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Understanding the 'Little Horn' power of Prophecy in Daniel.

And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies;

We see the little horn and the first beast are the same, because they do the same.

And since he's a man with the number of a man, then if he's already risen, he doesn't have too much time left to show himself as God before the Lord's return.

Papal Rome has been a notable part of Mystery Babylon, but she is the great ministerial mother of all such organized religions of men, that corrupt the pure religion of God.

The Jews religion was first to do so.

But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

The ministerial Mother of the pure religion of God, is heavenly New Jerusalem.

(Let's not over-demonize the papacy. Afterall, they're pretty much making a full joke of themselves these days. The serpent tries to keep things subtil...)
Yes, but she remains, while the others havent, So big difference..
Yes, but she remains, while the others havent, So big difference..
There are many antichrists with there own little horn-blowers, that have come and gone, and some are still no doubt presently working their magic on unsuspecting souls.

If the last great one before the Lord's return remains, then he/she has risen. Who do you have have in mind?
There are many antichrists with there own little horn-blowers, that have come and gone, and some are still no doubt presently working their magic on unsuspecting souls.

If the last great one before the Lord's return remains, then he/she has risen. Who do you have have in mind?
Who is out there that emerged out of the Roman Empire and is still here today....not hard to figure out..
Who is out there that emerged out of the Roman Empire and is still here today....not hard to figure out..
It's true that much of the 'sacred' traditions of Catholicism is borrowed from the old Roman religion. It happened around the time that Constantine politically supplanted old Roman pontiff with the new Christian pontiff in Rome. However, so as not to completely alienate old Rome's priesthood and traditions, they were allowed certain liberties to merge with Christian religion.

That of course includes the eternal sacred fire of Vesta, becoming the eternal sacred womb of Mary. (Neat stuff)

I have no doubt much of the Catholic side of Christian religion will be all in for the last antichrist, but if a Catholic leaders is that last beast, then I believe he/she must be a Syrian born Jew convert to Christianity. (Maybe a he is she or vica versa :unsure: )