I have a question for Josheb, Carbon, Arial or anyone else that will answer. It has to do with the doctrine of election and the position of the elect not perishing.
As I understand it, God, from before all creation, has selected those people (the elect) that He will save. They are fixed in number so when they have all been saved, then this world will end.
I know that last line is a commonly held view among the Reform-minded but I am not personally convinced of that position. As a consequence, my replies to your inquiry may be different than the other two posters. Otherwise, Yes, God ordained from eternity some for salvation. He selected/elected those from among the already-dead-in-sin He would save.
God has prescribed who those that will be saved (and therefor also those who will be lost). It has nothing to do with them personally. The selection is based only on God's good pleasure having nothing whatsoever to do with anything that the one being selected is or does.
That is correct.
If that is true, I don't understand why God created this universe when in doing so produced so many people that will perish.
Oooooo.... Why is that necessary to understand?
Seriously. I'd like you to consider the answer to that question. If you've been caught in a red herring then that is an easily addressed and resolved matter. Whatever God's plan for the creation is or isn't.... it is not dependent on our understanding of that purpose
and that purpose may have little to do with election.
However, there is an answer!

The purpose of creation is to glorify God. God's purpose is served and accomplished no matter what happens to us humans. The Creator is not dependent on the creature in any way for anything, and that is just as true for His glorification as it is for anything else He wills, purposes, or does. Soteriologically speaking, God is glorified when He metes out the just recompense for sin. He's is glorified as a just God on that occasion. Even if the entirety of humanity died dead in sin and God destroyed every single human ever made because of sin..... He would be glorified as a just God; a righteous God who justly addresses sin and does not compromise, letting a little sin persist. Likewise, God is glorified when He chooses to save some of those who would otherwise surely and necessarily die as a consequence of their own wrongdoing. God is glorified as a God of grace when He saves. As far as His might goes, He could save all but that would compromise His justness. Grace cannot contradict justice. The divine Law Maker cannot make laws and then ignore them without contradicting His entire existence and calling into question everything He says. God is glorified as a just God when He metes out the just recompense for sin, and He is glorified as a gracious God when He chooses to save some, and does not dependently base His choice on the sinful creature.
All indications are that the number that perish will greatly exceed the number that will be saved.
I agree but the number of the saved is beyond our ability to count. There will be a multitude standing before God's throne praising Him and they will outnumber the stars in the sky, the grains of sand on the earth, and the drops of water in the sea.
Why didn't God, at the outset, just create the elect and "save" them without all the folderal of this physical creation?
There is nothing "folderal" about creation and creation is not merely physical. Both those implications are completely in error and need to be ditched. I would, however, like to know where you got that notion so if there is a specific source for those assumptions then I would like you to post it so I can investigate it for myself.
Case built on flawed premises necessarily end up being flawed cases that lead to flawed conclusions. Get rid of the premises creation is physical and the premise it is folderal and start anew without those errors prejudicially skewing your thinking on this matter.
What was or will be accomplished by the creation?
God's glory and a new creature in whom God Himself dwells.
take ten steps back from the Bible a give it a glimpse as a whole without all the book names and chapter and verse divisions. A one whole, single story we have God creating creatures in time and space knowing beforehand His Son would enter that creation, live, die, and resurrect, and in the process of doing so make it possible for the corruptible and mortal human creatures to become incorruptible and immortal..... with His very own Spirit indwelling them! That is amazing!
Before a person can resurrect they must first die. Yes? Before they can die and enter the grave they must first live. Yes? Before they can live they must first be made and be born. Yes? Now reverse the process. A person is made/born, then lives, then dies, and then resurrects and in that process of resurrection s/he is transformed into something entirely different than what they were originally made - the very thing God had planned all along.
Sin is not an obstacle for God.
Sin is an obstacle for us, but not God. That God "lost" gazillions of human to sin was already known. That God would save some from the lost was also already known. His purpose is accomplished whether or not sin ever occurs and the fact sin would occur is not in any way a hinderance to His plan because He is glorified when He metes out the just recompense for sin AND He is glorified when He graciously saves some from that end.
A new creature is created.
For unstated reasons that new creature was made through the "
machinery" of the earth, time, and space. It is all really quite extraordinary. I'm sure you've heard the joke about the scientists who summon God to inform Him that He is no longer needed because science has finally developed the knowledge and skill to make humans from dirt. When God expresses His doubt to that effect the scientists challenge God to a competition: God will take some dirt and the scientists will take some dirt and each will make a human and everyone will see which is best. God replies,
No. You guys will first make your own dirt from nothing

God made something out of nothing and that something He made was the means by which an entirely new creature would be made. For us that took time and space, but God exists in eternity. What for us has been a lifetime and for all humanity has been millennia is for God the blink of a proverbial eye.
What purpose will it have served other that putting a few selected individuals in "heaven" and considerably more "selected" individuals in hell? Why the creation?
Thanks in advance for your answers.
Notice that you're asking the same question again and again in different words. The essence of the inquiry is....
What is the purpose of creation because I think that must be known before the matter of election can correctly be comprehended?
More constituently, the inquiry amounts to....
What is the purpose of creating finite conditions so the infinite can be understood? Logically that is untenable because the finite cannot ever define or explain the infinite. The only reason any of us know anything is because the Infinite Creator revealed some of what He has done to the finite creature. Blessedly, God has revealed much of His plan and purpose to us. Otherwise, the inquiry would be unanswerable. The matter would be unfathomable. It would be like asking a Saharan amoeba to explain a Pacific whale or some unknown space creature (assuming such things exist

In summary: God's purpose in creation is to glorify Himself and make a new creature in which His Spirit dwells, to, in essence, make new and different sons (and daughters), creatures that bear His image. Perhaps that could have been accomplished in any number of different ways. Perhaps not. God took dead creature and made from them immortal ones. Not even the angels were that blessed.