Hmmm ... .did sin come first because God came first ????
Hmmm... on second thought ... I see your point.
Vain Philosophy ~ by ReverendRV * December 10
Colossians 2:8 KJV; Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.
Vanity in the Bible means empty and useless; self serving. ~ In a discussion with a Secularist I compared the Transcendent Laws of Logic to the Tree of the Knowledge of God and Evil. He said that if I could get the Laws of Logic to show the difference between Good and Evil, then I would solve the age old Debate; isn't it nice when people tell you what it takes to win them? ~ A ‘Married Bachelor’ is a popular example for the Law of Contradiction. The example shows that the Philosophical Laws of Logic Conflate with the Moral Law of God; what would a husband’s wife say if he brought a girlfriend home? Certainly a Married Bachelor can’t exist; or can he? When a husband lives his life as if he's a ‘Swinging Single’ because of his Subjective Morality (which Relativists affirm), instead of Objective Morality (which they deny); then I've proven the Transcendent Laws of Logic provide them the Knowledge of Good and Evil. But the strange thing is, some Relativists affirm that the Laws of Logic are Objective but not Transcendent; go figure...
Do you live your life as a Married Bachelor? Most are familiar with the television show ‘The Bachelor’. What if on the last episode, the Bachelorette found out the Bachelor is Married; but ‘to him’ he is still a Bachelor? ~ What would you call the Bachelor for Lying? Have you ever told a Lie?? What would you call someone who Stole from you? Have you Stolen even one thing? Have you ever committed Adultery? Jesus said that if you’ve Lusted after someone, then you’ve committed Adultery in your Heart. Would our Married Bachelor have committed Adultery just by being on the show? Then you are an Adulterer too! We can see how Vain their Philosophy is when they believe in Objectivity and in Subjectivity, that’s a violation of the Law of Contradiction; Vanity of Vanities! ~ If God judged you by his standard, would you be innocent or guilty? Would you go to Heaven or to Hell? Does this bother you even in the least??
For God so loved the world he gave his only unique Son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting Life! Jesus Christ was conceived of the Holy Spirit and this granted him a Sinless advantage in life. He remained Sinless and qualified to be the spotless sacrifice for the Sins of the world. He shed his blood, died on a Cross to satisfy the Wrath of God against all who now believe; and to purify us so we are acceptable to God. We’re Saved by Grace through Faith in the Resurrected Jesus Christ, not by any Work we could ever do to earn our Justification. Repent of your Sins, Confess Jesus Christ as your Lord God; and join a Church that always preaches the Bible; a Church that also looks for Lost Souls. ~ The Laws of Logic are accepted as Transcendent by Philosophers and by Christians.
Both sides will agree we didn’t invent the Laws, but discovered them. How can they exist without a Transcendent Intellect then?
Jeremiah 15:16 KJV;
Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O LORD God of hosts.