5, of course. God hits a person with CONVICTION OF SIN, and of Judgement which establishes SEVERAL things:
God is REALLY THERE and requires something of you - regardless of any silly personal beliefs, or "theologies" you may have had.
You're a Lost Sinner (He brings examples to your attention out of your own memory).
You KNOW that you need to do something about that - NOW!!!
You've been given BIblical Faith (Conviction of SIN is God's WORD to you personally - Rom 10:17), and you're being "drawn" to Jesus by God (John 6:44).
So when you repent of your SIN (as best as you can) and cry to God for salvation in FAITH, the deed is done, and you're Born Again.
If you DON'T respond, then the Conviction of SIN will pass in a while, and you can forget, and go back to normal (spiritual death).
Simple as that.