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What constitutes a “strange” doctrine?


Senior Member
Jun 6, 2023
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What constitutes a strange doctrine? & Fables?

What makes the five solas strange and False doctrine?

1 Tim 1:4 Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do.

Heb 13:9 Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines.

Cos they are not revealed by Jesus Christ and taught by his holy church!

Jesus Christ founded the new covenant church to teach and sanctify (baptize) all men unto eternal salvation! (Matt 28:19)

Christ and His church are one!
((Inseparable authority & unity))
Acts 9:4 Lk 10:16 eph 5:32 Isa 53:5 Jn 15:4-5 eph 5:24 Jn 20:21-23

Lying wonders:

2 Thessalonians 2:9
Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

Why are they Lying wonders?

Cos they are not done in the name of Jesus Christ!

Acts 4:10 in the name of Jesus!


The basis of apologetics is documentation

Please provide it

The first written mandate requiring priests to be chaste came in AD 304. Canon 33 of the Council of Elvira stated that all "bishops, presbyters, and deacons and all other clerics" were to"abstain completely from their wives and not to have children." A short time later, in 325, the Council of Nicea, convened by Constantine, rejected a ban on priests marrying requested by Spanish clerics.

The practice of priestly celibacy began to spread in the Western Church in the early Middle Ages. In the early 11th century Pope Benedict VIII responded to the decline in priestly morality by issuing a rule prohibiting the children of priests from inheriting property. A few decades later Pope Gregory VII issued a decree against clerical marriages.

The Church was a thousand years old before it definitively took a stand in favor of celibacy in the twelfth century at the Second Lateran Council held in 1139, when a rule was approved forbidding priests to marry. In 1563, the Council of Trent reaffirmed the tradition of celibacy.

Session 24
CANON IX.-If any one saith, that clerics constituted in sacred orders, or Regulars, who have solemnly professed chastity, are able to contract marriage, and that being contracted it is valid, notwithstanding the ecclesiastical law, or vow; and that the contrary is no thing else than to condemn marriage; and, that all who do not feel that they have the gift of chastity, even though they have made a vow thereof, may contract marriage; let him be anathema: seeing that God refuses not that gift to those who ask for it rightly, neither does He suffer us to be tempted above that which we are able.
The first written mandate requiring priests to be chaste came in AD 304. Canon 33 of the Council of Elvira stated that all "bishops, presbyters, and deacons and all other clerics" were to"abstain completely from their wives and not to have children." A short time later, in 325, the Council of Nicea, convened by Constantine, rejected a ban on priests marrying requested by Spanish clerics.

The practice of priestly celibacy began to spread in the Western Church in the early Middle Ages. In the early 11th century Pope Benedict VIII responded to the decline in priestly morality by issuing a rule prohibiting the children of priests from inheriting property. A few decades later Pope Gregory VII issued a decree against clerical marriages.

The Church was a thousand years old before it definitively took a stand in favor of celibacy in the twelfth century at the Second Lateran Council held in 1139, when a rule was approved forbidding priests to marry. In 1563, the Council of Trent reaffirmed the tradition of celibacy.

Session 24
CANON IX.-If any one saith, that clerics constituted in sacred orders, or Regulars, who have solemnly professed chastity, are able to contract marriage, and that being contracted it is valid, notwithstanding the ecclesiastical law, or vow; and that the contrary is no thing else than to condemn marriage; and, that all who do not feel that they have the gift of chastity, even though they have made a vow thereof, may contract marriage; let him be anathema: seeing that God refuses not that gift to those who ask for it rightly, neither does He suffer us to be tempted above that which we are able.
That’s better

Now is celibacy a doctrine or a discipline?
Cannot be both
It’s a discipline and discipline can change

And there are 14 rites in the church some have married priests

Some have become catholic from other groups like the Anglican’s who are married priests

But Christ says celibacy
Paul teaches celibacy
For the sake of ministry and the gospel

Those who choose to become priests can also choose to be married and have a family there is nothing that requires them to be priests

Cannot be both
It’s a discipline and discipline can change

And there are 14 rites in the church some have married priests

A total dodge of the fact that marriage is forbidden. I don't care if the RC allows it under various circumstances. They have no right to forbit it at all!
The bishops are autonomous in matters of discipline governance and administration and have whatever requirements they choose

There are groups who oppose marriage completely

Manichean dualists teaching two gods

God of Good (spiritual)
God of evil (matter)

So they forbid marriage

Ultra fundamentalist heretics
Cathars, Albigensian’s, Freemasons etc.

There's a priest at a Catholic Church I occasionally attend, and he's married with children. Once someone is ordained, if unmarried, they cannot get married. Someone who is married can become a priest.

"Thus, properly speaking, priests have never been allowed to marry. Married men have been and still are allowed to become priests, provided that they belong to a tradition within the Church that allows for married clergy."
A total dodge of the fact that marriage is forbidden. I don't care if the RC allows it under various circumstances. They have no right to forbit it at all!
They have a right because the 'rules' are up to them. It's up to the person becoming a priest to adhere by those rules. When I was in Catholic school in the 60's I remember a nun who eloped with a priest. They both got out.
What constitutes a strange doctrine? & Fables?

What makes the five solas strange and False doctrine?

1 Tim 1:4 Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do.

Heb 13:9 Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines.

Cos they are not revealed by Jesus Christ and taught by his holy church!
Cos, , they are revealed by Peter our brother in the Lord ?.

Peter our brother in the Lord rebuked the invisible head and forbid Jesus the Son of man from doing the good will of the Holy Father. He was forgiven of his blasphemy against the Son of man Jesu .Blasphemy against the invisible head Christ ,no forgiveness .The 33 year window of opportunity ended when the Son of man Jesus, left, never to return on earth

Strange doctrine would be according to Aarons two sons they thought they could add to (sola scriptura) they found out worshiping shadows just does not work

Its what makes strange doctrines. Do not add or subtract from sola scriptural. The cause of the fall. . false prophecy .