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What triggers the New Birth (Regeneration)?

Would His Word be considered a secondary cause?

1 Peter 1:23 NKJV
having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever,
The answer IMO may depend on your definition of "His Word".
  1. ... John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, ... since the Word defined here is God it would be the First Cause :)unsure: ... I suppose the human nature of Christ would be considered a Secondary Cause)
  2. "Faith cometh by hearing [the 'word'/gospel] ... that is not God directly, but by His secondary cause of the gospel He wrote in the Bible or His prophets
*splitting hairs*
What triggers the new birth?

1.Water Baptism?

2. The Gospel message?

3. Faith in the Gospel message?

4. Depends on the person.

5. God's sovereign, He chooses how.

I would have liked to put this in Poll Form but don't know how.
You can simply answer with a number or a number with an added explanation.
5, of course. God hits a person with CONVICTION OF SIN, and of Judgement which establishes SEVERAL things:

God is REALLY THERE and requires something of you - regardless of any silly personal beliefs, or "theologies" you may have had.
You're a Lost Sinner (He brings examples to your attention out of your own memory).
You KNOW that you need to do something about that - NOW!!!
You've been given BIblical Faith (Conviction of SIN is God's WORD to you personally - Rom 10:17), and you're being "drawn" to Jesus by God (John 6:44).
So when you repent of your SIN (as best as you can) and cry to God for salvation in FAITH, the deed is done, and you're Born Again.

If you DON'T respond, then the Conviction of SIN will pass in a while, and you can forget, and go back to normal (spiritual death).

Simple as that.
The cause of "Election or Predestination" ( not one and the same, but close ) is not in the creature elected, but in God’s own Sovereign Will! God purposed in Himself to elect a certain people, not because of anything good in them or from them, either actual or foreseen, but solely out of His own mere pleasure. As to why He chose the ones He did, we do not know, and can only say, “Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in Thy sight.”
If you DON'T respond, then the Conviction of SIN will pass in a while, and you can forget, and go back to normal (spiritual death).

Simple as that.
That's an oxymoron statement. Sir, no pun intended other than to make you think about what you are saying.

So, I can go into any funeral home and ask ole dead Bob to straighten out his tie, and while I'm speaking to him it he does not respond, then he will be buried with a crooked tie!
The op says differently. It does not specify or limit its answer to its own question to "by faith and baptism." Give Post #4 a read.

What does Post 15 have to do with Post 1?

Or did you come here to hijack the thread and make it all about Roman Catholicism?

Can you now see the problem?
No i only follow Jude 1:3 contend for thee faith
Would His Word be considered a secondary cause?

1 Peter 1:23 NKJV
having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever,
There are no means such as first, second third, etc. The new birth is solely by God alone without any means.

Very few understand the sense of what Peter is saying, in light of all scriptures considered.

The word of God is not the source, or even the medium through which the new birth takes place. One must first be born again before the word of God can be even understood, obey and submitted to.

The sense of Peter's words are very easy to understand if one has his eyes open to the truth of the new birth being totally of God's power according to the riches of his grace to us through Jesus Christ.

We are born again according to the TESTIMONY, WITNESS, of the word of God, and apart from God's word, we would have never known any truths, especially so concerning being born of God. That's why Peter said what he said. Consider:
What is God's testimony concerning the new birth? To be short~John 1:13, and many other scriptures.
The word of God gives many witness as to how one is born again, and God word is the true testimony/witness of all truth.

This is the sense of 1st Peter 1:23-25. A dead sinner who is at enmity against God is not born again by hearing the word, he must be born again FIRST before he can hear, see and believe what he is hearing ! This is the very reason why we have John 3:1-8 to teach us this blessed truth. Thank you blessed Father in heaven for this truth that you have shown to your children, for without you showing this to us, we would never have never seen this on our own, never.

You will never find this truth in commentaries for men are apt to just follow other men's error. I've been guilty of doing this myself.
That's an oxymoron statement.
Nope it's not. Conviction of SIN by the Holy Spirit comes, and after a while will Dissipate, if the effected individual doesn't respond to God's drawing.
That's an oxymoron statement. Sir, no pun intended other than to make you think about what you are saying.

So, I can go into any funeral home and ask ole dead Bob to straighten out his tie, and while I'm speaking to him it he does not respond, then he will be buried with a crooked tie!
Chuckle!!! Calvinist Paradigm detected.
Look again and look again as many times as it takes because Post 15 has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

The posts prove otherwise.
He asked a question, I simply answered
5, of course. God hits a person with CONVICTION OF SIN, and of Judgement which establishes SEVERAL things:

God is REALLY THERE and requires something of you - regardless of any silly personal beliefs, or "theologies" you may have had.
You're a Lost Sinner (He brings examples to your attention out of your own memory).
You KNOW that you need to do something about that - NOW!!!
You've been given BIblical Faith (Conviction of SIN is God's WORD to you personally - Rom 10:17), and you're being "drawn" to Jesus by God (John 6:44).
So when you repent of your SIN (as best as you can) and cry to God for salvation in FAITH, the deed is done, and you're Born Again.

If you DON'T respond, then the Conviction of SIN will pass in a while, and you can forget, and go back to normal (spiritual death).

Simple as that.
This is completely unbiblical and you do not even bother to give support for your assertions which are also the result of presuppositions.

Romans 10:17 So faith comes by hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ. How is that saying that conviction of sin is God's word to you personally? What has Paul said before he made this statement in verses 1-16? What does he say after in verses 18-21? Where is there is being convicted of sin even mentioned?

John 6:44 No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day.

What does it say in verses 1-43? WHat does it say in verses 37-40? All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out. For I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will but the will of Him who sent me. And this is the will of Him who sent me, that I should lose nothing of all that He has give me, but raise it up on the last day.

Where is any of that even talking about conviction of sin? Where does it say that our actions or choices is what causes our own rebirth? Where does it say that if we do not respond to a conviction of sin that in awhile it will stop convicting us and we will return to spiritual death?

You do not arrive at your beliefs and doctrines from the Bible, you take your philosophy and theories into the Bible with no systematic method of doing so, no thought for consistency within the Bible, and with no scriptural study of God included.
Nope it's not. Conviction of SIN by the Holy Spirit comes, and after a while will Dissipate, if the effected individual doesn't respond to God's drawing.
Jesus says In John 6:44 that He will raise on the last day all who are drawn to Him. So how do you reconcile your statement with that of Jesus?
So when you repent of your SIN (as best as you can) and cry to God for salvation in FAITH, the deed is done, and you're Born Again.
How much repenting? How much crying?.. until the new birth is sparked?
This is the sense of 1st Peter 1:23-25. A dead sinner who is at enmity against God is not born again by hearing the word, he must be born again FIRST before he can hear, see and believe what he is hearing ! This is the very reason why we have John 3:1-8 to teach us this blessed truth. Thank you blessed Father in heaven for this truth that you have shown to your children, for without you showing this to us, we would never have never seen this on our own, never.
What would you say to those who use this verse?..

Romans 10:17 KJV
So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
How much repenting? How much crying?.. until the new birth is sparked?
For me it all took about 30 minutes, and there were tears.

How much does YOUR "Religious sytem" require??
Jesus says In John 6:44 that He will raise on the last day all who are drawn to Him. So how do you reconcile your statement with that of Jesus?
No problem at all. PERSONALLY I was "Drawn to Him", "Convicted of SIN By Him", "Surrendered and Repented", and then everything changed.

I'd rejected Him, and had gone back into death several times over the years before, but there was a sense that the LAST TIME might be my last chance, And I'd be forever LOST.
This is completely unbiblical and you do not even bother to give support for your assertions which are also the result of presuppositions.
What do you suppose Paul's "pricks" (Goads) were, and what does "Being cut to the heart" mean?
For me it all took about 30 minutes, and there were tears.

How much does YOUR "Religious sytem" require??
None... "this is the work of God that you believe" .... not by works of man ... good luck
I'd rejected Him, and had gone back into death several times over the years before, but there was a sense that the LAST TIME might be my last chance, And I'd be forever LOST.
Hopefully the timing of your eventual death coincides with one of your re-births.
What do you suppose Paul's "pricks" (Goads) were, and what does "Being cut to the heart" mean?
Why do you not address the scriptures I posted?