not pass through the early earth's atmosphere. It would be like standing on the planet Venus and looking up. You would not be able to see any lights from space because of the oblique atmosphere. So when God said, "Let there be light;" he is not creating the sun's light itself since the sun is already there, rather the early earth's atmosphere changes from oblique to translucent atmosphere. And the earth's atmosphere would naturally take an unspecified long period of time to change.

2. It was enough light to separate "light" from "darkness" but when looking up into space you still would not be able to see any moons, stars, and planets. You cannot see visible objects in space from a translucent atmosphere. Now in Genesis 1:14-18, the plant life was already created and need light to grow. The plants were giving off oxygen into the atmosphere. After an unspecified long period of time the atmosphere became transparent to the point that our sun and moon, and the planets and stars was made visible. Not made in the sense of created, but made to appear so that you can mark the seasons, days, and years.
I agree
I disagree.
The Sun is already created through the "stretching out" (Job 9:8; Psalm 104:2; Isaiah 40:22; 44:24; 45:12; 48:13; 51:13; Jeremiah 10:12; 51:15; and Zechariah 12:1). And through this stretching out God has fine-tuned all the laws, constants, and equations of physics for life to exist on earth.

1. The lights from space was already present and shinning but could not pass through the early earth's atmosphere. It would be like standing on the planet Venus and looking up. You would not be able to see any lights from space because of the oblique atmosphere. So when God said, "Let there be light;" he is not creating the sun's light itself since the sun is already there, rather the early earth's atmosphere changes from oblique to translucent atmosphere. And the earth's atmosphere would naturally take an unspecified long period of time to change.

2. It was enough light to separate "light" from "darkness" but when looking up into space you still would not be able to see any moons, stars, and planets. You cannot see visible objects in space from a translucent atmosphere. Now in Genesis 1:14-18, the plant life was already created and need light to grow. The plants were giving off oxygen into the atmosphere. After an unspecified long period of time the atmosphere became transparent to the point that our sun and moon, and the planets and stars was made visible. Not made in the sense of created, but made to appear so that you can mark the seasons, days, and years.
Also, it’s obvious this one part is not proof of an old earth. But it sure was there. To say it was created on day 4 or 5 has no Scripture backing what so ever.
1. The lights from space was already present and shinning but could not pass through the early earth's atmosphere......The bible doesn't teach this. This is something added.
If every little detail was explained in scripture I’m pretty sure you would be an old earth believer.
Yes, it's a theory. Keep in mind you've never explained why God didn't say He got rid of the clouds....and the sun appeared. This is an assumption made on your part....and then the assumption is passed off as biblical fact.

Common sense. I didn't say God got rid of the clouds. Putting words in my mouth so to speak. But that the word "made" in the Biblical sense means "to appear." You think the sun just suddenly and instantaneously appeared without going through any progressive development? What was created first, the heaven (with all its stars, planets, galaxies) or the earth? You think heaven was an empty space and earth was only there for 3 whole days? You need to learn some basic science.
I'm quoting Scripture and believing what it says. You are spouting contradictory opinions and disbelieving what the Bible says.
I can say the same.

But I won’t because I know your view is Christian as mine is.
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I beat you to it in the very disappointed department.
And what does that prove? Nothing
You are contradicting what God's word plainly teaches, whilst naming the name of Christ. I've been pointing that out (and I've been trying to contain my anger).
Point me to where.
If you’re so sure snd it bothers you so much then show me.
I have not claimed to "know all truth", so your are lying AGAIN; and it's nothing to do with disagreeing with me; it's because you are, in effect, calling God a liar.
If I don’t agree with you, I’m calling God a liar? That’s pretty arrogant 🙁
You need to repent.
Maybe we both do.
You have posted your lies openly (and they could affect any young Christians who might be reading), so they are being challenged openly.

Prove they are lies or apologize.

Prove with scripture not your emotions that each day was 24 hours.

I’ll be waiting.
Common sense. I didn't say God got rid of the clouds. Putting words in my mouth so to speak. But that the word "made" in the Biblical sense means "to appear." You think the sun just suddenly and instantaneously appeared without going through any progressive development? What was created first, the heaven (with all its stars, planets, galaxies) or the earth? You think heaven was an empty space and earth was only there for 3 whole days? You need to learn some basic science.
The bible doesn't say "made to appear". That is something you have added. In other words, it's not described that way in the bible.
Also, it’s obvious this one part is not proof of an old earth. But it sure was there. To say it was created on day 4 or 5 has no Scripture backing what so ever.

It is the Old Earth creation model. There are many parts of the model, and that one part is certainly proof. ?Its like saying, "the dry land appear without the gravity of the moon." Obviously, the moon was already there too.
Common sense. I didn't say God got rid of the clouds. Putting words in my mouth so to speak.
Well that is the only way he can hope to prove it. What it actually is, is, his lack of understanding.
But that the word "made" in the Biblical sense means "to appear." You think the sun just suddenly and instantaneously appeared without going through any progressive development? What was created first, the heaven (with all its stars, planets, galaxies) or the earth? You think heaven was an empty space and earth was only there for 3 whole days? You need to learn some basic science.
Soldier on
You think heaven was an empty space and earth was only there for 3 whole days? You need to learn some basic science.
I have....basic science says a dead man doesn't back to life on day 3. basic science says an axe doesn't float. basic science say a stick can become a snake....need more?
I have....basic science says a dead man doesn't back to life on day 3. basic science says an axe doesn't float. basic science say a stick can become a snake....need more?
Do you know the difference between a secular science and creation science?
I have....basic science says a dead man doesn't back to life on day 3. basic science says an axe doesn't float. basic science say a stick can become a snake....need more?

Avoiding questions? If you knew basic science, then you would see the obvious of my post.
It is the Old Earth creation model. There are many parts of the model, and that one part is certainly proof. ?Its like saying, "the dry land appear without the gravity of the moon." Obviously, the moon was already there too.
The bible say....9 And God said, “Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear.” And it was so. 10 God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas. And God saw that it was good.

It doesn't say the moon made on day 4 gathered together the land on day 3...that's once again something you've added.
Psalms 104 provides a biblical explanation....
Do you know the difference between a secular science and creation science?
It sounds like you're saying the theories of secular science trump what the bible says......heck, even secular science says man evolved from lesser primates. I would imagine you believe the bible also got that wrong.
Avoiding questions? If you knew basic science, then you would see the obvious of my post.
If you believed the bible you would see your theory isn't biblical. That's the obvious point.