I chose "I don't know" because "Irrelevant" was not a choice.
Here (copied from my post elsewhere):
I know that it is popular to argue over Genesis 1 EXCLUSIVELY in the context of “Literal vs Figurative” and “6 days vs millions of years” and “Faith vs Science” with everyone choosing one of three views:
- Pro-bible literalism
- Anti-bible scientific data
- ”Here is my reconciliation of the apparent contradiction”
As much “FUN” as those discussions are [that was sarcasm, they are the opposite of fun]
… I was always attracted to something else. The fancy term is “POLEMIC”, but let’s toss that aside and just talk about Genesis 1 from a completely different point of view.
God appeared to you and wanted to talk to you about this potential Bible that He was going to inspire someone to write. People were going to have questions about the origin of everything (CREATION) and God could only afford to dedicate a limited number of words to His explanation. What God provided would be 100% accurate in its details, but limited in scope by the need for brevity. [Let’s face it, there is just a LOT of important information that God needed for Moses to convey and could not spend several books describing creation leading up to the first man and woman.]. So here is God’s question to you:
- Would you rather have a limited but accurate account that reveals information about HOW everything was created, or would you rather have a limited but accurate account that reveals information about WHO created everything?
- Which do you think was more important to God to reveal to His people, HOW or WHO?
- So does it change anything in our thinking if Genesis 1 was written to reveal important information about WHO HE IS … this God that created everything … rather than HOW everything was created?
Genesis 1: WHO GOD IS
An observation from Genesis 1:1 … God always existed. There is no “creation of God”. It is important to our understanding of God to know that He always was and always will be. That makes God “NOT LIKE US” -Holy, set apart, other is the fancy religious description if you get into specific Hebrew words. For me, ETERNAL and UNCHANGING covers enough ground to set the stage for understanding that God is not like Zeus (or any other pagan god).
For the first three days, God DIVIDES things.
- Day 1: God divides LIGHT from DARKNESS
- Day 2: God divides ABOVE from BELOW
- Day 3: God divides LAND from WATER
God is a God who creates by first DIVIDING. That is part of who He is and how He works … God’s modus operandi.
[SPOILER ALERT: What if anything does this tell us about what will come later in the story? Think about it.]
For the next three days, God creates by MULTIPLYING and filling what was divided in the first three days.
- Day 4: God created lights … sun and moon and stars … to fill the ABOVE
- Day 5: God created creature … fish and birds … to fill the air (dividing above from below) and the WATER.
- Day 6: God created animals and man … to fill the LAND.
Thus God is a God who creates by first DIVIDING and then MULTIPLYING to fill the void created by the division. Division creates room for new creation. This is also part of who God is and how He works … God’s modus operandi.
[SPOILER ALERT: What if anything does this tell us about what will come later in the story? Think about it.]
Finally, on Day 7, God rests from His labor and BLESSES. This is also part of who God is and how He works … God’s modus operandi.
[SPOILER ALERT: What if anything does this tell us about what will come later in the story? Think about it.]
I don’t want to spoil too much of the fun for you, so I will leave you all to ponder for yourselves IF and HOW these lessons from Genesis 1 might apply to the work of the New Covenant. I will offer this observation instead:
Abram was a ‘city boy’ living with his extended family in the ‘Fertile Crescent‘ (Mesopotamia, the birthplace of agriculture) when the God of Genesis 1 called Abram to leave his home, family and way of life behind to follow God. STEP 1: God DIVIDES Abram from his old land and life and people.
God leads Abram and Lot and all their servants (because people NEVER quite obey God without hedging their bet). STEP 2: God MULTIPLIES Abram’s household and herds and wealth.
God causes Isaac to be born in a miraculous conception, calls for the sacrifice of Isaac and then offers a ram in his place. STEP 3: God BLESSES Abram, renaming him Abraham, and provides blessings upon blessings for His chosen. Faithfulness is rewarded as “the Father of all who have faith” … through whom “all the nations of the Earth shall be blessed”.
Naw, I’m not going to do it … but you can look at it for yourself if you want.
Can you find the pattern?
As for me, I will just point out that God revealed this pattern of WHO GOD IS and HOW GOD DOES THINGS in Genesis 1 … which I found a LOT more useful than a divine textbook on “evolutionary biology” or “planetology”.
I will let all of you decide for yourselves.
PS: Could the repeated emphasis on THREE - 3 days of dividing, 3 pairs of things divided, 3 days of multiplying, structure of 3: DIVIDE, MULTIPLY, BLESS - be a hint pointing to a Trinity (Father - Son - Spirit) God right from the first part of the first book?]