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The worship of Jesus until January 1, 1954

The JW,s didnt worship Jesus in 1971--Its you assuming to try and mislead--seems to be what you do best.
Many are aware of yours and the WTS tactics like in the above. The tactics are to deny your past, rewrite the narrative, and embellish the past. It is you my friend who has been misled.
Many are aware of yours and the WTS tactics like in the above. The tactics are to deny your past, rewrite the narrative, and embellish the past. It is you my friend who has been misled.
100% fact--The JW,s did not give worship to Jesus in 1971. Its common knowledge it stopped in 1954. He is just trying to mislead. Its his only defense against facts.
The Jehovah's Witnesses used to teach it was proper to worship the Lord Jesus.
This changed on January 1, 1954.

January 1, 1954
The Watchtower: Consequently, since the Scriptures teach that Jesus Christ is not a trinitarian co-person with God the Father, but is a distinct person, the Son of God, the answer to the above question must be that no distinct worship is to be rendered to Jesus Christ now glorified in heaven. Our worship is to go to Jehovah God. However, we show the proper regard for God’s only-begotten Son by rendering our worship to God through and in the name of Jesus Christ. Even now when we kneel in prayer, as Paul did according to Ephesians 3:14-19, we offer prayer in the name of Jesus Christ in obedience to his own directions (John 15:16; 16:23-26), but the prayer itself is addressed, not to Jesus, but to God his Father. (Questions From Readers, January 1, 1954, page 31)

"Prayer is part of our worship"
1. The Watchtower: As the true and living God, Jehovah wants us to pray to Him, not to someone else. Prayer is part of our worship and for this reason should be directed only to the Creator, Jehovah. (Matt. 4:10) (How to Pray and Be Heard by God, May 15, 1969, page 293)
2. The Watchtower: Should Christians pray to Jesus Christ? No. (Do You Remember?, June 15, 2015, page 32)

1. Awake!: Jehovah’s Witnesses do not worship Jesus. (My Sikh Heritage—And My Search for Truth, December 22, 1987, page 22) https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/101987926
2. Awake!: The Bible shows that we should worship God alone. (Not Everything Called "Christian" Is Approved by God, January 8, 1973, page 28)

Before 1954
1. Watch Tower Reprints: Prayer, it was shown, consists not merely of petition or request, but as a general term also includes invocation, adoration, communion and thanksgiving. It was pointed out that the prayers of "babes in Christ" are usually requests for earthly favors and blessings, whereas the advanced Christian rarely requests earthly favors. His prayers are usually thank offerings and communion seasons--telling the Lord (the Father or the Son, either or both, for the Father, as well as the Son, loves us;--John 16:27--and we have promise of communion with both;--John 14:23--both are to be worshiped and loved equally, for "all men should honor the Son even as they honor the Father;" --John 5:23 (Our Chicago Convention, September 1893, Vol. 14, No. 17, 18, page 1580-1581)

2. Vindication, vol. 3: The princes will lead the people in their worship of Jehovah and of Christ. (c. 1932, page 295)

3. The Watchtower: While there in Jerusalem Simeon the man of God, and the aged prophetess Anna, blessed and worshiped this Son of God. (Mary, the Mother of Jesus, August 15, 1950, page 266)

Quote #1 is when Charles Taze Russell ran the show (1879-1916).
Quote #2 is when Joseph Rutherford was in charge of their organization (1917-1942.)
Quote #3 is when Nathan Knorr was the top guy (1942-1977).
More evidence can be quoted if necessary.

Lord willing in the coming days I will provide quotes from the Jehovah's Witnesses which affirm prayer or worship to the Lord Jesus even after January 1, 1954. They made this huge change (a wrong one) in their doctrine, but the light of praying to and worshiping the Lord Jesus can never be extinguished. Each quote from them that will be given is a contradiction to what they affirmed in 1954. This teaching of theirs continues to this day.

I don't know what all the JWs believe, but on the point of Yeshua not being God, but rather the Son of God, they nailed it.
I don't know what all the JWs believe, but on the point of Yeshua not being God, but rather the Son of God, they nailed it.

They have failed it.

It would take only one instance that the Lord Jesus is the proper recipient of prater to prove He is God. That the Bible teaches the Lord Jesus is the proper recipient of prayer in many passages leaves them and anyone else (like yourself) without excuse.
I don't know what all the JWs believe, but on the point of Yeshua not being God, but rather the Son of God, they nailed it.

Those believing that Gods son must be God can't reason for themselves correctly--God always was and always will be. A son is a creation of a Father, thus not always was.
Those believing that Gods son must be God can't reason for themselves correctly--God always was and always will be. A son is a creation of a Father, thus not always was.

And yet the Jehovah's Witness repeatedly affirmed the worship of the Lord Jesus - even after 1954.

They are very confused.
And yet the Jehovah's Witness repeatedly affirmed the worship of the Lord Jesus - even after 1954.

They are very confused.

Its you who are confused and twist everything you possibly can to try and fit your personal agenda and beliefs, then try to mislead others with your false information.
100% fact--The JW,s did not give worship to Jesus in 1971. Its common knowledge it stopped in 1954. He is just trying to mislead. Its his only defense against facts.
So you admit the inconsistency of your cult. Thanks. True Christianity is static. You are the one misled and misleading, deceiving, and being deceived, 2 Timothy 3:13.
Those believing that Gods son must be God can't reason for themselves correctly--God always was and always will be. A son is a creation of a Father, thus not always was.
You don't know what you're talking about and think in terms of a lost sinner natural man.
So you admit the inconsistency of your cult. Thanks. True Christianity is static. You are the one misled and misleading, deceiving, and being deceived, 2 Timothy 3:13.
Satan doesn't stop against Gods chosen. After Jesus died bad teachings got in and Peter had to correct them. Paul had to correct Peter on one occasion. Titus was left behind to correct error teachings that got in--- see a pattern, error teachings get in to Jesus' real religion and corrections are made--The rest think they are standing strong and have no errors. What corrections have your religion made herein these last days? Because at Daniel 12:4 shows truth becomes abundant here in these last days and that certain truths were hidden until these last days---but all the hidden truths were already in the bible, thus taught on in error all throughout until these last days. Those truths revealed through the teachers who have Jesus at the proper time( Matt 24:45) and they made correction.
Yes they did teach that, out of error filled trinity translation. But bible facts show that in reality it was obeisance to a king that they bowed to Jesus. The Israelites knew 100% Jesus has a God just like us-Psalm 45:7-They know 100% God does not have a God. Thus in your error filled translations to mislead by satans will they give worship to Jesus. God did not come to earth according to Jesus( John 17:3) he sent another named Jesus as a mortal-Gods appointed king, thus they bowed in Obeisance to Gods appointed king in reality. Its the same Greek word for worship to God and obeisance to a king and honor to a judge, plus 2 other meanings from that 1 Greek word=Proskenaue. So all true followers believe Jesus who is clear-God sent him. That means God did not come down here. Its you believing errors over Jesus. I understand that perfectly because even the JW,s were mislead by many things until they corrected the translating errors.
However, the NT presents worship of Jesus together with his Father:
To the gods of paganism (Ac 17:22-27), Paul opposes one God the Father and one Lord Jesus Christ (1 Co 8:5-6) to be worshipped, and shows
worship of Jesus (Php 2:10),
prayer to Jesus (Ac 7:59, 9:14, 2 Co 12:8, 1 Co 1:2, 16:22, Rev 22:20)
praise to Jesus (Ro 9:5, 2 Tim 4:8, 2 Pe 3;18, Rev 1:5-6, 5:10, 7:13)
desired divine blessing of Jesus (1 Th 3:11-13, 2 Th 3:5, 16)
all of which are reserved to God alone (Ex 20:3-5, Mt 4:9-10, Ac 10:25-26, Rev 19:10, 22:8-9).
However, the NT presents worship of Jesus together with his Father:
To the gods of paganism (Ac 17:22-27), Paul opposes one God the Father and one Lord Jesus Christ (1 Co 8:5-6) to be worshipped, and shows
worship of Jesus (Php 2:10),
prayer to Jesus (Ac 7:59, 9:14, 2 Co 12:8, 1 Co 1:2, 16:22, Rev 22:20)
praise to Jesus (Ro 9:5, 2 Tim 4:8, 2 Pe 3;18, Rev 1:5-6, 5:10, 7:13)
desired divine blessing of Jesus (1 Th 3:11-13, 2 Th 3:5, 16)
all of which are reserved to God alone (Ex 20:3-5, Mt 4:9-10, Ac 10:25-26, Rev 19:10, 22:8-9).
John 5:41--Jesus accepts no glory from men.) All glory directed to the Father-Mark 10:17-18--John 5:19
You are twisting saying those are prayers. They are statements.
Every knee should bend to Gods appointed king in obeisance, not worship.
John 5:41--Jesus accepts no glory from men.) All glory directed to the Father-Mark 10:17-18--John 5:19
You are twisting saying those are prayers. They are statements.
They are statements showing prayer.
Anything directed to Jesus in heave is prayer.
To call on Jesus' name is prayer.
Every knee should bend to Gods appointed king in obeisance, not worship.
Sorry, what is described there is not just obeisance. It is submission to God.

Many Scriptures there are left unaddressed.
They are statements showing prayer.
Anything directed to Jesus in heave is prayer.
To call on Jesus' name is prayer.

Sorry, what is described there is not just obeisance. It is submission to God.

Many Scriptures there are left unaddressed.
You are failing to realize-God was already king( 1Chron 16:31)--Jesus had to be appointed to a kingship, If he were God he was already king and wouldn't need to be appointed.
You are failing to realize-God was already king( 1Chron 16:31)--Jesus had to be appointed to a kingship, If he were God he was already king and wouldn't need to be appointed.
Does not address the Scriptures presented in post #33.
Does not address the Scriptures presented in post #33.
The Greek word Proskenaue has 5 different meanings from Greek to English-1) worship to God-2) Obeisance to a king-3) honor to a judge and 2 others. Paul knew 100% Jesus has a God like we do( Psalm 45:7) and would never give worship to one who has a God. reality-they gave Jesus Obeisance to Gods appointed king. A mistranslated word in trinity translation to fit false council teachings.
The Greek word Proskenaue has 5 different meanings from Greek to English-1) worship to God-2) Obeisance to a king-3) honor to a judge and 2 others. Paul knew 100% Jesus has a God like we do( Psalm 45:7) and would never give worship to one who has a God. reality-they gave Jesus Obeisance to Gods appointed king. A mistranslated word in trinity translation to fit false council teachings.
Does not address the Scriptures presented in post #33.
Does not address the Scriptures presented in post #33.
And the darkness is never in agreement when truths are shown. 2 Timothy said it would be like that here in these last days.