Many Calvinists tend to argue from Calvin
Show me.
but I would prefer that arguments come from the scriptures.
Well then you have met the right poster because I rarely prove my cases with extrabiblical sources, and I tend to use those sources only when the sources are the subject of the discussion. I can make the case for Calvinism with scripture alone and I know most of the Cals here can do the same (even if they do have their preferred Calvinist sources).
There is a lot in theology that is not in the bible.
Not Calvinist theology.
I have seen the simple made complex to the point of confusion.
How is that relevant to this discussion with me?
The bottom line is that if we fully rely on God and humble ourselves in His sight, we will be saved.
Tell that to Pharoah, Esau, Nebuchadnezzar. In point of fact God humbles many in the Bible that are not saved. "Humbling ourselves" is works and it does not matter whether one is Calvinist or Arminian, both sides agree salvation is by grace through faith for works, not by works. Only the Pelagian end of the spectrum believes people can humble themselves on their own.
Whether Calvin said it or not is irrelevant.
Calvin was Augustinian. So too were Luther and Arminius. And who says what does matter sometimes because some people believe heretics. It is not the source that makes something correct or incorrect; it is consistency with well-rendered scripture that makes a doctrine correct.
And I know you would agree.
I do not mean to be unkind but I still think this thread is all over the place and not very organized in thought or word. Do you want to discuss Calvin, or Calvin
ism? Do you want to discuss Calvin
ism, or Calvin
ists? Or would you like to discuss soteriology (and do so solely from scripture alone)?
I think the nature of Christ in us by the power of the Holy Spirit that causes us to reflect the image and meekness of Christ is much more persuasive than the cleverest argument of mankind.
Spoken like an orthodox Calvinist

. Do you understand the Arminian and Pelagian will disagree? And the former much less so than the latter?
God can save or damn whomsoever He is pleased to do so, but does He?
Yes, He does.
As I see it irresistible grace is not the will of God.
I think you misunderstand the doctrine of "Irresistible Grace" because Irresistible grace
is the will of God. IG has absolutely nothing to do with the sinner being saved. IG simply means God accomplished what He sets out to accomplish, not that His grace is resistible. Some of the labels in the anacronym TULIP do not mean what they sound like in ordinary terms. The terms have to be understood within the Calvinist soteriology. Very common mistake that leads to a plethora of straw men.
God's will is that no one would perish. (1 Tim 2:4, 2 Peter 3:9)
And yet people perish. Does the world not work as God wills? Are sinners able to go against the will of God. Is God unable to make His will happen? Were those two verses written about the regenerate or the unregenerate? Were they written about eternal salvation or something more temporal (like the pending destruction of Jerusalem)? Do you think God has only one single, singular will and does not and cannot possibly have two or more co-occurring will? Can He will all to be saved AND also will all the sinners destroyed?
I trust you understand it is always inappropriate to single out verses, remove them from their inherent contexts and make them say things they were not intended to say. It is inappropriate, for example, to take verses written to the regenerate about the regenerate and apply them to the unregenerate. yes?
This fits with love much better than passively overpowering people with grace irresistible.
God's love does not occur at the expense of His justice (and vice verse is also true). God loves all humans, but He does not love them all the same way or to the same degree. Many He loves He will toss into the fiery furnace/lake.
What do you do with "
Jacob I loved but Esau I hated," and the fact God loved Jacob and hated Esau long before either man had ever been born, long before either ever made a single choice or a single act? (Romans 9) How do you reconcile that
hate with love?
No matter how many different explanations I get from different reformed theologians, it still boils down to a passively aggressive action.
Please prove that.
Force is more than just overpowering someone.
not sure how that is relevant. If you have read the Westminister Confession of Faith then you know Article 3.1 states God ordained all things from eternity
without doing violence to the human will. If you have been thinking Calvinism is forcibly overpowering someone then this is another place where Calvinism is not correctly understood, and a straw man is being argued.
It is also changing their will to get them to follow your agenda.
Never happens in Calvinist conversion. In Calvinism regeneration precedes faith and both are gifts, gifts of love.
One more point: Are you and I discussing these matters, or are we debating them? Are we discussing them debating them, or
arguing them? Go back a re-read your op because the title of this thread uses the word "debate" but the op uses the word "argue". Was that switch intentional or not? Was it a bait-and-switch, or simply a mistaken conflation of terms that do not carry the same connotation?
I ask because Post #35 contains several errors in it presentation of Calvinism and I assume they are not deliberate, and I assume they are not posted with willful intent to unnecessarily provoke Cals. I assume any mistake on your part you would like corrected so that you have an accurate knowledge and understanding of Calvinism so that if it is going to be rejected then at least it is rejected on its merits and not on straw men.
in review.....
- Please show me Calvinists tending to argue from Calvin (and not scripture).
- Please prove a lot of Calvinist theology is not in the Bible.
- Please explain how your personal observation, your anecdotal personal experience is relevant to this discussion.
- Please explain, using scripture, how an unregenerate person who is dead and enslaved to sin humbles himself in order to be saved from the sin that has made him dead and enslaved. Please provide three examples of someone explicitly stated to have done this.
- Please clarify what, specifically, it is you would like to discuss in this thread. Calvin, Calvinism, Calvinists, or soteriology.
- Please explain how it is, using scripture, that God's will is not accomplished when He wills all to be saved.
- Either acknowledge the mistake made misunderstanding Irresistible Grace or prove the correct version of Irresistible Grace is "passively overpowering people."
- Since I can point what is probably the most authoritative extra-biblical document in Calvinism, the WCF, and prove Calvinism does not teach forceful overpowering of the human will, I'd like to read what evidence you have of the contrary, the proof you have Calvinism teaches God forcibly overpowers someone.
- Please tell me whether it is a discussion, a debate, or an argument you'd like to be having with me.
Can you now see that you have bitten off quite a bit and need to pick one or two specific matters to discuss? There are a lot of Cals in this forum, so you are going to be on the defensive A LOT if you do not sort this out, pick your topics, and pick your discussions. I, for my part, do not want you one the proverbial defensive. I'd rather have parity in the exchanges. In case you did not already know, most of the Cals in the forum used to be Arms. We know Arm doctrine, we know it well, we know it well enough to take your place in this thread, we know it well enough to assert and defend the Cal alternative, and we know it well enough to find it does not reconcile with scripture as well as the monergist alternatives (such as Calvinism). We are, therefore, very sensitive and sympathetic to this op. The mistakes in Post 35 are common (similar ones can be found in just about any synergist-authored op in this board. We're not ripping anyone's head off. Trolls get banned. So far the op reads confused but you sound like you can have the discussion you want without rancor.
Pick one item from the list and teel me something specific or ask me something specific and we'll discuss one matter at a time. Or, if you find that there is something specific, you'd like to assert, ask about, and/or discuss that's not on that list above, then gather your thoughts and articulate that point of comment or inquiry as succinctly as you can.
Take your time thinking about this because I'm going to get dinner and I may not be back tonight.