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Satan is, himself dead in sin, and enslaved to sin. Any "goal" he might have is, likewise, sinful and occurs solely at the discretion of his Creator, and it serves on the Creator's purpose. Satan is no more free than any other sinner, human or otherwise. Satan is himself deceived. When Satan deceives a sinner then Satan is deceiving the already-deceived. He's accomplished nothing. Tose people were already dead and on their way to destruction. The only way out is by grace through faith and the entire by-grace-through-faith construct is a gift of God, not of ourselves. We are created in Christ to do good works....... using our brain, and our hands, and our mouths, and our eyes and ears and all the other parts of the body that still remains made of flesh.
Furthermore, there has never been a time when Jesus was not King of all kings. His Kingship is not a before-and-after condition. If Jesus is God, if Jesus is the power of God through whom, by whom, for whom the world was created, the foreknown logos of God that was with God in the beginning that is God, then there has never been a fraction of a nanosecond when he was not King, and King of all kings. The fact that he entered creation laying aside all claim of equality with God did not stop him from being King. His taking on the role of bondservant did not preclude him from being King. The two are not mutually exclusive conditions and Jesus is both, King and bondservant. His Jewishness is temporal and, ironically, a matter of the sinful flesh, a matter that conflicts with your own posts since we're not supposed to know him according to the flesh.
Romans 9:22-26 ESV
What if God, desiring to show his wrath and to make known his power, has endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction, in order to make known the riches of his glory for vessels of mercy, which he has prepared beforehand for glory— even us whom he has called, not from the Jews only but also from the Gentiles? As indeed he says in Hosea, “Those who were not my people I will call ‘my people,’ and her who was not beloved I will call ‘beloved.’” “And in the very place where it was said to them, ‘You are not my people,’ there they will be called ‘sons of the living God.’”
Paul's words apply to the heavenly host just as much as they apply to the earthly host. Every single angel and demon is still a created creature, a product of "clay" molded by the hands of God according to His will and His purpose and His alone. Jesus is King over everyone, Jew or Gentile, human or heavenly.
No one could read those words if they weren't visible. When scripture uses the word "invisible," it does not mean the invisible thing has no mass. It means the object is not visible from our (disad-)vantage point here on earth. When Elisha asks God to open his servant's eyes and God reveals to that servant the legions angels surrounding them, we instantly learn to very real truths: 1) angels are visible and they can be seen, 2) but not unless and until they are revealed to us. The same truth runs through every appearance of messengers from God in the Bible. The resurrected Jesus is both visible and not-visible, but he is not invisible. He has flesh and bone. When scripture says no one can look upon God and live that would be a completely nonsensical statement if it is impossible to look upon God. God is visible; He is just not visible from your vantage point sitting in front of your computer.
1 John 3:2 ESV
Beloved, we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is.
We could never see him if he is invisible.
And most of it is off topic (and therefore a red herring).
This all started because of something posted in Post #2.
It is true that Adam was good and sinless when he disobeyed God at Genesis 3:7 but since then sin has entered the world and brought with it transgressional death to all such that no one is good or sinless. All will sin. It is true God did not force anyone to sin, but no one apart from the pre-disobedience Adam and Eve were free to sin. All of their progeny is bound by sin to sin. There is no escape from that condition other than Jesus and the only way to obtain that way out is by grace through faith, being created in Christ, and that is not of ourselves. It is the gift of God. Every sinner perishes because God decided the product of sin would be destroyed, and He decided that knowing all the good and sinless creatures He'd made would sin and fall short of His glory..... even though He also desired none would do so. The two desires of God asserted in this op are not mutually exclusive of one another. The same holds true for the will of God and the will of the sinner. Those are two separate and distinct will, but human will has limitations. One of them is God, and the other is sin. No human can ever usurp God's will and no sinner can ever overthrow sin in his/her own might. The former is an absolute. The latter is a function of the God's design. The latter is a function of the former
You must take care and use proper English if you wish to be understood. That string of words does not form a proper sentence, so it reads nonsensical. If what you mean to say is that Satan's goal is to deceive humanity, then that is not a point in dispute. If you mean to say Jesus was Jewish, then that too is not a point in dispute. All you've done is inject two points that aren't in dispute and have nothing to do with this discussion. We're discussing the agency of "free will" relevant to 2 Peter 3:9 and NOT Satan's goal or Jesus kingship.The goal of Satan deceive dying mankind Christ our husband is a Jewish King of kings.
Satan is, himself dead in sin, and enslaved to sin. Any "goal" he might have is, likewise, sinful and occurs solely at the discretion of his Creator, and it serves on the Creator's purpose. Satan is no more free than any other sinner, human or otherwise. Satan is himself deceived. When Satan deceives a sinner then Satan is deceiving the already-deceived. He's accomplished nothing. Tose people were already dead and on their way to destruction. The only way out is by grace through faith and the entire by-grace-through-faith construct is a gift of God, not of ourselves. We are created in Christ to do good works....... using our brain, and our hands, and our mouths, and our eyes and ears and all the other parts of the body that still remains made of flesh.
Furthermore, there has never been a time when Jesus was not King of all kings. His Kingship is not a before-and-after condition. If Jesus is God, if Jesus is the power of God through whom, by whom, for whom the world was created, the foreknown logos of God that was with God in the beginning that is God, then there has never been a fraction of a nanosecond when he was not King, and King of all kings. The fact that he entered creation laying aside all claim of equality with God did not stop him from being King. His taking on the role of bondservant did not preclude him from being King. The two are not mutually exclusive conditions and Jesus is both, King and bondservant. His Jewishness is temporal and, ironically, a matter of the sinful flesh, a matter that conflicts with your own posts since we're not supposed to know him according to the flesh.
Romans 9:22-26 ESV
What if God, desiring to show his wrath and to make known his power, has endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction, in order to make known the riches of his glory for vessels of mercy, which he has prepared beforehand for glory— even us whom he has called, not from the Jews only but also from the Gentiles? As indeed he says in Hosea, “Those who were not my people I will call ‘my people,’ and her who was not beloved I will call ‘beloved.’” “And in the very place where it was said to them, ‘You are not my people,’ there they will be called ‘sons of the living God.’”
Paul's words apply to the heavenly host just as much as they apply to the earthly host. Every single angel and demon is still a created creature, a product of "clay" molded by the hands of God according to His will and His purpose and His alone. Jesus is King over everyone, Jew or Gentile, human or heavenly.
Ugh!The 20/20 prescription (2 Corinthians 4:18) needed to rightly divide the parables. They must be applied or again no gospel rest
No one could read those words if they weren't visible. When scripture uses the word "invisible," it does not mean the invisible thing has no mass. It means the object is not visible from our (disad-)vantage point here on earth. When Elisha asks God to open his servant's eyes and God reveals to that servant the legions angels surrounding them, we instantly learn to very real truths: 1) angels are visible and they can be seen, 2) but not unless and until they are revealed to us. The same truth runs through every appearance of messengers from God in the Bible. The resurrected Jesus is both visible and not-visible, but he is not invisible. He has flesh and bone. When scripture says no one can look upon God and live that would be a completely nonsensical statement if it is impossible to look upon God. God is visible; He is just not visible from your vantage point sitting in front of your computer.
1 John 3:2 ESV
Beloved, we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is.
We could never see him if he is invisible.
You should try it sometime because the exegesis employed in these posts is severely lacking. Individual verses are removed from their texts and contexts and spliced together wantonly. Scriptures are made to contradict one another. The meanings and conclusions drawn fro the misguided use of scripture i self-contradictory and where it's not self-contradictory it contradicts whole scripture.The 20/20 prescription (2 Corinthians 4:18) needed to rightly divide the parables. They must be applied or again no gospel rest
And most of it is off topic (and therefore a red herring).
This all started because of something posted in Post #2.
If they are in bondage to sin, then they have already perished. The statement is circular and thereby meaningless. Those bound to sin perish according to their own will bound in sin. To be bound in sin is to be dead in sin. Their will is not free (despite the synergist protest to the contrary).They perish according to thier own will in bandage to sin.
It is true that Adam was good and sinless when he disobeyed God at Genesis 3:7 but since then sin has entered the world and brought with it transgressional death to all such that no one is good or sinless. All will sin. It is true God did not force anyone to sin, but no one apart from the pre-disobedience Adam and Eve were free to sin. All of their progeny is bound by sin to sin. There is no escape from that condition other than Jesus and the only way to obtain that way out is by grace through faith, being created in Christ, and that is not of ourselves. It is the gift of God. Every sinner perishes because God decided the product of sin would be destroyed, and He decided that knowing all the good and sinless creatures He'd made would sin and fall short of His glory..... even though He also desired none would do so. The two desires of God asserted in this op are not mutually exclusive of one another. The same holds true for the will of God and the will of the sinner. Those are two separate and distinct will, but human will has limitations. One of them is God, and the other is sin. No human can ever usurp God's will and no sinner can ever overthrow sin in his/her own might. The former is an absolute. The latter is a function of the God's design. The latter is a function of the former