But what is left out in your attempt to say why Adam and Eve sinned, is that though they were created able to die (mortal) they were not created corrupted by anything.
...nor were they created already dead in sin.
They were not created with a nature to sin, (which would be internal) but with the ability to do so (able to be corrupted.) What they lost was access to the tree that would keep them alive---therefore sin entered by one man and through that one man, to all men, and the penalty for sin is death. All sin because of Adam and all die because of Adam, though it is for our own sins that we are judged.
All die dead in sin.
No, that is not true. Books are written on the grace of God in salvation without any consideration of the doctrine of Total Depravity.
And they all miss an enormously important aspect of divine grace.
The topic was initially on Total Depravity, not the grace of God.
The two are not mutually exclusive.
Grace is a completely different and separate issue.
Think of it as two concentric circles with the circle of TD on the inside and the circle of grace a MUCH larger ginormous circle encompassing TD. Plenty of other aspects of grace can fit inside the larger circle. TD just happens to be one of them.
Ignorance of the Law....
How about you find the point of what I said and discuss that? If you can't find it, let me know and I will try and clarify.
TD has nothing specifically to do with the Law of Moses, especially not any willful ignorance (which would be an indication of depravity).
The point the op is making is a sound. valid, and veracious one. TULIP is 100% about God, not humanity. TULIP is theocentric, not anthropocentric, God-centric, not humancentric. Each letter in the acronym can (and should) be explained using God alone. Each letter in the acronym can (and should) be explained without humanity as its source.
Total Depravity = Grace (alone) is necessary to save from sin.
No mention of sin's effect on the human at all. Yes, as TD is further explained the mention of humanity ensues but that is because it is humans and not kangaroos or kumquats that are being saved, not because humanity is at the center of the doctrine. The same holds true of ULIP.
We can discuss grace if you like, but I certainly do not want to do that confined within any notion of Total Depravity.
LOL! Then your participation in the thread will be brief

There are
five doctrines of grace in TULIP or, more accurately, five aspects of soteriological grace are ensconced in TULIP. It's not that grace is limited to TD or that grace is limited to only five conditions. I have read through the entire thread yet, but I don't see anyone saying anything even remotely close to that premise. What is being said (and
@Arial can correct this if I err), is that when it comes to how a person is saved from sin and wrath there are five aspects of divine grace that are germane in the monergistic soteriology:
Total Depravity,
Unconditional Election,
Limited Atonement,
Irresistible Grace, and
Perseverance of the Saints.
This op is specifically about how TD can and should be defined and understood without reference to the human will.
Everyone here knows I'm an equal-opportunity critic, a skeptic prone to and willing to find a flaw in any op. While I might word things a little differently, Arial has done an excellent job articulating TD without reference to human will, especially
sinful human will. It is only by God's grace that any may partake in the tree of life. Antithesis cannot obtain Thesis, sin cannot obtain righteousness, and there is no dialectic, no synthesis, no synergy by which that can change.