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The Sign Gifts have ceased

Thank you for you comments @ChristB4us (I like your screen name!)
Because 1 Corinthians 14.2 doesn't say he's speaking mysteries "to God" or that what is being spoken is a mystery "to God"; but that he "utters mysteries by the Spirit." It is a mystery to humans, including the one speaking in tongues.
But if you apply that verse 2 for how you mean it to say, the verse says He is speaking to God and so the mysteries is to God.
The answer to your question is in the verse you cite: Paul says "let him keep silent in church." It doesn't say you have to be silent at home.
Yet how can Paul say that if no interpretation and yet say do not forbid to speak in tongues?

If the Holy Spirit is bothering to manifest tongues, who is Paul to say no?

Therefore tongues are not for private use and Paul was citing because there is no interpretation, that man speaking is not done by the Holy Ghost and so is to be instructed to be silent for he understands what he is saying as God dos too not that he is speaking to himself & to God.
The "unknown" translation in the KJV is not supported by the best manuscripts, which do not contain the word "unknown" at all. This is reflected in the New King James, which along with most modern translations today reads simply, "if anyone speaks in a tongue."
When translating the Greek into English, one can apply words to clarify that the tongue the believer is speaking is on that he does not know for why interpretation is necessary so that the tongue speaker understands what is said for that tongue to be fruitful to himself..

That is your personal interpretation.

Not when it aligns with Paul's words in 1 Corinthians 12th chapter that no gift is for private use that no member can say they have no need for any other member.

In practice, you need 2 or 3 to speak in tongues and another interpret as 2 or 3 prophesy and one other has to judge it.

That means in establishing any testimony for that to be true, two or three witnesses are required.

Paul confirms this in his second epistles to that same church.

2 Corinthians 13:1This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.

No tongue for private use edifies anyone nor is the Holy Spirit praying because all Bible versions says He cannot speak for Himself but speaks what He hears in John 16:13 for why most Bible versions has it wrong in Romans 8:26-27 as if He can utter groans or sighs out loud, He can't.

Compare all the Bible versions at this link below to see this truth.

John 16:13
I already answered all these points. You are doing a lot of hermeneutical gymnastics to try to avoid the plain teaching of Scripture.

-Speaking in tongues is a private "prayer in the Spirit" to God (1 Cor. 14.2)
-It helps the tongue speaker, but not the non tongue speaker in corporate worship, so speaking in tongues should not be done in church unless there is interpretation.
-If there is no interpretation the person should be silent in church and speak to himself and God (privately, not publicly)
-One can still edify the Body in private by praying for people privately "in the Spirit" as well as "with understanding."
-Tongues can also edify in corporate worship if there is interpretation
-Tongue speaking should not be forbidden
-Paul wished they all spoke in tongues
-Paul spoke in tongues more than all of them (which would have to be mainly in private, because Paul was not a member of any local church but a traveling missionary!)

*It is clear you are trying to argue a beautiful gift of the Holy Spirit into a box for personal motivations that I don't know. It is clear that you don't really understand the gift of tongues, having never experienced it yourself. But EVEN IF everything you say is true, you're still acknowledging that speaking in tongues is okay, if there is interpretation. And it's a gift of the Holy Spirit so it's not a bad thing but a GOOD thing that you should "earnestly desire" along with any and all gifts that the Lord is willing to give.

So, why not just open yourself up to whatever the Holy Spirit wants to give you without limitation? Let's say for argument sake all charismatics are wrong. What does that have to do with you one way or the other? The Bible teaches it, so why not ask God yourself for any and all gifts He is willing to give (not just tongues; but any gift He is willing to give). In my experience, we are the ones who limit God in our life.
I already answered all these points. You are doing a lot of hermeneutical gymnastics to try to avoid the plain teaching of Scripture.

-Speaking in tongues is a private "prayer in the Spirit" to God (1 Cor. 14.2)
-It helps the tongue speaker, but not the non tongue speaker in corporate worship, so speaking in tongues should not be done in church unless there is interpretation.
-If there is no interpretation the person should be silent in church and speak to himself and God (privately, not publicly)
-One can still edify the Body in private by praying for people privately "in the Spirit" as well as "with understanding."
-Tongues can also edify in corporate worship if there is interpretation
-Tongue speaking should not be forbidden
-Paul wished they all spoke in tongues
-Paul spoke in tongues more than all of them (which would have to be mainly in private, because Paul was not a member of any local church but a traveling missionary!)

*It is clear you are trying to argue a beautiful gift of the Holy Spirit into a box for personal motivations that I don't know. It is clear that you don't really understand the gift of tongues, having never experienced it yourself. But EVEN IF everything you say is true, you're still acknowledging that speaking in tongues is okay, if there is interpretation. And it's a gift of the Holy Spirit so it's not a bad thing but a GOOD thing that you should "earnestly desire" along with any and all gifts that the Lord is willing to give.

So, why not just open yourself up to whatever the Holy Spirit wants to give you without limitation? Let's say for argument sake all charismatics are wrong. What does that have to do with you one way or the other? The Bible teaches it, so why not ask God yourself for any and all gifts He is willing to give (not just tongues; but any gift He is willing to give). In my experience, we are the ones who limit God in our life.
A spirit has no form. No such thing as eternal spiritual gifts temporally corrupted seen.

2 Corinthians 4:18King James Version18 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

The new tongue spoken of is the tongue of the gospel prophecy. It has the power of life and death ..Not the old tongues the tongue or wine skins of familiarly. The no matter where you go there you are Trinty.... Me. myself and I

Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;