That Adam, the male, is said throughout Scripture to be the source of sin in all of humanity; that the promised seed is not the seed of a male, but the seed of the woman, points to sin not being passed to mankind through the woman, but through the man. And we do not need to know how, then, Jesus was born of a woman (by what process) as it has nothing to do with anything.
What we do know is that it is so by God's decree and his design. I state it this way as to the two natures of Christ. He had to be born of a woman, through the natural means of gestation and birth, in order to be human. As human, he has a human nature but with no inborn nature to sin, as we have, since we all came into this world through the seed of a man and a woman, and Jesus did not.
On the other hand, Jesus did not come into existence in Mary's womb through an earthly father----no corrupted seed of Adam. His Father is the Holy Spirit, who is the third person of the Trinity. Therefore he has the nature of his Father. He was born of a human mother, therefore he has a human nature. Two natures cannot mix together. No cats that bark, or pigs that fly. So Jesus has the nature of God (essence) 100% his Father and the human nature of his mother, 100%. He does, as one of us, call His Father, Father. And his mother, he calls his mother.
As to how God did that or how it is possible---God decreed it and brought it to pass. And that decree came about covenantly with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, before our world was created.